Integrration of MyBible with Google Drive for data synchronization is in plans but not implemented yet. For now, MyBible supports synchronization between different devices of the same user using a third party app to synchronize the MyBible data directory with the cloud.

Starting Android 13, third-party apps have no access data directories of other apps, so a third-party app cannot reach the MyBible data directory /Android/data/ua.mybible/files/MyBible. So, if your device runs Android 13 or newer:


A set up data synchronization automatically means that you have in the cloud a backup copy of your data entered or downloaded in MyBible – for cases like loss of a device, accidental deletion of MyBible along with all its data, a glitch when installing a new version of MyBible.

Synchronization principle

MyBible synchronization is based on the following:

Setting up MyBible synchronization

Use external files synchronization applications like Dropsync or Drive Autosync to synchronize the MyBible directory between your devices via Google Drive or Dropbox, respectively.Steps to set up MyBible synchronization:

Once the steps above are done on your devices, using the same files synchronization application for the same user account, and the same directory in the cloud storage on all the devices, the MyBible synchronization will come into play.

Synchronization conflicts

When MyBible synchronization is set up, it is assumed that the user will not use MyBible on more than one device at the same time. When working, MyBible updates its settings file often, so with parallel usage of MyBible on several synchronized devices actual synchronization of MyBible settings and other user’s data is not possible. However, if this does happen, the file synchronization application will detect a file update conflict. The latest update of the file will then stay, completely overriding the update made earlier from another device. Also, additional files will be created on the device, having the word “conflict” added with a timestamp in their names (such files can usually just be deleted when noticed).