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Bookmarks allow you to mark a number of adjacent verses, and this marking will be applicable to any Bible module that has a bookmarked book in it.
- A bookmark consists of three components: a bookmarked range of verses,
- a colored and named bookmark category, and (optionally) a bookmark comment.
- Using the “Show” submenu you can specify what components of bookmarks to show in the Bible text. Bookmarked verses are marked with a colored vertical marker bar (this is shown by default). A small page icon at the top of a bookmark bar means that the bookmark has some comment entered for it.
- Showing of bookmark comments in the Bible text can help to conveniently see some prepared and categorized thoughts after particular verses, perhaps for delivering a message or for reminding of the recorded thoughts to yourself.
- Bookmarks in MyBible are stored as bookmark sets. Using the Bookmarks window (available from the menu) you can create several bookmark sets, and either select a bookmark set appropriate for the situation or use different bookmark sets in different MyBible profiles.
- The Bookmarks side panel is suggested as the main tool to work with already existing bookmarks.
- Tap on a vertical bookmark marker bar in the Bible text to show in a popup a list of bookmarks covering the corresponding Bible verse.
- Long-tap on a bookmark to edit or delete it.