MyBible for iOS – blog

MyBible 3.0.4 is “bug free”

June 30, 2022

We think that all the long irritating defects of MyBible for iOS 3.0.x have been addressed now.

We are taking a deep breath now and starting to think about adding features.

Released MyBible 3.0.3

Jine 23, 2022

MyBible 3.0.3, a patch release for a defective 3.0.2, is available at App Store.

The situation with 3.0.2 has caused Arthur, the new responsible dev for MyBible for iOS, to gather a remote test team of enthusiastic helpers – such a team, using the TestFlight app, has started to function.

As for the reasons of the 3.0.2 mishap (which has caused a lot of disturbed emails, understandably) – no, we did not “break the app with unskillful hands”. We simply did not test it enough, having not expected any surprises from the source code that was working decently for years. That source code though was accessing non-existing (optional) fields in commentary and dictionary modules; fresh develpment tools that we use do not allow such actions to slip unpunished and crash the app.

MyBible 3.0.2 for iOS has defects – a correction will be released

June 18, 2022

After the update from MyBible 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 we are receiving user complaints on the app crashing.

Our bad – a rough start after four years of the app being “dead” in the sence of maintenance, and after a switch to another developer responsible for the app.

Due to the the anciency (in terms of IT) of the MyBible 3.0.1 source code (which was abandoned since 2018) it is impossible to build the version 3.0.1 on a fresh Mac. Because of this (well, okay, not only because of this, but mostly because of this) we did not test the migration from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 ourselves. On a clean installation of 3.0.2 (after removal of 3.0.1) we did not observe obvious problems.

We are going to release corrections in a few days – not hurrying in order to hear and handle more complaints.

Technical update is released – MyBible 3.0.2 for iOS

June 16, 2022

A Christian and an iOS developer Artur Ponomarenko has released a techincal update of MyBible for iOS to version 3.0.2, – so that Apple will not delete it from App Store as no longer maintained.