MyBible for Android – history of releases

MyBible 5.8.3 - February 23, 2025


  1. Lowered a chance of producing a corrupted markup file backup.
    • A Bible module markup database (.markup.SQlite3 file) contains information on remarks and Bible words
      highlighting and underlining.
    • This is a database MyBible writes into when the user creates and updates remarks and highlights.
    • Before this version, MyBible was keeping the markup database open after committing data into it,
      thus allowing some file changes to reside in the OS cache, not being reflected in the database file.
    • Now MyBible closes the markup database file right after updating in (reopens it when it is needed again).
      This may add some small delays to the MyBible responsiveness when working with remarks and highlights,
      but the benefit is that a time interval is shortened when a module markup database file
      is not fully and consistently updated, so that a chance is lowered that an external data synchronization
      utility will take and upload a not fully or not consistently updated file – thus creating a corrupted
      backup file in the cloud.


    • Prevented a crash on an attempt to add or edit a bookmark in the landscape mode of the device.
    • Restored showing of the virtual keyboard on tapping at any place of the bookmark comment
      editing area (was reacting only on tapping in the first line area).
MyBible 5.8.2 - February 17, 2025


  1. Sharing:
    • Fixed the introduced in 5.8.1 serious defect with unintended deletion of a file being shared in the process of sharing:
      • notes
      • bookmark set
      • desired abbreviation sets
      • extra modules registry
      • profile
      • theme
  2. Search:
    • Fixed a defect of incorrect and/or missing underlining of highlighted words in the search results
      for modules with embedded morphology indications.
  3. Copying and sharing of verses:
    • Fixed an improper work of the setting “module abbreviation in parentheses”
      in combination with some other settings.
  4. Reading plans:
    • When proceeding to a reading plan item, the windows synchronization state is now taken into account
      (it wasn’t).
    • Prevented a mistaken marking of a reading plan item as completed in case if the reading plan item
      stretches on several adjacent chapters while the single shown chapter mode is activated.
  5. Bible window:
    • Fixed a defect of showing only the “Download more modules” item in the Bible module selection
      dropdown list in some cases when there actually are already downloaded Bible modules.
    • When the Bible text is in a so large fonts that some words do not fit the screen width and get partially
      wrapped to the next line, copying and pasting of the text from those lines no longer contain those
      artificial word breaks.
    • When selecting a Bible chapter in the “grid selection” mode, the number of verses that was not shown before
      if it did not fit cleanly (e.g., for Psalms, for Isaiah) is now shown, in a reduced font size, so that it fits.
    • When editing a bookmark, prevented a bookmark comment editing field height less than needed
      for editing of at least one line.
  7. Theme window:
    • Ensured effectiveness of a font selection and a theme selection from dropdown lists
      (the selection looked as made but was not actually applied on the first attempt).
    • In the “Borrowing from other themes” group of controls fixed an omission of not handling
      theme items related to showing of bookmark comments in the Bible text.
MyBible 5.8.1 - January 15, 2025


  1. Search
    • In the Bible text search added a possibility to search for characters that are used for combining
      of text fragments, e.g., for parentheses – by preceding such a character with a backslash
      in the search text (also added a corresponding subsection at the end of the search help).
  2. Bible window
    • Added a “Show” submenu setting to show/hide the module content introduction hyperlink
      at the beginning of each book (the setting is on by default, so the introduction is still shown
      by default).
    • In the verses copying and sharing settings added the “module abbreviation at the beginning” sub-setting
      for the “Reference with Bible module abbreviation” setting (the new setting is checked by default
      to not originate a behavior difference for users).
    • Navigation history size increased from 30 to 40.
  3. Ancillary windows maximization
      Upon repeated asks from different users to allow a more convenient reading of an ancillary content,
      – commentaries, dictionaries, devotions, – added header buttons to maximize the corresponding windows.
      The buttons are the last in the list of configurable buttons – use MyBible settings, “Header buttons”
      category, to move them to a more convenient place if you want to use this possibility.
  4. Startup problem recovery
    • If MyBible does not start, getting stuck after showing the splash screen, a typical recommendation
      by the MyBible support is to delete the MyBible settings file, thus resetting MyBible settings
      to the default state.
    • In Android 11 and newer there is no access to an app data directory from a file manager on the device.
      The directory can be accessed from a USB-connected computer, however, some users do not own a computer anymore,
      so resetting MyBible settings, with preserving other user-entered MyBible data, is a challenge in this case.
    • To provide a way to reset MyBible settings while the app does not normally start,
      a button is added to the bottom of the splash screen, available to be tapped during about a second.
  5. Reading plans window
    • Added a possibility to clear the “read” mark from a reading plan day
      where not all items are marked as read yet.
  6. Usage tips
    • Added the “Maps” usage tip.
  7. Localizations
    • Added the Armenian localization (by Hrach Mkrtchyan).
    • Thoroughly reviewed and corrected the Bulgarian localization (by Georgi Vasev).
    • Updated the Spanish localization (that wasn’t updated for 5.8.0).


  1. Search-related fixes:
    • In the Bible search fixed an accidently reversed condition on showing a popup remark on why there might be no search results.
    • Changed a main menu item title “Topics in dictionaries” -> “Search in dictionaries”.
    • Search in ancillary windows:
      • Fixed search in devotions – was not working.
      • When proceeding to search in modules from search in a currently shown article,
        the search is first done in the current module.
      • Made more obvious and behaving more logically the way to select module(s) for search.
      • The dictionary search button, – the one with the magnifying glass and the “A” sign,
        in the menu and in the dictionary balloon, – now always calls the fast search by first letters.
      • The title of the ancillary window search popup is changed to the fixed “Search in article”,
        which reflects exactly what this popup does, – while the “Search in modules” button on it
        leads to the wider search functionality, which is titled there as before:
        “Search in commentaries”, “Search in dictionaries”, etc.
  2. Bible window fixes:
    • When entering a desired Bible position as a string, a book name entered in ALL CAPS
      is now acceptable.
    • Fixed sending a commentary shown in the balloon to the commentary window
      in case if the commentaries abbreviation shown in the Bible window was without a technical suffix,
      e.g., “МакАрт”, while the actual module abbreviation is “МакАрт-к”.
  3. TTS fixes:
    • Fixed a problem of stopping the TTS when the setting of speaking commentary links is on.
  4. Module downloading-related fixes:
    • Fixed a problem of not showing bundle modules from extra module registries as downloaded
      after their downloading.
  5. Fixes for import from .zip:
    • Supported the not handled (due to an omission) importing of Bible module markup files.
    • Corrected the import confirmation dialog information:
      • now shows all the files that will actually be imported (was showing not all of them)
      • space indents, which did not look good for long file names, replaced with list item bullets
  6. Export of bookmarks:
    • When exporting a bookmark category into a bookmark set file,
      added confirmation before overwriting an already existing bookmark set file.
  7. Prevented several reported crashes.
MyBible 5.8.0 - September 17, 2024


  1. Bible text search enhancements:
    • Provided means to see how verses found in a certain Bible module read in other modules:
      • When some found verses are selected (with a long touch), there is now a button on the right
        to access the “Verses in different modules” window for these verses.
      • When you remember how to find a desired verse in some module, which is not the module you are
        currently reading from, – you find that place in that module using the “Search in modules” button
        and then can return to that place in your current Bible module using a double-tap on a found verse.
  2. Search in ancillary windows:
    • Supported search in commentaries, dictionaries, daily devotions articles:
      • The search button is added to the corresponding window headers, and also to the balloon.
        The appearing dialog allows to search for a specified word fragment, case insensitively,
        in a shown article.
      • The search dialog has a button to access the search in modules functionality.
      • Added support of module sets for commentaries, dictionaries, daily devotions –
        as the means to specify the set and order of modules to search in.
    • The search in dictionary topis, which worked only for search starting from the beginning
      of dictionary topics, is replaced with the search in dictionaries, which is capable
      of searching in topics only, not necessarily starting from the beginning, or in topics and in articles.
  3. TTS enhancements:
    • In the “Start TTS with duration limit” dialog added a setting “Limit the number of chapters
      on regular start of the Bible text TTS”, which simplifies the TTS starting process
      for the users who often use the TTS with a limited number of chapters.
  4. Memorize enhancements:
    • In an exercise, long-touch on a verse now allows to select/unselect an individual verse
      and to select a range of verses.
    • It is now possible to mark/unmark a fragment as memorized from the main memorize window,
      using the menu.
  5. Settings-related enhancements:
    • Since on Android 13 the access to an app’s private data directory has been prevented for file managers
      and similar apps (e.g. Dropsync),
      the suggested way of synching MyBible data
      no longer works on Android 13 and newer. To still be able to back up data entered/gathered by the user
      in MyBible without connecting the device via USB to a computer, a “Send all data except modules” action
      is provided:

      • in the MyBible settings window menu
      • on the MyBible data directory setting, as a separate button
  6. Appearance-related enhancements:
    • Added an appearance theme setting “Ensure that balloon does not cover a link opening it”
      (in the “Windows and balloons” theme element).


  1. According to Google’s requirements, declared and tested compatibility with Android 14
    (tested on Android 14 and Android 15).


  1. Bible window-related corrections:
    • Fixed a problem of following reading plan items pointing to exactly the same Bible fragment
      in two adjacent days (the problem introduced in MyBible 5.7.1).
    • A renamed Bible module set is no longer lost as currently selected one for Bible module quick selection,
      for Bible modules comparison, for search in multiple Bible modules.
    • Fixed the action of the “Remarks” Bible window header button, which was performing the long touch action
      no matter whether is was tapped or long-touched after the first usage of the long touch on it.
    • Corrections for copying of verses:
      • Restored making an empty line before a copied subheading.
      • Eliminated removing of a space after the quotation character “«” and before the quotation character “»”,
        as this was causing lack of a needed space in languages like German (where these quotation marks
        are used in the reverse order compared to English).
      • Prevented a possible space before punctuation in case if verses being copied have bold or italic
        text in them in the Bible window.
    • Jumps to the next chapter and to the previous chapter is now recorded in the navigation history.
    • Fixed a problem with the book selection window in landscape not showing the book list when the chapter
      and verse selection controls are not shown.
    • Fixed an excessive height of the last or pre-last main menu row.
  2. Search corrections:
    • Prevented a problem of finding extra words when searching for an exact sequence of words,
      in double quotes, in a Bible module having embedded Strong’s numbers with morphology.
      The problem was reported for searching for “ἵνα γένηται” in STR+, which was yielding
      an incorrect (too wide) finding in Rom 7:13.
    • The “Search” system notification no longer stays shown after the search operation is finished.
  3. Memorize corrections:
    • A memorize reminder system notification is now auto-dismissed also
      when entering the Memorize not via tapping on that notification.
    • Prevented a word blurring in an exercise when an unblurred word is touched.
    • In the “Word ordering” exercise:
      • ensured enough space after the last verse, so that the word buttons do not cover the text
        of the last verse
      • ensured showing of punctuation at the very end of a fragment being memorized
    • The bookmark adding dialog is now a regular dialog instead of a dialog pulled from the bottom –
      so that there is no situation when this dialog fills the entire screen and it is then unclear
      how to manipulate it.
    • Fixed a problem with the word ordering exercise when a button with German word ending with “ß”,
      being capitalized into “SS”, was not working. (The fix is generic, overcomes a non-symmetrical
      conversion between lowercase and uppercase in any language).
  4. TTS-related corrections:
    • Corrected the TTS button long touch menu item title to clarify its functionality:
      “Bible TTS duration limit” -> “Start TTS with duration limit”.
    • Fixed the behavior of the TTS system notification, buttons on which did not work
      when the TTS was called from an ancillary window (commentaries window, dictionary window, etc.).
  5. Settings-related corrections:
    • In the “Modules” window prevented a possible problem of updating the modules list
      from the MyBible modules registry in the Internet.
    • Corrected texts of menu items to more clearly indicate that save, restore, reset actions
      are for settings of the current profile; confirmation messages for those menu items now show
      a timestamp of saved profile settings.
    • The synchronization help is updated to mention the problem with it starting with Android 13.
    • Verse copying/sharing settings that are inapplicable due to some other setting set
      are how hidden rather than disabled to enhance their readability.
MyBible 5.7.1 - Nov 8, 2023


  1. Reworked the keyboard shortcuts settings description, so that it mentions the volume buttons
    (for the users to be able to find the new place for volume button action settings)
    and gives tips on manipulating with these settings.
  2. In the bookmarks for current verse dialog (brought up by tapping a bookmark marker bar)
    the “Memorize” button (opening the bookmark in the “Memorize” window) is made visible right away,
    without a need to long-touch the bookmark in the list (the long touch serves for accessing the bookmark
    editing and deleting).
  3. Added a control setting “Auto-select an adjacent forward Bible reading plan item
    upon scrolling fully past the current reading plan item”.
  4. In the module selection windows, like selection of cross references or subheadings to be shown,
    added the “Select all” and “Select none” buttons acting for expanded groups of modules.
  5. Updated localization:
    • Chinese
    • Arabic


  1. Fixed the Bible window maximization function that was not working from the full screen mode
    in the version 5.7.0.
  2. In the full screen mode, when some verse is selected, performing the system “Back” action now
    exits the text selection mode (was unexpectedly performing the app exit action).
  3. Fixed action of the header button setting “Use one slot for drop down list opening button”,
    which did not get applied immediately upon its clearing.
  4. In the “Modules” window addressed the language codes conflict that was causing a wrong filtering
    when selecting Romanian language of modules.
  5. Corrections of the “Repetition by voice” exercise in the Memorize functionality:
    • Made a change to support replacement of one word with two space-separated words, –
      to help overcome a situation when the exercise recognises only the first part of a compound word.
    • Sorted the list of the substitutions alphabetically by the first column.
    • Made sure that the substitutions list filtering field is always visible.
  6. Prevented reported crashes.
MyBible 5.7.0 - Oct, 19, 2023


  1. Memorize improvements:
    • The entire Memorize functionality is overhauled by its original author, Oleksandr Dolganenko:
      • to make the UI more convenient and obvious (no more hidden panels from the three sides of the main window)
      • to enhance the possibilities about recalling/rehearsing of once memorized fragments
      • to make the code more maintainable (because the original Memorize code was produced
        with immature/insufficient software engineering experience)
    • Added a Bible window header button for a direct calling (not using the Start Screen)
      of the “Memorize” functionality.
  2. Single chapter mode:
    • From the very conception of the project, MyBible intentionally was an app that shows
      an entire Bible book, so that any place of a book, even on a chapter boundary, can be placed
      to the center of the screen and studied carefully in its immediate context.
    • One thinking user has approached with a use case of thorough studying a certain Psalm,
      so that the subsequent and the preceding Psalms do not create a distraction upon a fast scrolling
      back and forth. The use case has been deemed valid, because the Psalms, unlike most other Bible books,
      are divided into parts (individual Psalms, or chapters in terms of MyBible modules)
      in the original Bible manuscripts.
    • The “Single Bible chapter mode” group of settings has been added to the “Control” settings
      category, with a pre-configured setting to use the single chapter mode only for Psalms and Proverbs.
  3. TTS improvements:
    • When the Bible text TTS reaches the end of a book, the TTS now proceeds to the next book
      instead of stopping.
    • When the Bible text TTS is in progress or paused, there is a system notification,
      visible on the lock screen as well, that allows to pause/resume and to cancel the TTS.
    • Added selection of an installed TTS engine to be used – accessible upon a long touch
      on the TTS header button (the button how has the dot in the lower right corner, indicating
      presence of a long touch reaction).
  4. Copying/sharing of verses.
    • Under the “Every verse with a number” setting added an enhancement setting
      “Simplify reference at the beginning, relying on verse numbers – when the text is not in quotes”.
    • At the end of the verses copying/sharing settings added a setting applicable to lists
      of verses “Preserve list items selection order when copying”.
    • When copying with verse numbers, and a fragment being copied contains verses from
      more than one chapter, the first verse number from subsequent chapters includes a chapter number.
    • In windows providing a list of verses, the “Share” button for selected list items
      now supports a long touch action, allowing to select a names set of verses copying/sharing settings.
    • In the verses copying/sharing settings window action button(s) moved from the very top
      to the very bottom – the window appears more natural & clear this way.
  5. Files import improvement.
    • When importing notes from a .zip, a hierarchy of folders inside the zip is repeated
      in the MyBible’s notes structure.
    • Supported import of word enhancements for TTS files (*word_enhancements_for_tts.json):
      • When tapping such a file in a file manager on the device, there is an import dialog
        explaining what will be added to the current set of word enhancements for TTS in MyBible.
      • When tapping a .zip file containing such a file, the file will be copied as is,
        overwriting the same named, already existing word enhancements for TTS file.
    • Enhanced import dialog messages for files that cannot be imported.
  6. Supported hardware keyboard shortcuts for frequent actions:
    • See the new category of settings “Keyboard”.
    • The “Volume buttons scroll Bible text” setting is eliminated, as volume buttons
      are now treated as hardware keys and can be assigned to some other action, if desired.
  7. Assistance for beginner MyBible users thinking/exclaiming things like “only KJV? no other Bibles??”:
    • At the and of module selection dropdown lists provided the item “[More]”,
      accessing the “Modules” window to download more modules.
    • A new setting “Show the [More] item…” at the end of the Display settings category
      allows to hide the above item – for users not needing such a reminder/shortcut.
    • In the end of the dictionary module selection dropdown list added the item “[Strong]” or “[Other]”,
      helping the user understand that there are two dictionary modes and to switch
      between them.
  8. When copying Bible text, the basic HTML formatting (bold, italic, underline) is now being copied along, –
    if the usage of bold, italic, underlined font is configured in the current appearance theme.
  9. In the cross references window added search/filtering by entered fragments.
  10. Bible position button-related changes:
    • Due to a complaint that tapping a Bible position button occasionally causes
      an undesirable fling reaction, added a couple of options to the “Bible position selection button action”
      setting, preventing a reaction to an inadvertent fling.
    • Enhanced the required Bible position button width calculation, so that it changes from book to book
      and allows some more space for configurable buttons.
  11. Settings window changes:
    • When searching for a setting using the “Lookup” field, clearing of the search text no longer
      scrolls to the beginning of the settings but to the beginning of the first settings group that was shown
      when searching (before clearing of the search text).
    • In the localization settings category added a possibility of selecting a MyBible app icon.
  12. Added Bulgarian user interface localization.
  13. Elaborated the night mode usage tip.
  14. The icons having no custom elements in themselves and in their used varieties
    are replaced with the current icons from the Google Material Symbols collection.

Change or behavior

  1. The MyBible/logs directory is being created automatically, so that logs can be obtained from users
    without much explanation on what to do, should there be a MyBible startup problem
    (which still exists in some situations, not yet understood).
  2. The simplified mode is no longer activated at the first start, as not really helping anything.
    The “Switch to full mode” menu item is reworded to “Exit simplified mode”.


  1. Fixed the “black screen after startup” problem, at least one of them – caused by all the Bible windows closed
    (which MyBible was unexpectedly allowing to happen per some quick user’s actions sequence).
  2. Copying/sharing of verses:
    • When sharing verses, the reference was unconditionally copied into the subject field
      (if the target app supports the subject) – that was removed, so the subject is now
      just a fixed text “Bible verses”.
    • Corrected copying of individually selected words from several verses, as an ellipsis
      in place of not selected words was missing in some cases.
    • In the verses copying/sharing extended settings window (called by a long touch
      on the “Copy” or “Share” button) ensured that changed settings which depend on the
      refreshed Bible window content (like copying of ancillary information)
      actually get applied on pressing the action button.
  3. Prevented a situation when MyBible cannot create a required files directory,
    thus ending up not being able to save its settings. (A problem could appear
    as the result of user’s manipulations with the MyBible data directory via a USB
    connection to a PC).
  4. Fixed a problem introduced in the version 5.6.0 with the “Back” arrow in a window header
    not performing the same action as the system “Back” button or gesture does (in particular,
    changes MyBible settings were not immediately applied upon closing of the settings window).
  5. Prevented exiting the TTS made on the device rotation.
  6. Auto-selection of dependencies (supporting modules) in the “Modules” window:
    • This mechanism is restored after being accidentally broken
      when enhancing extra module repositories support in the version 5.6.0.
    • Added auto-deselection of dependencies.
  7. HTML balloon behavior fixes:
    • Upon adding or removing of windows (which changes dimensions of opened Bible windows)
      the balloon is reopened thus ensuring that it still takes a percentage of a Bible window height
      configured in the current appearance theme.
    • Fixed a problem of not finding a hyperlinked ancillary commentary article.
  8. Prevented affecting of MyBible by the Android developers setting forcing the dark mode.
  9. When explanations are not shown in the Bible text, prevented appearance of a space before a punctuation
    that follows an explanation.
  10. For the dropdown list of buttons which do not fit the window header fixed a problem
    of not working double-tap on buttons supporting that in the window header (e.g. the “Navigation
    history” button).
  11. Prevented the MyBible “Downloading…” notification staying indefinitely in case if MyBible
    cannot reach any of the registry host servers.
MyBible 5.6.1 - Mar 31, 2023


  1. Prevented an inability of MyBible to start in case if a MyBible appearance theme specifies borrowing
    of some theme aspect from the same theme.
MyBible 5.6.0 - Mar 28, 2023


  1. File import functionality is “rendered harmless” and extended:
    • Eliminated MyBible’s reaction to all file types in file managers, keeping reaction
      only to two file extensions: *.json and *.zip. This is a compelled change, forced by
      an apparent confusion of users faced with an unexpected MyBible 5.5.0 reaction
      to all file types (“why does MyBible interfere with my starting MP3s from the file manager?”).
      Import of all MyBible’s file types is still possible – via a .zip archive.
    • Supported import of .zip archive file contents. Note that most file managers on Android
      handle .zip files by themselves (unzipping them “on the fly”, like if they are just directories),
      so in order to pass a .zip file to MyBible for importing you will need to find in your file manager
      a function like “Open with” and then select MyBible; some file managers may not even have
      such a feature, so in this case you might want to use the system “Files” app.
    • In addition to file types possible to import in MyBible 5.5.0, supported import (from a .zip archive) of:
      • notes (*.txt, *.html)
      • fonts (*.ttf, *.otf)
    • Added a usage tip on import of files.
    • Prevented a crash when the user closes a file import dialog before the process is completed.
  2. For extra module registries, supported having an extra module abbreviation
    the same as a module in the main registry – both will be shown in the modules list,
    both will be downloadable (but only one of them can be actually downloaded at a time,
    since both end up as the same file on the device).
  3. In the Strong’s number usage search functionality improved the Strong numbers entry dialog –
    it is now possible to choose one or several Strong’s numbers from the history of accessed ones.
  4. Added the “bookmarks: background” setting in the “Show” submenu, allowing to turn off and on
    background highlighting for bookmarks shown in the Bible text.
  5. When there is a current modules registry downloading problem, updating and downloading
    of modules (per the last successfully downloaded modules registry) is no longer blocked.
  6. Localizations:
    • The entire Ukrainian localization is proofread by Roman Babiy.
    • Updated the Serbian localization.


  1. TTS:
    • Removed requesting of the Phone system permission, since another way was found
      to detect presence of an incoming or outgoing phone call, and pause TTS for that.
    • Fixed a problem of stopping TTS when the screen goes off or when another app is brought
      to the foreground (the problem was introduced in MyBible 5.5.0).
    • Fixed pausing of TTS for phone calls, which was not working in last several versions.
  2. Prevented copying of shown Strong’s numbers-related information when the “Copy ancillary information” setting
    is unchecked.
  3. Corrected behavior of the extra registry adding dialog in part of the URL entry.
  4. Fixed an incorrect work of the “Borrowing from other themes” feature in the Themes window
    in case if more than one part of theme settings is specified as borrowing from the same theme.
  5. Fixed a problem of not being able to show some dictionary articles with big maps in them.
  6. Restored usage of the BOOKS_ALL.title field to show a full book name in the Bible text
    (unintentionally lost in MyBible 5.5.0).
  7. Prevented showing in dictionary selection lists of dictionary modules
    having no DICTIONARY table (according to the MyBible Modules Format document update).
  8. Fixed the action of the setting
    “Repeated activation of the same word shows … from all the dictionaries and lexicons”.
  9. Prevented showing of “%s” in the widget title in Psalms for some Bible modules.
  10. Corrected placement of a separator between a Strong’s number and a morphology indicator
    in modules with right-to-left writing (in Hebrew).
  11. When starting MyBible while there is not yet a downloaded Bible module,
    the “Welcome” window cannot be closed until default modules for the user interface language
    have been downloaded – this prevents a problem of an empty Bible window during the first MyBible launch
    by a hasty beginner user who rushes to close the “Welcome” screen before default modules
    have been downloaded.
MyBible 5.5.0 - Nov 27, 2022


  1. Supported extra module registries, so that active MyBible users can create and distribute their own
    MyBible modules that are not, or not yet, included into the official MyBible modules registry.

    • In the Modules window added:
      • “Extra module registries” menu item
      • a corresponding usage tip
    • At the MyBible web site added a page on
      extra module repositories.
  2. Supported usage of desired abbreviations for Bible books. In the book selection window:
    • review the new usage tip “Desired bookmarks”
    • use the corresponding menu item
  3. Improvements related to bookmarks.
    • Introduced a concept of preceding (as opposed to concluding) bookmark comments
      regarding their showing in the Bible text.

      • Behaviour of already existing bookmarks has not changed: their comments are shown
        in the Bible text after the last bookmarked verse – as it was before.
      • Bookmark categories now have an additional property: “Bookmarks in this category are created
        with comments specified as preceding the bookmarked text”.
      • For every bookmark you can specify whether its comment is preceding or concluding;
        a corresponding checkbox, “Comments precede the bookmarked text”, can be shown
        using the menu in the bookmark edit screen.
        If this is set for a bookmark, comments of that bookmark will be shown in the Bible text
        before the first bookmarked verse, thus forming a kind of Bible text subheading.
      • The “Comments precede the bookmarked text” property is also used
        while exporting bookmarks into a commentaries module.
    • Restored a possibility (deleted earlier due to a seemed redundancy) of sorting bookmarks
      ascending by timestamps.
    • Enhanced the application behavior when editing a bookmark and a new category is needed:
      the added category is now automatically assigned to the bookmark being edited.
  4. MyBible now reacts on tapping at in a file manager (i.e. on trying to perform an associated action)
    some file types that are known to it:

    • bookmark sets
    • Bible modules
    • dictionary modules
    • commentaries modules
    • cross references modules
    • devotions modules
    • reading plan modules
    • subheadings modules
    • MyBible themes
    • MyBible profile (settings)
    • desired book abbreviations

    This provides for an easier handling of MyBible files received from someone and downloaded
    to your mobile device. Upon activating of such a file, MyBible suggests to import its contents.

  5. Copying and sharing of verses.
    • The “Copy” and “Share” buttons in the Bible window header now support a long touch
      and provide additional named sets of verses copying/sharing settings. The “Selected verses” usage tip
      is extended correspondingly.
    • The “Copy ancillary information” setting of the “Verse copying and sharing” settings group
      now also copies chapter headings, Strong’s numbers, morphology information – if it is shown in the Bible text.
  6. Book selection enhancements:
    • In the book selection window added a menu item “Apocrypha, if present”:
      checked by default, it allows to turn off showing of apocryphal books, even if they are
      present in the current Bible module.
    • See the item about desired abbreviations above.
  7. TTS-related enhancements:
    • In the Bible text TTS added speaking of the book name at the beginning
      of the first chapter.
    • Supported a long touch reaction on the Bible TTS button, allowing to limit
      the number of Bible chapters to listen to.
    • The maximum pause between verses is increased from 10 seconds to 200 seconds.
    • The bundle module “Google-TTS-ru” is now being downloaded automatically
      by the “Welcome” screen on a device with the Russian localization.
  8. In the “Remarks” and “Subheadings” windows added a possibility of copying to Clipboard
    and sharing of selected items. Tapping the number of selected items copies the corresponding
    Bible verse references only.
  9. For Android 10 and newer added adjustment of a scroll bar thumb color
    for vertically scrollable areas.
  10. In the “Screen” group of the “Display” settings category added a setting
    “Always show scroll bar in ancillary windows when the content does not fit”
    (unchecked by default).
  11. On the “Individual books selection” screen the buttons to select all
    and to select none are changed from being with icons (and confusing as such)
    to use words, for a clarity of their purpose.
  12. The list of available action modes is no longer shortened if some feature is not
    currently shown in the Bible window (making the user wonder where did the items go).
    Instead, such items are grayed out and, if still selected, show an explanation
    how to correct the situation.
  13. Full re-initialization of the TTS system is performed every time when the TTS is started
    (no more relying on the previous initialization during the same MyBible session) –
    this makes MyBible pick up the default TTS engine change in the system settings right away,
    while not really slowing down the starting of the TTS.
  14. In text entry dialogs added a “Paste” button replacing an edited content
    with a clipboard content.


  1. Removed a forgotten by the developer and not obviously located setting
    “When showing of Strong’s numbers in the Bible text is selected (in the ‘Show’ menu item),
    replace them with brief information from the current Strong’s lexicon
    (if it provides such information)”.
    This is because the settings in the group “For a Strong’s number, show” are sufficient.


  1. Changed the method of keeping the screen on, so that it works on all Android versions
    without special permissions and can no longer leave the system screen timeout setting
    altered if MyBible is stopped unexpectedly.
  2. Corrections to recognizing of Bible references in notes etc.:
    • A line break now has a decisive meaning: characters before and after a line break
      can no loner be interpreted as one integral reference. This prevents a strange
      marking of references around line breaks.
  3. Corrected allocation of space in the Bible window header, so that the longest Bible position
    in the selected Bible module fits.
  4. Fixed a visual defect with entering of a remark in a very short Bible window –
    remark control buttons could have been pushed down, across the remark boundary,
    by the entered text.
  5. Fixed a problem with buttons of concrete dictionary abbreviations not working
    in the “Topics in dictionaries” window.
  6. In the Strong Number Usage window fixed a defect with impossibility to select a Bible module
    if a Bible module previously selected there has been deleted.
  7. When using a module set for a quick selection of a Bible module, the triple-dot dropdown
    list item is no longer shown if there are no additional modules to show in the list.
  8. Prevented a possible incorrect state of the “Night node” checkbox in the “Screen” submenu
    when manipulating the “Follow system dark mode” checkbox there.
  9. Memorize corrections:
    • When an entire chapter is selected for memorizing, its position is shown
      by simply the chapter number, not using the unneeded “first verse – last verse” range.
    • Fixed an unexpected right alignment (instead of center alignment) of some elements
      in Memorize windows (this was accidentally broken in MyBible 5.4.1).
  10. The “Current heading” configurable button action is corrected to show subheadings
    from a preceding chapter in case if there are no subheadings in the current chapter.
  11. Updated the Serbian localization of the user interface (which was not updated for several
    last releases, as the helper with Serbian was not available) – however, updated only for the past
    versions, not for 5.5.0.
MyBible 5.4.2 - Feb 5, 2022


  1. Added built-in bookmark set “Mio’s golden verses” – this bookmark set is used y default
    in the app widget’s “Bookmarks” mode by default.


  1. Restored a disappeared reset button on the windows arrangement panel
    (the button disappeared in version 5.4.1 as the result of the screens code cleanup
    refactoring for its better maintainability).
  2. In the “Reading plan” mode of the app widget fixed a problem with showing only
    the first verse instead of a full chapter in some reading plans.
  3. Small corrections in the French localization.
MyBible 5.4.1 - Jan 16, 2022


  1. App widget improvements:
    • Book names are no longer abbreviated on the app widget;
      there is a new widget setting “Abbreviate book names” (unchecked by default).
    • Added a possibility to take book names from another Bible module
      (in case if book names are too long in a Bible module you want to show
      verses from in the widget).
    • Added widget settings to configure colors and background transparency.
    • Added a widget setting to make the “Next” and “Previous” buttons invisible
      (with no icon). There already was such a possibility for the settings button,
      so along with the new color and transparency adjustments this allows to achieve
      a clean widget appearance harmonizing with any device home screen.
    • The image buttons on the right made narrower, so that the widget fields
      are symmetrical, and made taller, so that they are easier to hit. Also, the icons on
      the buttons made smaller – to be a lesser distraction when shown.
  2. To the title of the “Settings” window added the MyBible version – for a better
    self-descriptiveness of settings screenshots provided by users requesting support.
  3. In the “Synchronization” section of the “About” text available from the menu,
    at the beginning, added a paragraph explaining that a set up synchronization
    also means having a data backup.


  1. Restored support of Android 5, so that Amazon Kindle users can still update MyBible
    on their devices.
  2. Fixed a problem with a dictionary window showing unexpected content
    after tapping a word hyperlink in it.
  3. Fixed not selecting of a verse upon a long touch in the right part of a line
    that only has a commentary link or a cross references hyperlink in it.
  4. When returning back in the balloon (using the back arrow below the balloon body),
    prevented losing of the balloon pointer.
  5. Prevented observed crashes.
MyBible 5.4.0 - Dec 9, 2021

Forced changes

  1. Added in-app links to the privacy policy (absence of which has caused
    the MyBible removal from Google Play on Dec 7, 2021):

    • in the new “Privacy policy” dialog on top of the splash screen
    • at the beginning of the “About” text
  2. Applied the required by Google (since November 2021) compliance with other apps files access
    limitation introduced in Android 11. There are inevitable negative consequences for running
    on Android 11 and newer:

    • MyBible can no longer host its files in the /MyBible directory in the root of the device’s
      built-in memory. The new fixed location of the MyBible files is
    • All the MyBible’s data are being automatically deleted if you uninstall MyBible,
      so think about possible losing of your data, do not rush to uninstall MyBible freely
      as you were able to before.
    • It is a little harder to configure MyBible data synchronization using Dropsync and such apps,
      but is still possible – you just need to be attentive and give the sync app a permission
      to access /Android/data when it asks you to.
  3. Android versions compatibility is limited at the bottom to Android 6,
    so that there are no more not fixable crashes inside a system WebView on Android 4 and 5.


  1. Added support of enclosing module abbreviations into parentheses:
    • A known module abbreviation before a valid Bible reference can now be enclosed
      into parentheses and still be recognized as part of an auto-hyperlink. I.e.,
      both links in the following example are valid:
      BSB’19 Dan 3:12
      (BSB’19) Dan 3:12.
    • In the “Verse copying and sharing” settings group, under the setting
      “Reference with Bible module abbreviation”, added a setting
      “module abbreviation in parentheses”.
  2. When reading a reading plan fragment, finding a place via the Search window
    no longer clears the current reading place color bar marker, so when you come back from a place
    found using the Search window, the current reading plan fragment color bar marker is still in place.


  1. MyBible widget corrections:
    • Fixed a problem of the widget not being fully created on Android 12
      (leaving only a transparent area). Note that after the device restart
      the MyBible widget is transparent for some time, or until you manually start MyBible –
      this is an expected behavior.
    • Tapping of a Bible verse in the MyBible widget is made working more reliably
      (was not opening a needed Bible place in some cases when more than one Bible window
      is opened in MyBible).
    • Prevented showing of null instead of a book abbreviation for a single selected chapter
      in case is that book is absent in a selected Bible module.
    • Selection of a single chapter is now made using abbreviations of a selected
      Bible module (was using the current Bible module in the app itself).
    • Fixed opening of a required Bible place in the target profile
      (when it is different from the last selected profile in the app itself).
  2. Fixed the behavior on the first start, in particular not creating a default set of bookmarks.
  3. Fixed not loading back of notes created without specifying a particular notes name first.
  4. Prevented losing of the current position in notes after changes in the Bible window content/appearance.
  5. Prevented obtaining no results if the “Topics in dictionaries” menu item is accessed very
    quickly after the application startup.
  6. Fixed a crash on using the Bible text TTS with speaking of commentaries from balloons turned on,
    when a device’s screen is turned off for a significant time (several minutes or more).
  7. Corrected observed on some devices problem with colors of the reading plan start date selection dialog.
  8. In the notes selection window corrected applying of theme colors to the notes preview area.
  9. For reading plan items pointing to Psalms, when using a Bible translation in another numbering,
    prevented starting of a reading plan from verse 2 instead pointing to an entire Psalm.
    For example: reading plan RR-p, day #9 for an English Bible translation is defined as Ps 19-21;
    for a Russian Bible translation used to be shown as Пс 18:2-20:14, now shown as Пс 18-20.
  10. Correction for showing of reading places set in Psalms:
    • On the Start Screen Corrected numbering of reading places set in Psalms
      when a Bible module with another numbering is active.
    • Corrected showing of reading places in Psalms in parallel Bible windows
      having different numbering.
  11. Deleted a message warning about not working underline styles when the hardware acceleration is on –
    not actual for last several Android versions.
  12. In the “About” text removed the subsection on the modules source, as not fully correct anymore,
    and updated Oleg’s email addresses to more brief ones,
  13. Corrected reported small localization defects: German, French.
MyBible - October 2, 2024


  1. Prevented the registry downloading problem to have an Android 4-compatible build that fixes the problem.
MyBible 5.3.3 - October 26, 2021


  1. Upon starting on Android 11 and newer, suggests to the user (up to 3 times)
    to automatically move the MyBible data from /MyBible to the app’s private directory.
    The goal of this change is to prevent future situations with a seeming loss of MyBible data
    when the next MyBible version will start on Android 11 and Android 12 devices.
  2. Notes improvements.
    • For a more effective locating and selecting of notes, created a new window “Notes selection”.
    • Added a new group of settings, “Notes”, with radio buttons allowing to switch
      between the new “Notes selection” window usage and an old way of navigation in notes,
      using a popup menu.
    • In the Notes window, added configurable buttons “First”, “Previous”, “Next”, “Last”.
    • Eliminated a checkbox setting “Notes window next to Bible” which was no longer
      meaningful or practical.
  3. Added the night mode control setting “Follow system dark mode”.
  4. In the “Bookmarks covering the verse” window added a button to quickly share
    comments for a bookmark.
  5. Copying of verses from the Search window now also copies the shown
    Strong’s numbers and morphology information.


  1. Bible text search fixes:
    • Restored the “busy” indication when search results are being updated
      due to a results representing setting change.
    • Fixed a problem when morphology information was not shown in search results
      if there was no particular text entered for search.
    • Fixed not finding of an exact phrase in double quotes in Bible modules
      containing words morphology information.
    • Prevented influencing of earlier highlighted verse numbers to search results –
      verses with highlighted verse numbers were not being found.
    • Fixed a slow search in highlighted text when it is turned on by the “+h”
      search setting in the search text itself.
    • Fixed a broken search for a double quote itself, denoted in the text to search by
      a repeated double quote (“”).
  2. Prevented highlighting of verse numbers, as not allowing to produce strict
    search results when searching for highlighted Bible text only.
  3. Notes fixes:
    • Fixed not saving of a selected font.
    • Prevented clearing of color highlighting in currently shown notes when accessing
      the search in notes functionality.
  4. Fixed a problem with incorrect scrolling of the activated verse popup
    on the notes entry full screen.
  5. When selecting another active Strong lexicon while Strong’s numbers are shown
    and some replacement for Strong’s numbers is specified in settings,
    the Bible window is updated to show the Strong’s number replacements
    from the newly selected lexicon.
  6. When opening a Bible place from the widget, that place is getting opened in the first
    Bible window or in a Bible window that uses the same module which is specified in widget settings
    (earlier a Bible position was opened in a Bible window which the user has touched the last,
    which was not very predictable).
  7. The system date selection dialog, which MyBible is not able to fully adjust in appearance
    to match its current theme, is no longer adjusted at all, so that even though it does not
    fully harmonize with the MyBible theme, it is in return fully readable and legible.
  8. Prevented a possibility for the user to set a too small interface font size or scale,
    to prevent a situation where user interface texts are not legible and it is virtually
    impossible to adjust anything else because of this.
  9. Localization updates:
    • the search help is translated into Arabic
    • French localization is updated per a concrete corrective input from Emmanuel Gbêtigan
MyBible 5.3.2 - August 7, 2021


  1. When performing long-running background operations, like indexing of modules or the TTS,
    MyBible now informs the user and the system about that with a special notification
    in the system notification area, thus lowering the chance that the system will stop that
    background process or put the device into deep sleep.
  2. Changed the approach to navigation history in synchronized Bible windows.
    • Synchronized Bible windows used to fully copy the navigation history from
      a Bible window being scrolled by the user.
    • The above approach was losing the navigation history in individual
      Bible windows once the windows synchronization is turned on.
    • The above, in turn, was causing distortion of the navigation history
      when Bible module abbreviations are taken into account in the navigation history.
    • So now Bible windows do not lose their navigation history once the windows
      synchronization is turned on. Instead, the navigation history in synchronized windows
      follows the navigation history in the Bible window being scrolled by the user
      as long as the navigation history in those windows matches; otherwise, the navigation
      history in synchronized windows is being built further from the current point in their
      navigation history.
    • Navigation history can now be cleared individually for every Bible window.
  3. The “copy” and “go” check box settings are now separate between different screens
    having a list of items.
  4. In the full screen notes mode, activation of an auto-hyperlink to a Bible place
    no longer closes the notes window to show the corresponding Bible place but shows the
    referenced place in a popup at the bottom of the window. The text is taken from the current
    Bible module (from the active, that is, last touched, Bible window) unless a Bible module
    abbreviation is explicitly specified before the reference and the
    “Recognize module abbreviations in references” setting is on.
  5. When setting the font size for lists with Bible texts, using the “Bible text in lists”
    setting from the theme element “Interface: Fonts and sizes”, the scaling ratio specified
    in a Bible module being used is now also taken into account.
  6. Supported the modules format extension to have morphology codes meaning
    stored in Bible modules (this is done for a more convenient support of morphology codes
    that are unique to particular Bible modules, rather than “standard”).
  7. Random verse:
    • The “From sentence beginning” setting is added to the random verse settings.
    • For the random verse mode of the widget, added the “Entire sentence” setting.
  8. Book selection screen layout for modules with right-to-left texts:
    • Since there are Bible modules with Hebrew text and English book abbreviations,
      added special Bible modules parameters to control the direction of laying out
      buttons on the book selection screen (see the updated modules format description).
    • The last, incomplete row of book selection buttons with Hebrew abbreviations
      is now right-aligned.
  9. When selecting individual books (for search, for creating of a reading plan, etc.),
    a long touch on a book selects/unselects this book and all the immediately preceding books
    in the same selection state.
  10. When paragraphs and indents are present in a Bible module and are shown,
    a reading place marker is no longer tied to the left margin but is placed
    at the beginning of the first word of a verse.
  11. Prevented leaving of a verse number by itself at the very end of a line
    (a verse number will be wrapped to the next line, so that it stands next the first
    word of a verse)
  12. Localization updates that were missing in 5.3.0-5.3.1:


  1. Fixed a crash in Memorize when reaching the end of a fragment which does not fit a screen.
  2. Fixed the navigation history popup, which was not being shown in the dictionary window.
  3. Showing of a reading place marker in the Bible text:
    • Fixed a problem of a reading place marker placed in Psalms, shown incorrectly when
      switching between Bible modules with Russian and English numbering.
    • Prevented “jumping” of a reading place marker a line down when a line where it is drawn
      crosses the Bible window top boundary.
  4. Corrected accidentally swapped settings for every verse with the new line
    and usage of subscript/superscript for version numbers – for the “Referenced Bible verses”
    functionality in the Notes window.
  5. Prevented an undesirable and unexpected firing of a special gesture
    (“circling” or “horizontal rubbing” of a word) while selecting individual Bible words
    with a finger movement.
  6. Prevented an unneeded starting of the next verse from a new line when formatting
    of the current verse in a Bible module contains both the end of indentation and a paragraph break.
  7. Fixed showing of Strong’s numbers in search results for non-space-separated Bible translations
    (e.g. Chinese).
  8. In the Strong’s number usage window fixed a problem of not showing the morphology code
    explanation after tapping a particular morphology in the summary,
    when the “Summary by morphology first” setting is on.
  9. Fixed showing/not showing of words’ morphology in search results.
  10. On the position selection screen prevented accidental starting with a too big chapter
    number, which was essentially blocking a normal position selection.
  11. Prevented showing in the modules window of the “Ga” language as “Irish”.
  12. The ellipsis is no longer added at the copied verse text selected by individual words
    if the last word of the verse is selected.
  13. Corrected multiple typos in French localization (per a thorough corrective input from
    Hilaire Gbêtigan).
MyBible 5.3.1 - May 4, 2021


  1. Among the navigation settings for the Bible added a setting
    “In navigation history take into account switching between modules”.
  2. Convenience enhancements for reading plans:
    • On the Start Screen, reading plans section, extended the functionality of the button
      which was shown only when you were ahead of the plan. The “adjust” button there now
      allows you to adjust/move the plan so that there is no shown advancing or lagging behind.
    • In the reading plans window added a setting “Show advancing and lagging”.
      Un-checking of this settings results in not showing on the Start Screen, the reading plans section,
      of information whether you are ahead or behind your tracked reading plans. This lets you
      pause following your reading plans without the Start Screen unwittingly “rebuking” you.
      The “adjust” button (see above) will still hint you that you are off the current
      plan schedule, but you can correct the schedule with that button right away.
  3. Added a possibility to limit shown cross references by a set of books a reference may go to:
    • added a book selection setting in the cross references window (applies ony to that window)
    • for cross references shown in the Bible text added a separate book selection setting –
      in the “References in Bible text” window
  4. Strong’s number usage window enhancements:
    • The overall Bible window settings to show accents and vowelizations
      are taken into account when grouping words in the summary.
    • When the “Use morphology” and “Alphabetical summary” settings are on,
      there is now an additional sorting setting “Summary by morphology first”.
  5. Added a more obvious way of selecting individual books when selecting a book set:
    when the user taps the “My selection of books” on the book set selection screen,
    the selection of individual books is brought up automatically. Note that the long touch
    on the book set selection control still opens selection of individual books.
  6. Copying of verses from the “Verse in different Bible modules” window now carries
    descriptions of Bible modules if the user chooses to show module descriptions in that window.
  7. The “Referenced Bible verses” function in the Notes window now uses the settings of
    copying and sharing of Bible verses.
  8. Updated Polish localization.


  1. Provided auto-scrolling in the Memorize exercises when a fragment being memorized
    is taller than the available screen area height.
  2. Fixed a defect in handling the verses copying settings when the
    “Every verse from new line” setting was unintentionally applied when the
    “Every verse with a number” was off.
  3. Prevented a possible making of an undesired extra empty line upon a long touch
    of the “Add selected verse(s) to notes” button.
  4. The search settings popup for showing of Strong’s numbers is made
    scrollable vertically, in case the font is enlarged and the phone is in landscape.
  5. Fixed a defect introduced in 5.3.0 with the title of the “Verse in different Bible modules”
    window not showing the book abbreviation (only showing the chapter and verse numbers).
  6. In the Search settings, fixed the not working setting for showing the word’s morphology
    along with the Strong’s number info.
  7. A double and triple tap on the Bible applies to an initially tapped word, not to a word
    where a repeated tap has landed. This addresses an ambiguous behavior on a sloppy double-tap.
  8. Prevented a crash on early Android versions when opening (with a vertical fling) the list
    of buttons that did not fit the Bible window header (the crash was happening when
    in the theme settings showing of list elements as elevated cards was turned on).
  9. The window control button extended settings popup’s appearance is now being adjusted
    when the the appearance theme or the night mode state changes (this was forgotten before).
MyBible 5.3.0 - April 19, 2021


  1. Search-related enhancements:
    • Removed the confusing paintbrush button in the search window,
      as causing too many users to stumble; the already existing named settings
      for searching only in highlighted and underlined Bible text are
      considered to be sufficient and more clear.
    • Search settings button moved closer to the search buttons for an easier
      access to it, now that it has more frequently changed settings.
    • Highlighting of Jesus’ words (in bold) and inserted words (in italic)
      in search results can now be turned on and off with the new search setting.
    • Added settings to show Strong’s numbers in search results.
    • Changed semantics of the characters * and _ in the text entered for
      search: they used to mean any character (including spaces), now they mean
      letters of the same word. Thanks to this change, you can now search for
      word forms. See the updated help text for the search.
    • Now that searching of whole words is made more helpful using * (see above),
      supported searches like this:

      stand* ~stand

      which means to search for all words starting with “stand” except
      for the word “stand” itself (will be found words “standeth”, “standing”, etc.)
    • A couple of search settings is re-formulated, so that every search setting,
      when checked, only narrows down search results, and absence of checked search settings
      means the widest possible set of results.
    • Semantics of the “Search words in the specified order” setting is made
      more helpful: it means now that entered words need to follow each other,
      although possibly with other words between them (there is a separate improvement
      to ensure an exact sequence of words with no other words between them).
    • Introduced a special treatment of double quotes in the text to search,
      meaning “search for this exact text, with nothing additional in between
      words specified inside double quotes”. If you need to search for
      the double quote character itself, repeat it in the text to search twice, “”.
    • Added a search setting “Max number of verses between sought words”, which allows you
      to find verses even if a number of words you remember for the search are not actually
      all in the same verse but in several verses on a small distance from each other.
    • Added a search setting “Search distinguishing quote and dash types”.
    • Supported overwriting of search settings for a particular search
      using additional latin letters (lowercase or uppercase, does not matter)
      in the entered text for search:
      a plus sign followed by a letter means a corresponding
      search setting to be on for the search; a minus sign followed by a
      letter means a corresponding setting to be off for the search.
      The search settings window shows this correspondence of letters
      to particular search settings.
      Examples of using this feature in the entered text for search:

      • “Power +c” – means searching of the word “Power” case sensitive,
        no matter if the case sensitive search setting is on or off.
      • “creator heaven +10+s-m” – search for words “creator” and “heaven”
        being no more than 10 verses apart from each other; show Strong’s
        numbers in the search results, do not show words of Jesus in bold and
        inserted words in italic.
    • Search help is fully reworked, to be more informative and helpful,
      and to cover all the search improvements made.
  2. Enhancements related to copying of verses:
    • For the “Copy” button in the action mode added a long touch handling.
      The dot is added to the button’s icon and the button itself is re-titled
      in the configurable list of buttons to “Copy selected verses,
      only Bible text upon long touch”. Thanks to this feature,
      whatever verse copying/sharing settings you have configured
      (reference style, copying of ancillary information, etc),
      a long touch on the copy button lets you copy only selected verses
      or words of the Bible.
    • In case you use selection of individual words in the Bible text but
      rarely, added the setting “Cancel individual words selection mode after its usage”.
    • For enclosing of a cited text into quotes, added selection of the
      quotes type.
  3. Additional features in the Strong number usage window:
    • The “Use morphology” menu item gives an additional
      investigation power for Bible modules having original
      manuscript words morphology embedded in them.
    • The “Alphabetical summary” menu item allows to find
      different translation words in the summary easier, if that is of more
      interest than the number of translation word occurrences.
    • The “Summary in column” menu item allows to better grasp the Strong’s
      number usage summary (but will require more vertical scrolling
      of the summary).
    • The “Copy with Strong’s numbers” menu item allows to add
      shown Strong’s numbers and morphology codes when copying verses.
    • A tap on the number of selected verses copies references to selected verses
      to Clipboard.
  4. TTS-related enhancements:
    • Removed the fixed additional 0.5 seconds pause between speaking of Bible verses.
    • In the “Word enhancements for TTS” window added a menu item
      “For current position initially”, a checked state of which controls
      whether to auto-specify the current Bible position for a word enhancement
      when this window is opened. This settings being off is convenient
      when word enhancements are being created initially
      for a particular language or Bible module. This setting being on is convenient
      during a final pass of ironing an already created word enhancements set.
  5. When selecting a Bible book set (e.g. for search), removed a separate vertical triple dot button
    that was used to call the individual book selection; instead, added an icon
    with the dot to the the book set button, reminding that a long touch
    on the book set button calls individual books selection.
  6. The bookmarks button in the Bible window header now opens the bookmarks side panel;
    a long touch on this button opens the bookmarks window.
  7. When the balloon is closed, the Bible windows highlights for a moment
    a fragment the just closed balloon was shown for (as a helpful reminder).
  8. Balloon appearance in theme settings (“Windows and balloons” theme element):
    • added a possibility to place the balloon to the left or to the right
      (can be useful when the balloon width is set to less than 100%).
    • increased the maximum balloon height from 80% to 100%;
      please pay attention that buttons under the balloon get pushed down outside of the
      visible area as you approach 100%, so choose the desired height wisely.
  9. Gesture-related enhancements:
    • Simplified descriptions of settings under the “Recognize gestures”
      control setting.
    • Added a setting “Min horizontal fling distance”, allowing to
      have more or less sensitivity to a horizontal finger movement.
    • Actions of left and right horizontal swipes with one or two fingers
      are made configurable.
  10. On the bookmark side panel and in the bookmark window the search/filtering fields
    are marked with the search icon, to more clearly denote what they are.


  1. Search corrections:
    • When searching for words in the specified order, fixed not finding
      of specified words in case if one or both of them are marked
      in the module as words of Jesus or words inserted by the translator.
    • Fixed not being able to find words in all capital, like “LORD”.
  2. Corrections/clean-ups related to windows synchronization:
    • Removed the setting “Open references to the Bible in a dedicated Bible window,
      turning off windows synchronization”, because un-checking of this setting was causing
      a confusing behavior and no longer has an obvious meaning.
    • Removed the very old logic of opening a reference in the second Bible window
      even if the user did not assign it explicitly for opening Bible references.
    • Now, if there is no Bible window explicitly assigned by the user for
      opening Bible references (such a window has the underlined icon on the
      window control button), the reference is opened without breaking Bible windows
    • A double tap on the window control button toggles the assignment of the Bible window
      for opening Bible references (before it was able to only set such an assignment
      to a particular window but not to clear that assignment).
      As the result, the user now always (even when the “Show window control options
      upon a long touch of the Bible window control button” setting is off),
      has a convenient control on whether to break windows synchronization
      on opening a Bible reference.
      The indication that there will be no breaking of Bible windows synchronization is
      the absence of underlined icons on the window control button of Bible windows.
  3. Fixes for the “Verses in different Bible modules” window:
    • fixed a problem with proceeding to a wrong verse in Psalms when proceeding
      to a Bible module with a different numbering of Psalms.
    • Corrected copying of verses, so that it follows the verses copying settings
      and thus does not require manual correction after pasting next to verses
      copied directly from the Bible window.
  4. Fixed a defect of distorted remark balloon appearance after switching of the
    currently selected dictionary in the dictionary window.
  5. Fixed a defect with words occasionally glued together in a very narrow Bible window.
  6. Fixed a defect with a not working changing of modules order in a Bible module set
    in case if one or more module in the set is not actually present (not downloaded).
  7. Fixed a defect with the Start Screen automatically shown twice when the
    landscape orientation is locked in MyBible.
  8. Fixed a not working auto-updating of bundle type modules.
  9. WHen calling the Start Screen manually with a button, it is now shown
    even in case if there are no assigned reading places, selected reading plans,
    downloaded daily devotions (to to provide access to the Memorize functionality).
  10. When opening a Strong’s number by a tap on a Bible word, with Strong’s numbers
    not shown, fixed a problem of not taking into account a morphology
    specified for that concrete Strong’s number usage.
  11. Fixed a problem with verse numbers not added for copied verses that follow
    subheadings copied as ancillary information. Also, enhanced placing of
    ellipsis for not selected words in some cases.
  12. Fixed the mechanism of sharing files, including Android 11 devices
    where direct sharing of files between apps is no longer allowed.
  13. For the “continuous text” show setting for Hebrew or other right-to-left
    language fixed a defect with an incorrect highlighting of a fully selected verse.
  14. Fixed a problem with Bible lines not using a space below a bookmark
    marker until the end of a chapter.
  15. Fixed a problem with a commentary hyperlink attached to the very beginning
    of a book not showing the book abbreviation and the commentaries
    module abbreviation.
  16. In the simplified mode, the dialog on applying the just automatically
    downloaded word enhancements for TTS is not shown, as not applicable
    for the simplified mode – postponed until the user starts MyBible in the full mode.
  17. Fixed a problem with losing bookmarks coloring in the Bible window
    after returning from the bookmarks window where only the current bookmark category color was changed.
  18. Enhanced detection of an empty line already present at the end of notes
    when adding selected verses to notes by a long touch of the “Add selected verses to notes” button,
    so that an extra (unneeded) empty line is no longer added there.
MyBible 5.2.1 - January 15, 2021


  1. Search in Bible text is now capable of finding punctuation characters.
  2. TTS-related enhancements:
    • Added support of bundle modules containing word enhancements for TTS:
      • After downloading of such a bundle MyBible will automatically select
        it for usage in the current profile, and suggest to select it for usage
        in other profiles as well (if they are present).
      • MyBible will also check that the Google TTS engine is present on the
        device and if it is not, or if it is not selected as the default
        TTS engine – will direct the user to the system TTS settings.
      • Note that the MyBible team has produced TTS enhancements
        only for the Russian Synodal translation (and even that requires more
        proofreading and corrections, which will be done with time, and the
        bundle module will be updated). People who want TTS enhancements
        for Bible translations in their language, or for other Russian translations,
        need to organize this work themselves; the MyBible team would only
        publish the completed work as a bundle module.
    • On the “Word enhancements for TTS” screen added a number of convenience tools
      in order to edit/polish the word enhancements list.
  3. In the theme window, for a brief time when a theme is modified but not yet saved and applied
    (giving the user a chance to make more related theme modifications), the theme name
    in the window header is shown with asterisk. This tells the user that
    the theme change will be applied in a moment, so they shall not try to scroll
    the theme editing window, as the scroll position will be affected by applying
    of the updated theme.
  4. The action of the “Copy ancillary information” setting is corrected to affect explanations as well
    (explanations were being copied unconditionally).
  5. The “Max entry” checkbox, existed in the portrait orientation of the
    bookmark entry window, is added also in the landscape orientation,
    as this is helpful to enter a bookmark description on some tablets.
  6. The information message that the current place is absent in the
    currently selected Bible module is made of the book title color
    and of the Bible verse text size.
  7. En Dash (U+2013) and Em Dash (U+2014) characters are now being considered
    as word separators, so tapping of words joined by those dashes with no spaces
    between lets those words to be looked up in dictionaries.


  1. Fixed a problem with missing chapters and overlapped Bible text
    upon a quick navigation from a just opened Bible book to another book.
  2. Bible text TTS:
    • Fixed not applying of the Bible text TTS speed until the speed is updated.
    • Prevented stopping on an empty verse.
    • Fixed not being able to share the word enhancements for TTS due to a grown file size –
      the file now is being zipped before sending.
  3. Prevented an incorrect numbering of a bookmark for Psalms created directly
    in the “Bookmarks” window.
  4. Fixes with numbering when selecting Psalms from a Russian Bible module
    when English numbering is turned on:

    • prevented repeating of chapter number from 5 to 90
    • corrected defining of a maximum verse number
  5. Corrected switching of the dictionary balloon mode and selection of
    the current dictionary in the balloon (the behavior was damaged in version 5.1.0).
  6. In the list of favorite devotions removed the unneeded empty lines
    at the end of every article.
  7. Prevented losing of changes in the Notes window when the user interface
    scale or the content scale changes.
  8. Prevented several reported crashes.
MyBible 5.2.0 - December 3, 2020


  1. Localization updates:
    • Serbian
    • Latvian
    • Portuguese
    • Slovak
    • Spanish
    • Romanian
    • French
    • Hungarian
    • Arabic
  2. Bookmark-related improvements:
    • A long touch of a bookmark on the bookmarks side panel now opens
      that bookmark for editing.
    • Swapped the tap action and the long touch action for the bookmarks
      information showing control button (in the bottom-right corner
      under the bookmarks list), so that a tap shows the popup
      with settings, which was overlooked by some users.
    • Bookmarks without timestamps are now at the end of the list
      when sorting by dates.
    • The list of bookmark categories now shows the number of bookmarks
      in each category.
  3. Remark-related improvements:
    • The “with timestamps” setting for showing remarks in the Bible window
      is now also applied to the Remarks window (so that undesirable timestamps
      do not interfere with filtering/searching of remarks in the Remarks window
      by chapter and/or verse number).
    • In the “Notes and remarks” group of setting added the
      “Check spelling” setting (the same setting is accessible
      via the header button of the Notes window).
  4. Search-related improvements:
    • In search setting, the setting of search only in highlighted/underlined
      text is now shown explicitly (in addition to the still available implicit access
      to this setting using the paint roller button in the settings window itself).
    • Added a setting to search only in words of Jesus.
    • Added a setting to search only in inserted words (added by translators).
    • In search results, found places are now highlighted with color only (not shown in bold anymore),
      words of Jesus (if they are marked in the Bible module) are shown in bold,
      inserted words (added by translators, if they are marked in the Bible module) are shown in italic,
      and words highlighted or underlined by you in the Bible module are still shown underlined.
  5. TTS-related improvements:
    • Added setting “Do not break continuous phrases at verse boundaries”
      (turned on by default).
    • Extended information in the list of word enhancements for TTS sets.
    • When entering a word enhancement for TTS, the already existing enhancement
      for the selected word is highlighted in the list.
    • Added a setting to select a current set of word enhancements
      for TTS.
  6. A long touch on the Bible window control button now opens extended
    window control options, allowing to turn off synchronization of individual
    Bible windows. This can be turned off (so that the long touch simply toggles
    the overall windows synchronization) by unchecking the new setting
    “Show window control options upon a long touch of the Bible window control button…”
  7. Added a navigation setting “Show verse counts when selecting chapter”
    (because unconditional showing of verse counts added in MyBible 5.1.0 turned out
    to be a distraction rather than help for some users).
  8. Corrected appearance of the undo/redo buttons.
  9. Used the backspace icon (instead of the “close” button with a diagonal cross)
    for the position entry field clearing.
  10. Corrected predefined background and foreground highlight colors in built-in themes,
    so that there are no repeating colors there (the second half of colors, which was
    just a copy of the first half, is now distinct and more bleak than the first half).
    To see these changes, reset themes to their default state (use the pencil button
    in the header of the Themes window).
  11. In theme settings, “Windows and balloons” theme element, added the “Balloon width”
  12. Quick access to last shown cross references and last shown Strong’s number usage:
    • The “Navigation history” Bible window header button now has two
      ancillary functions: one on a long-tap (last shown cross references,
      this already existed before), another on a double-tap (last Strong’s number usage,
      this is an added shortcut to call that).
    • There is also a new setting “Navigation history button ancillary action”.
    • Besides, the navigation history menu now contains the new item,
      “Last Strong’s number”.
    • A double-tap on the “Navigate back” and “Navigate forward” button
      now opens either the last shown cross references or the last Strong’s number usage –
      whichever of those functionalities was used the last.
  13. When MyBible is used on a Chromebook, the [Esc] key de-maximizes the Bible window,
    closes the balloon, etc, and only if there is nothing like that, the [Esc] key
    starts the navigation via keyboard entry (as it did before).


  1. Fixed the problem with an inability to install MyBible on devices
    where another application is installed that also uses the RTEditor library.
  2. Disabled auto-backup of MyBible data by Android means – in some cases it was causing
    MyBible to try to work with a data directory in a location not even present
    on the current device (resulting in a not working state of the app). Note that
    Android is not capable to fully auto backup MyBible data (due to the auto backup size
    limitation of 25Mb), and should you want to back up your MyBible data,
    please study the “Synchronization” section of the “About” text available from the menu.
  3. Showing of bookmark info in the Bible text:
    • fixed a problem with vertical placement of the first word in the second line
    • fixed not using the paragraph first line indent in the first line of a bookmark info
    • when a bookmark bar is not shown, optimized placement of the bookmark range info,
      to use less vertical space
  4. Fixed a problem with occasional wrong selection of a verse which is not shown on the screen
    when tapping verses for their selection.
  5. Corrected a defect when searching in highlighted/underlined text, with not
    finding a verse in which a sought word was present both as highlighted/underlined
    and not highlighted/underlined.
  6. Fixed an unexpected copying of a verse number when entering a TTS correction for a word
    and copying of verse numbers is turned on in settings.
  7. Corrected the initially shown reading plan item in the “Reading plans” window
    in case if a currently selected there reading plan has “empty days”.
  8. The Undo in remarks is prevented from going beyond the initial state of the remarks being edited.
  9. Fixed a problem of the “Add selected verse(s) to notes” button removing HTML formatting from notes.
  10. Fixed a problem with bookmark info appearance in the Bible text when the content scale is not 100%.
  11. Prevented crashes on early Android versions (at least 4.x) after checking the
    theme setting “List elements as elevated cards”.
  12. An attempt is made to prevent an occasionally occurring (hard to reproduce)
    problem with a missing chapter or a chapter rendered on top of another chapter.
  13. An attempt is made to prevent freezing of the app (white screen or black screen)
    upon startup on some devices.
  14. Fixed a problem in TTS for ancillary windows, when a reference like 21:12
    was pronounced as a time of the day.
  15. Fixes for the bookmark editing window:
    • When editing several bookmarks in the portrait mode of the device,
      restored the functionality of moving them all to another category
      (was broken and showing just an empty window).
    • Prevented clearing of an initial comment of a bookmark being edited
      by the “Undo” button.
  16. Fixed a recently appeared problem with the Memorize exercise 3 (“First letter”)
    when the keyboard was switching to English layout by itself after each letter entry
    (the problem was observed only on some Samsung devices, likely after a software
    update on these devices).
  17. When searching in multiple Bible modules, prevented jumping of the progress indicator
    a little back while searching.
MyBible 5.1.0 - September 5, 2020


  1. Supported basic HTML formatting in notes.
    • By default notes are still plain text; use a new button
      “Notes format, plain text or HTML” to switch to the formatting (HTML)
      mode and back to plain text.
    • Formatted notes have the “.html” file name extension
      (unformatted notes still have the “.txt” file name extension).
    • See a separate new theme element “Highlight colors”.
  2. For fonts selection, added support of fonts located in
    /data/fonts, /system/fonts, /system/font.
  3. Added “Undo” and “Redo” buttons when editing texts.
  4. In Bible window header added the “Maximize Bible window” button, which
    gives maximum room to the Bible text; exit from the maximized Bible
    window mode (by the “Back” button) restores all windows to the state
    they were before the Bible window maximizing.
  5. Added a new Bible place selection option: a natural entry of a new
    Bible position on the keyboard.

    • There is an additional way to start a Bible navigation – a horizontal
      fling on the Bible position selection button. By default,
      this gesture opens a new way of entering the Bible position,
      by natural typing a short Bible place reference on the keyboard.
      The usage tip for the Bible position selection button is updated to mention this.
    • In the “Control” settings group added the setting “Bible position selection button action”,
      which allows you to make the keyboard entry your main navigation
      method if you like.
    • When MyBible is used on a Chromebook, the [Esc] key starts the navigation
      via keyboard entry.
  6. When selecting a chapter number on a separate screen, added the number of verses
    for each chapter, shown if it fits the available space on the button.
  7. In the settings added a possibility to change the maximum number of
    Bible windows that can be opened simultaneously using the menu
    (this was fixed to 3 windows before, now it can be changed from 2 to 8).
  8. Added options to show bookmark info embedded into the Bible text,
    so that bookmarks from the active bookmark set are easy to remember
    and to use, when reading for yourself or when presenting a message to a

    • In the “Show” submenu there are now three bookmark-related
      checkboxes: “bookmarks: marker bar”, “bookmarks: categories”,
      “bookmarks: comments”. Combinations of these checkboxes
      allow useful and convenient presenting of bookmarks in the Bible text.
    • In theme element “Bible: Margins and spaces”
      added a setting “Bookmark info indents”.
    • In the theme element “Bible: Background, highlighting, underlining”
      added a checkbox “Bookmark info with colored background”.
    • Added theme elements: “Bible: Bookmark category”,
      “Bible: Bookmark comment”, and “Bible: Bookmark comment – link”.
  9. Other bookmarks-related improvements:
    • Bookmark side panel:
      • Rarely used tool buttons removed, so that the bottom
        part of the panel looks cleaner and is easier to use.
        The tools removed from the panel are still available
        from the menu of the “Bookmarks” window.
      • Added a button to select a bookmark set.
      • The number of shown bookmarks is added at the bottom.
      • Added a setting to show bookmark timestamps.
      • Added showing of a bookmark category fore every bookmark,
        when all bookmark categories are shown – this can also be
        turned on to be shown always.
      • The “Side panel” usage tip is re-titled to “Bookmarks side panel”,
        as it apparently wasn’t drawing attention to itself in the context of bookmarks.
    • Bookmarks window:
      • Now reuses the same configurable list of bookmarks as the bookmark side panel.
      • Creation of several bookmarks now requires less touches.
    • In the Settings window added a setting “covering heading lines”
      (related to the setting “bookmarks: marker bar”) – this new setting
      allows to change behavior of a bookmark marker bar when it covers
      header lines preceding the first bookmarked verse: book name,
      chapter number, subheading.
    • In the list of bookmarks covering a verse (callable from a Bible window),
      after long-touching a bookmark in the list the appearing action buttons
      are no longer textual but image (easier to grasp and taking less space).
    • Applicability of the “Notes text” theme setting is extended to
      cover bookmark comments – that setting now reads:
      “User-entered text (notes, remarks, bookmark comments)”.
    • In the “Show” submenu added the checkbox “bookmarks: active category”,
      which allows to limit bookmarks shown in the Bible text to the currently
      selected (on the side panel or in the Bookmarks window)
      bookmark category.
    • In the window showing bookmarks info on tapping on a bookmark marker in the Bible text
      added a reaction on tap on the bookmark category name and on the bookmark
      category color bar: the side paned shows this category of bookmarks,
      with the tapped bookmark visible on it.
    • Elaborated and extended the ‘Bookmarks” usage tip.
  10. Reworked settings on activating Bible words for dictionaries lookup:
    • The following types of gestures are now supported for Bible words:
      • activating a word as a hyperlink (single or double tap)
      • >activating a word as a hyperlink plus an extra tap (second or third)
      • rubbing a word horizontally
      • a circular gesture starting horizontally on a word
    • One of the following actions can now be assigned to each of the
      above gestures independently:

      • no action
      • look up in Strong’s lexicons, then in dictionaries
      • look up in dictionaries, then in Strong’s lexicons
      • look up in Strong’s lexicons only
      • look up in dictionaries only
      • list of all found articles
    • The “Dictionary nuances” usage tip is extended to cover this.
  11. TTS enhancements:
    • MyBible now pauses TTS upon receiving an incoming phone call or
      upon starting an outgoing phone call – if you grant MyBible permission to
      the phone call status when it requests it (with a detailed explanation).
    • Added a possibility of correcting pronunciation of words which
      the system TTS engine pronounces incorrectly.
      To do that, in the Bible text select a single word that is being pronounced incorrectly,
      then use a button with an ear icon to adjust placement of the accent
      in that word or to change letters to be used for pronunciation of that word.
    • Added a usage tip on TTS enhancement.
  12. Auto-hyperlinks improvements:
    • In the “Notes and remarks” settings group added a setting
      “Recognize module abbreviations in references.” This setting is off by
      default and has the following additional text: “Check this setting only if you really use
      references with Bible module abbreviations. Such references allow you to open a particular
      place in a particular Bible module (not just in the current Bible module), but this noticeably
      slows down auto-recognizing of Bible references in your notes, remarks, bookmark comments.”
    • Somewhat increased performance of recognizing Bible references in a user-entered text.
  13. Reading plans-related improvements:
    • When opening the Reading Plans window, the first not yet read
      item is shown in the list rather than an item assigned to today’s date.
    • When you are ahead of a reading plan you follow, on the Start Screen
      provided a button to “fast forward” the plan, for you to not seem ahead of it
      (and thus to not have a temptation to reduce the reading tempo).
  14. Memorize functionality improvements:
    • Ensured auto-scrolling to the verse being memorized in the “First Letter” exercise.
    • Supported easy switching between days of the memorize plan,
      back and forward (this was realized to be an essential feature
      while working with the Memorize functionality).
  15. Appearance themes-related improvements:
    • In the theme element “Interface: Fonts and sizes” added a group of settings
      “Presenting of list elements” with a checkbox “List elements as elevated cards”
      and several related settings.
    • Added adjustment of the color D08 (used for the above new settings
      along with the color C08). The D08 color is adjusted for built-in themes,
      so if you will use the above settings with a built-in theme,
      reset the theme from the Theme window.
    • Maximum text size in theme settings is increased from 40 to 100.
    • Highlight colors, which are now applicable not only to the Bible window
      but also to notes formatting, are moved to a separate new theme element
      “Highlight colors”.
    • Configuring of a font and size of Bible text in lists is moved from the theme element
      “Bible: Verse text” to the theme element “Interface: Fonts and sizes”.
  16. Eliminated the previously existed mechanism with automatic moving of the
    MyBible data directory to SD card and back to internal memory at MyBible startup
    after moving of the app itself by the user to SD card and back.
    This mechanism was proven to be not practical, because every MyBible app
    update always automatically moves the app back from SD card to internal memory.
    The data directory moving tools in the MyBible settings are updated
    to provide clear options on moving between possible data directory locations.
  17. Improved the approach to scrolling of the Bible text:
    • Immediately after proceeding to a new Bible place, scrolling of the
      Bible text will be a bit smoother than in previous versions,
      because the time consuming retrieving of Bible chapters from a Bible module
      has been moved to a background thread. Still, there could be some
      small delays in scrolling the Bible text immediately after proceeding
      to a new Bible place (a compromise that cannot be fully eliminated).
    • In a few seconds after proceeding to a new Bible place (when background retrieving
      of the current book’s chapters is done) all the not yet inserted chapters
      get inserted at once, almost not noticeable for the user. As the result,
      in a few seconds after opening a Bible place, scrolling of the Bible text by inertia
      in both directions will be be smooth, with no delays and no stopping
      when scrolling towards the beginning of a book.
    • Removed the no longer needed setting “Background retrieval of chapters”.<
  18. In the “Show” submenu added the check box “continuous text”,
    which allows to explicitly control whether a verse starts with a new line
    or not, no matter the verse numbers are shown or not. This check box is mutually
    exclusive with the “paragraphs and indents” check box.
  19. Supported creation and modifications timestamps for new and updated remarks.
    Added a setting for showing remark timestamps (off by default).
  20. In the Notes window, a vertical fling on the widest button provides selection list
    for opening notes (a shortcut for opening other notes).
  21. Spell check in the Notes window can now be turned on and off with the new
    header button – helps to correct the “all words are red” situation
    that occasionally occurs in notes (likely due to a system defect).
  22. When rearranging window header buttons in settings, an improvement
    is made to not need to scroll the list of buttons, just to keep tapping
    on the same screen place to keep moving a particular button up or down.
  23. For configurable buttons in window headers added a new setting
    “Use one slot for drop down list opening button” – this allows to
    show one more button if desired.
  24. When switching a user interface language, and there is not yet a downloaded Bible module
    in a selected language, the Welcome screen is shown automatically, which starts
    automatic downloading of default modules in selected language.
  25. In the Strong Number Usage window added a checkable menu item “Single nearest word only”.
  26. Switching between lexicons and a dictionaries for the same word using the long touch
    on the navigation button under the balloon no longer switches the global mode
    of activating a word hyperlink.
  27. In widget settings added a checkbox “Make the settings button on the widget invisible (no icon)”.


  1. Fixed selection of particular subheading modules for showing
    (broken in the version 5.0.5).
  2. Fixes related to bookmarks:
    • Fixed incorrect placing of a bookmark when the current numbering is “Native”
      and a bookmark is being placed to a Psalm having different Russian and English numbering.
    • Fixed maintaining of bookmark creation and modification timestamps.
      When a bookmark creation timestamp is the same as a bookmark modification
      timestamp, only one timestamp is shown for a bookmark.
    • Fixed not working entry of bookmark comments in landscape orientation
      of the device.
  3. Prevented a situation when an auto-updated Bible module, despite
    automatically prepared for a quick search after its auto-updating, was being considered
    by the app as not yet prepared for a quick search, and was being prepared for
    a quick searching again upon accessing the Bible search.
  4. Filtering and highlighting in lists:
    • Prevented appearance of unexpected characters when highlighting
      found fragments among the filtered items.
    • In the “Modules” window the filtering is now done as everywhere else:
      the user can enter several space-separated fragments in an arbitrary order.
  5. For searching without accents, fixed not removing the Greek Psili
    for correct search results. Re-download a Greek module you have a problem
    searching in without accents.
  6. In the “Settings” window:
    • added the accidentally forgotten there “accents” and “vowelizations”
      checkbox settings, so that they can be found by settings lookup
    • slightly rearranged settings in the “Show in Bible window” group
      and a few settings groups below that
  7. Fixed editing of user-defined cross references that point to Psalms
    (where the numbering is different between Russian and English Bibles).
  8. When auto-recognizing references to Bible places in notes, bookmark comments,
    remarks, special space characters no longer cause otherwise valid references
    to not be recognized.
  9. Prevented losing of the current reading plan item upon rotating the device
    on some reading plan items.
  10. When switching the book selection from a list to a grid of buttons,
    prevented a reduced height of the grid if the virtual keyboard was shown.
  11. Corrected appearance (fitting the screen, scrolling) of submenus
    when used in landscape mode with enlarged interface font.
  12. When tapping a concrete commentary in the list of all commentaries covering a verse,
    corrected opening of that tapped commentary in the commentaries window
    (could have been not actually shown before).
  13. Fixed action of the “remarks” checkbox in the “Show” submenu
    (was affecting showing of bookmarks instead of remarks).
  14. The setting “Word hyperlink opens a dictionary article in the balloon (when a dictionary window is not open)”
    now also works for opening of dictionary lookup from the menu.
  15. Fixed the “New Testament from new line” menu setting on the book selection
    screen, which was not working for modules that contain Apocrypha.
  16. Theme corrections:
    • “Cloud” theme is corrected per a received feedback for it.
    • Menu icon color corrected for the “Turquoise” theme.
  17. Small corrections of the French localization.
  18. Completed Polish localization.
  19. Prevented several reported crashes.
MyBible 5.0.5 - December 29, 2019


  1. Favorite module in a Bible window:
    • A Bible module abbreviation is now underlined on the Bible module
      selection button when a favorite Bible module is shown (as selected by the
      “Favorite Bible module” button in the window header). The usage tip for the
      Bible module selection button is extended with this information.
    • A long touch of the “Favorite Bible module” button when a favorite
      Bible module is already assigned and shown (module abbreviation
      on the button is underlined) de-assigns a favorite module for this window.
  2. In the “Strong number usage” window added a possibility of selecting a
    Strong lexicon module for that window.
  3. In the “Topics in dictionaries” window added the standard controls
    to go to, to copy, or to do nothing on tap on shown dictionary articles,
    so that it is more convenient to work with found dictionary articles.
  4. Enhanced readability of some commentary articles presented as plain text
    in the list of commentaries.
  5. Added descriptions on the two action buttons in the Memorize window.


  1. When editing a bookmark, fixed not working selection of bookmark categories
    on Android 4.3 and older versions.
  2. On Android 5.1 and older, added a button to close the usage tips,
    as the system “Back” button quit closing the usage tips in some cases
    since the version 5.0.3.
  3. When opening a dictionary topic in the dictionary window for a word
    tapped in the Bible text, prevented ignoring of the current
    (that is, last explicitly selected by the user) dictionary module.
  4. Usage of the “Favorite Bible module” button now causes adjustment of the Bible
    window header buttons for the longest possible Bible position string in the
    selected module (this is natural but was forgotten in previous versions).
  5. Corrected appearance of the color selection dialog
    (several elements on it became not readable in 5.0.4).
  6. When selecting individual words in a Bible verse, long-touching to the
    right of the rightmost word selects the rightmost word (was selecting
    the leftmost word).
  7. Prevented several reported crashes.
MyBible 5.0.4 - December 15, 2019


  1. When sending MyBible logs for a support request (e.g. by a long-touch of the “About” menu item),
    the application version, Android version, and device information is added
    at the beginning, as it may be absent in the logs.
  2. Added mapping of the Tagalog language code in modules (“tl”) to
    the Filipino language code for Filipino TTS (“fil”), so that
    TTS actually works in MyBible for Tagalog modules.


  1. Prevented a problem of a too tall dialog that was pushing buttons out of the accessible area.
  2. Fixed a problem of not downloading automatically (for a clean installation)
    the default modules which are language-neutral (cross references). The problem appeared
    in the version 5.0.0, with introduction of the Welcome screen.
  3. An attempt is made to prevent a never closing splash screen in some cases.
  4. From the usage tips removed a long-obsolete statement regarding a separate set of notes for every profile.
  5. Prevented several reported crashes.
MyBible 5.0.3 - December 7, 2019


  1. Fixed an inconvenience of starting to enter a bookmark description –
    only the very top strip of the big bookmark description area was
    reacting on a tap to show the virtual keyboard.
  2. Prevented hiding of vowelizations and accents in the Bible text
    after an upgrade from MyBible 5.0.1, if individual window settings were
    used in Bible windows.
  3. Prevented a crash on an attempt to warn the user that they have the
    “Don’t keep activities” developer’s option turned on on the device.
  4. Prevented a reported crash when launching on older devices.
MyBible 5.0.2 - December 6, 2019


  1. Interface font sizes:
    • Eliminated an unplanned dependency of the font size in
      HTML-based windows (commentaries, dictionary, devotions)
      from the fonts scale specified on the system level.
    • Changed approach to font usage in different lists:
      • For Bible texts in verse lists (in windows like Search,
        Verse in different modules, Strong number usage)
        added a new theme setting, “Font in list” in the “Bible: Verse text” theme element.
        Use auto-selection of a theme for a concrete Bible module or language
        to have verses in a list shown in different fonts for different Bible modules.
      • For lists of commentary articles, dictionary topics and so on
        the “Text in windows and balloons” theme setting is used (from the
        “Windows and balloons” theme element).
      • The rest of the lists use the “Interface text” theme setting
        (from the “Interface: Fonts and sizes” theme element).
      • In the “Scale” submenu added the interface scaling percentage,
        thus providing for easy adjustment of interface sizes for the
        entire user interface.
      • The “MyBible Interface Colors Guide” document available
        from is reworked into the “MyBible Interface Tuning Guide”
        to cover the fonts as well.
    • The “Notes text” theme setting now fully controls the remarks text
      (previously the remarks font size was taken from the “Windows and balloons”
      theme element).
    • On the Welcome screen added control of the interface and content
      fonts scale.
  2. Showing of Bible text:
    • In the “Show” submenu added the settings “accents” and “vowelizations”;
      tested on Hebrew and Russian modules.
    • When “paragraphs and indents” is checked in the “Show” submenu,
      the cross references, if also checked there, are shown as a continuation
      of the text on the last paragraph line; when “paragraphs and indents” is not
      checked, the cross references are shown on a separate line.
  3. Performance:
    • Somewhat shortened the MyBible start time.
    • Improved performance of auto-recognizing Bible references.
  4. Bookmark search improvements:
    • In the “Bookmarks” window added a possibility to filter bookmarks
      using a book set selection (can be hidden via the menu there).
    • The bookmarks side panel allows showing of all bookmarks,
      since there are filtering possibilities now.
    • When selecting a bookmark category, provided a possibility to filter
      categories in the selection list.
  5. Notes window header buttons:
    • For the “Referenced Bible verses” action the cross references icon is used
      instead of the “Send” icon.
    • Added the “Share” button for sending of currently open notes.
    • The “Show countdown to a particular time or for a particular duration”
      button is now hidden by default.
  6. Themes:
    • In theme settings added a checkbox “Wide dialog buttons (taking the entire width of a dialog window)”.
    • Corrected the color adjustment approach for the virtual system navigation buttons.
    • The “Maximum font size for selection buttons” theme setting now actually works
      for sizes smaller than 14.
    • Added a new theme “Cloud”, created by Ivan Bush.
  7. In the “About” text added a possibility of requesting support
    by sending MyBible logs.
  8. Welcome screen is rearranged to ensure that upon its opening the user always
    sees the scaling controls and the appearance theme selection.
  9. In the “Modules” window abbreviations of default modules
    (the ones being downloaded automatically for a particular language)
    are now underlined.
  10. Icons on the value changing buttons changed to more obvious “+” and “-“.
  11. When selecting a Bible book using a list with a textual filter,
    the virtual keyboard is being closed on tapping on the list item.
  12. Where filtering/search by a text fragment is used, removed a separate
    button with the “backspace” icon and added another, more compact,
    appearing as needed button to clear the text.
  13. When editing a bookmark, the description scrolls more naturally now,
    and more space is given to enter a big bookmark description.
  14. On the individual book selection screen added the button “Select all”.
  15. The action of the “Favorite Bible module” button in the Bible window header
    is improved to toggle between an assigned favorite Bible module and
    a Bible module selected before that. This way it is convenient to switch
    to a favorite Bible module for a moment, e.g. for a better understanding
    of the text, and then come back to the previous Bible module.
  16. In the “Screen” submenu added the setting “Clock on the menu button”.
  17. Updated French localization.


  1. Search fixes:
    • Fixed search of highlighted/underlined words in Bible modules without
      spaces (e.g. Chinese).
    • Fixed marking of words highlight/underline in the search results.
    • Turning of the device’s screen off while the search is in progress
      no longer stops the search and required indexing of modules.
      This shall prevent the situation in the future when a module indexing
      cannot complete before the search due to a short screen off delay set on the device,
      and the user thinks that the search functionality is broken.
    • Prevented distortion of some Church Slavic characters in search results
      when the “Search ignoring accents” search setting is on.
    • For searching in Russian Bible translations fixed not finding the letter “ё”.
  2. Corrected a problem of dictionaries stopping to work normally
    (until the MyBible full restart) in case if a dictionary module was automatically
    updated on the background.
  3. Since the customised appearance of dialogs (according to MyBible theme settings)
    did not work on Android 10, reworked the implementation of dialogs;
    they are of the interface panel colors now.
  4. Corrected the color usage in the countdown timer in the Notes window:
    the fixed yellow color (for the expiring timer) and red color (for the expired timer)
    are no longer used; the highlighted element color (E05) is used
    for the expired timer.

    In the built-in themes Jeans, MyBible original, Red Bus, Turquoise the color E05
    is corrected (taken from the color C05); in order to see this change, reset
    the theme to its initial state (using the Theme window).
  5. When filtering in “Remarks” and similar windows, prevented appearance of
    unexpected characters “br/>” where a line break is supposed to be.
  6. Enabled a mistakenly disabled copying of a default profile.
  7. Fixed a not always worked opening of the shown Bible place
    from the widget, when the widget is configured to a reading plan that points
    to entire chapters.
  8. Fixed the setting “but without abbreviation for:”, which upon the repeated
    opening was showing not the selected module but the previous one in the list.
  9. Fixed copying of special Bible module set types.
  10. Fixed a problem with the text color in commentary articles containing tables
    (the problem was visible mostly in the night mode).
  11. Fixed action of the “Next Bible module” button: it now follows the order
    of Bible modules in the quick selection list also if a Bible module set
    is being used for quick selection of a Bible module.
  12. Notes window:
    • Corrected color appearance of the upper part of the separate notes window.
    • The scroll position of notes is now kept by the first visible line, including when switching
      between the notes window and the separate notes entry screen.
  13. Corrected color appearance of the upper part of the separate “Notes” window.
  14. Fixed highlighting of found words in bookmarks, remarks, etc. in case
    if found text contains accents.
  15. For speaking (TTS) of an ancillary window content prevented inappropriate transformation
    of normal words to Bible book names, e.g. word “He” to “Hebrews”,
    “Son” to “Song of Solomon”: such a transformation is now only performed
    if a word is followed by an integer, representing a chapter or verse number.
  16. Chinese localization corrections.
  17. Prevented reported crashes.
MyBible 5.0.1 - September 27, 2019


  1. Prevented a message on automatic launching of the Start Screen
    when there is nothing to show there.
  2. Added the setting “Adjust system navigation bar color”.
  3. Localization updates:
    • Romanian
    • Chinese traditional
    • Chinese simplified
    • Ukrainian – corrected reported imperfections


  1. Bible search fixes:
    • Fixed the search problem in the version 5.0.0 when re-indexing of
      Bible modules was happening with every search until the module was updated
      via the “Modules” window.
    • Since starting the version 5.0.0 punctuation characters are always
      ignored when searching, the indexing is now performed for modules
      that were not indexed before (e.g. English modules without
      embedded Strong’s numbers), so that the search behaves the same
      in all the modules.
  2. Verses nn the bookmarks side panel now use the font configured for
    verse text in the Bible window, just as it is done in the Search window
    and in the “Verses in different Bible modules” window.
  3. Corrected small defects the the themes Jeans, Red Bus
    (you need to reset the theme to its predefined state to see the changes).
  4. Prevented a hangup/crash problem when the user configures two themes to
    borrow something from each other.
  5. Somewhat optimized internal operations on opening of a module,
    which shall potentially accelerate some operations on slower devices.
  6. Prevented reported crashes.
MyBible 5.0.0 - September 16, 2019


  1. Reworked appearance of the user interface:
    • The outline-style Material Design icons have been used in the application.
    • Eliminated a dis-balance of the ancillary windows being always dark, no matter
      day or night mode selected in the Bible window. Colors of ancillary windows are now
      adjustable through theme settings for day and night modes separately.
    • Theme elements that belong to the Bible window are clearly named as such.
    • Several rather confusing theme elements merged together, so that there are
      more clear Bible window-related theme elements the following additional theme
      elements: “Interface: Colors”, “Interface: Fonts and sizes”, “Windows and balloons”.
    • A color now can be edited in the hexadecimal form – by a long touch on a color square
      in the Themes window.
    • In the Theme window provided undo/redo for theme changes (in the list of actions
      opened by the triple vertical dot button).
    • Added built-in themes “Golden Compact”, “Jeans”, “Red Bus”, “Turquoise”
      which use the new possibilities of the entire MyBible user interface adjustment.
    • In the Theme window added a possibility of borrowing (and copying) settings
      from other themes. This gives you a convenient starting point for tuning of your own
    • A minimum adjustable font size is reduced from 10 to 5.
  2. Improved the first start of MyBible:
    • instead of opening the rather rich in content Modules window (which has been repeatedly
      reported as repelling a novice MyBible user), MyBible now shows the Welcome Screen
      that more clearly guides the user
    • the Welcome screen also stimulates the user to try different new appearance themes
    • the Welcome screen can be called manually, if desired, by a long touch on the
      Start Screen button, or a on a corresponding menu item
  3. The “Show navigation items in the Main Menu” setting is removed and replaced
    with a possibility to adjust the entire Main Menu – what items are shown, in how many columns
    and in what order. The menu adjustment mode is activated by a thin tappable bar
    at the very bottom of the menu.
  4. Added the screen setting “Hide buttons on scroll”, which in combination with the “Full screen”
    setting provides a true “no distraction” mode for Bible reading.
  5. Book selection window improvements:
    • Added an option of using a list of book abbreviations and titles.
    • For landscape mode, added an option to place position entry buttons to the right.
    • In the “Interface: Colors” theme element provided more options on coloring
      when selecting a Bible book.
    • Added menu item to start New Testament books from new line.
    • In the window title added abbreviation of the current Bible module.
  6. Provided quick access to favorite dictionary topics (primarily for a quick access to favorite
    maps while reading the Bible).

    • In the Bible window header added the “Favorite dictionary topics” button.
    • In the dictionary balloon, added buttons at the bottom-left to add/remove a shown
      dictionary topic to favorite ones, and to move between favorite dictionary topics.
    • The sorting of favorite topics, alphabetically or by date of adding to favorites,
      is selected in the “Favorite dictionary topics” window.
  7. Added the “Topics in dictionaries” Main Menu item, allowing access to looking up
    dictionary topics without a need to open the Dictionary window first.
  8. Supported the concepts of module sets, that is, selections of modules by the user,
    in a particular order:

    • A module set can now be used for quick selection of a Bible module: when
      selecting Bible modules for a quick selection (upon a long-touch of the
      Bible module selection button), see the icon in the window header
      to switch to module sets and back to the full list of modules).
    • A module set can now be used for selection and ordering of Bible modules
      for comparison (“Verse in different Bible modules” functionality).
    • Module sets are now also used for searching in several Bible modules.
  9. Search improvements:
    • Reworked the concept of searching many Bible modules: now there are configurable
      module sets, with a user-defined order of Bible modules in a set.
    • When searching in a set of modules, added a setting on returning
      a single result for every found verse (from the first Bible module where it was
      found) – activated/deactivated on a double-tap on a search in modules button.
    • Punctuation characters are now always ignored when searching.
    • Added settings for searching within particular highlight/underline types –
      activated by a long-touch on the paint roller button.
    • When selecting found verses for copying, a tap on the number of selected verses
      now copies the selected verses reference to Clipboard.
  10. Notes, bookmarks, remarks now support external hyperlinks starting with “http://” or “https://
  11. Updated the function of the word hyperlink action button, that can be shown
    on a vertical fling on the module selection button in the header of the Bible window:

    • The button now affects a dictionary balloon content, if the dictionary
      balloon is shown. This button is now the second shortcut to switching the dictionary
      balloon content, the first shortcut being a long-tapping the navigation button
      under the balloon.
    • The default set of options of the word hyperlink action button,
      which is “Strong”, “Dictionaries”, and “No action”, can be changed to a reduced
      set of options – only “Strong” and “Dictionaries” – by a long-tap on the button.
      This way the button becomes a convenient tool for checking/changing what type
      of a dictionary article will be shown when you double-tap a word in the Bible text.
      This is handy, for example, when you usually look up Strong’s lexicon, but occasionally
      switch to dictionaries to check out some place on a map, and forget to switch
      back to the Strong’s lexicons right away.
    • In the full mode, the usage tips for the Bible module button is extended with
      information on the word hyperlink action button.
  12. Updated the way the window control button in Bible windows indicates its function and
    the current state – see the updated usage tip on this button.
  13. In the Devotions window, added a separate configurable button to set a series start day
    (this functionality was only available upon a double-tap on the current day button – not very
  14. Added an explaining message when the Start Screen is called and yet there is nothing
    to show on it.
  15. Verse copying settings improvements:
    • For the “Every verse with a number” settings added the following sub-settings:
      • “Every verse from new line”
      • “Use subscript characters for verse numbers”
      • “Use superscript characters for verse numbers”
    • For the “Reference with Bible module abbreviation” setting added a sub-setting
      “but without abbreviation for”, so that the abbreviation of a commonly used
      (user-selectable) Bible translation is omitted when sharing verses,
      but an abbreviation is specified when occasionally sharing verses from other
      Bible translations.
  16. In the Settings window added menu items to save a state of settings and to restore settings
    from a saved state. This allows an easy return to a known “good” state of settings,
    so you can safely experiment with not yet known settings without a need to memorize
    what exactly you were changing.
  17. In the verses selection mode, tapping the selected verses position(s) indicator
    now copies to clipboard a reference in a style configured in settings for verses copying
    (was copying always only a book abbreviation followed by selected chapter and verse information).
  18. Added a setting “Use Cantonese TTS for Chinese texts”.
  19. In the Bible window header added the “Favorite Bible module” button.
  20. Supported external hyperlinks (starting with http:// or https://) in dictionaries,
    commentaries, devotions.
  21. A long touch on the “Previous chapter” button in the Bible window header and in the
    corresponding menu item, moves to the first chapter of the current book.
  22. The “copy” and “go” radio buttons present on different screens for working with items
    in the shown list are changed to checkboxes. This way the user can have neither of this
    action selected, which is more convenient if the user simply wants to rear through
    the shown list items, with no risk of accidental tepping or long-touching, and
    without any visual effect of touching.
  23. In the “Topics in dictionaries” window added history of shown topics.
  24. Maximum underline thickness is increased from 10 to 20 pixels.
  25. Start screen is available in the Simplified Mode as well.
  26. Improved the action of the fling right on the Bible text: if the current
    verse is not the first verse of the current chapter, moves to the beginning
    of the current chapter instead of the beginning of the previous chapter.


  1. Fixed the list of available themes in the Theme window – was not showing up on some devices
    when buttons are placed at the bottom of the window.
  2. Prevented resetting of search results after inserting a remark into the Bible text.
  3. Corrected appearance/behavior of the bookmark category entry window in landscape orientation.
  4. When deleting a module, added deletion of the -wal and -shm files that are being created
    by the SQLite engine on newer devices.
  5. In the “Verses in different Bible modules” window the Bible position is no longer repeated
    for every Bible module, if the verses being shown are all from the same chapter. When copying
    and sharing verses, the Bible position is still unconditionally shown for every Bible module,
    so that origin of the copied text is clear.
  6. In the Strong’s number usage window fixed a problem of not showing pertinence of
    a Strong’s number to a single word letter. E.g. G4314 was not shown in several cases
    as belonging to a Russian preposition “к”.
  7. Fixed a problem of auto-hyperlinks to Bible places “not seeing” an increased verse count
    in an updated Bible module and thus not recognizing references like Num 16:50 (as there are
    only 35 verses in Numbers 16 in several Bible modules while there are 50 verses in others).
  8. Corrected action of commentaries hyperlink for commentaries preceding a verse and
    for commentaries concluding a verse: for cases when there was both a preceding and a concluding
    commentary for the same verse both hyperlinks were showing the same combined commentaries
    article, now they show preceding and concluding commentary articles, respectively.
  9. In the “Modules” window, prevented a situation when the “Delete” button is not visible
    on small screens (the “Delete” button is now always in the overflow menu though).
  10. When adding a bookmark from the “Bookmarks” window, the “OK” button is disabled
    until the bookmark location (range of verses) is specified – to prevent creation of
    bookmarks pointing nowhere.
  11. When editing a custom reading plan, already existing progress of the plan is now
    being reset only in case of a change in the number of days or in the flag of breaking chapters.
  12. Fixed a problem of not showing dictionary modules as loaded if the Modules window
    is opened very soon after starting of MyBible (so that the background process of loading
    dictionaries for their usage from the Bible window was not completed yet).
  13. The current mode of a commentaries window can now be specified separately for
    each of the opened commentaries windows. (Previously due to an omission there was a single
    setting for the commentaries window mode, and that was causing a behavior confusion while using
    more than one commentaries window).
  14. Fixed the TTS in the Bible window – it did not want to continue speaking from the place
    where the user has scrolled the Bible text to while the TTS was ongoing.
  15. In the cross references window, references are no longer removed to books not present
    in the current Bible translation (they are now shown with empty texts instead).
  16. Automatic showing of the virtual keyboard, e.g. on tapping the “Clear” button in the Search
    window, is made more reliable (was not working well on Android 9).
  17. When renaming and copying profiles, notes etc., the “OK” button is no longer enabled
    until the entered name differs from the initial one.
  18. Fixes related to auto-recognized of hyperlinks to Bible places:
    • Fixed a problem of not taking into account specified Bible module abbreviations
      in remarks and in bookmark descriptions.
    • Fixed recognising of module abbreviations containing special characters.
    • Fixed recognizing of Bible references in languages which is not the same
      as a language of the current Bible module.
  19. Search fixes:
    • Fixed not working stopping of Bible modules indexing while searching.
    • Fixed the logic of finding highlighted/underlined words: was looking for verses where
      any word is highlighted or underlined, now looks for verses where specified words
      are highlighted or underlined.
  20. Fixed opening of MyBible upon a tap on the widget if the widget is configured
    to open a verse in a profile other than the profile currently selected in MyBible.
  21. Fixed applying of the TTS rate to ancillary windows.
MyBible 4.8.9 - March 14, 2019


  1. Elements of the reading plans window laid out more rationally in the landscape mode.
  2. Icons for commentaries functionality are updated to less resemble the copy functionality icon.
  3. A minimum TTS rate is reduced from 0.5 to 0.05.
  4. In exercises of Memorize, the current verse is auto-scrolled to the top of the window.
  5. In the “Verse in different Bible modules” window, if more than one verse is shown,
    verse numbers are now shown for a better convenience of comparing.
  6. In the “References” window tapping on the verse at the top navigates to that verse
    in the Bible window (this is useful when the “Reference” window is called
    from the navigation history list, so that it is now easy to return to the initial point
    of the cross references investigation).
  7. A long touch of the “Navigation history” button in the Bible window header
    now performs the “Last references” action.
  8. In the “Strong’s number usage” window added a possibility to call the “Verses in
    different Bible modules” window for verses selected in the list of found verses.
  9. In the the “Verses in different Bible modules” window corrected the way position information
    is represented (to suit the new usage of this window, see above).
  10. Default chapter and verse numbering is changed from being Russian on devices with Russian
    localization and English on other devices, to native – in order to avoid questions
    from beginner MyBible users on why is Psalms numbering “shifted”.
  11. The action of the “Profiles” button in the header of the Bible window header is changed
    to show a dropdown list of available profiles to select from (a long touch on that button
    shows the “Profiles” window).
  12. Sorting of bookmarks and bookmark categories by description is made case-insensitive.
  13. Added missing parts of Latvian localization of the user interface.
  14. Added Serbian localization of the user interface.


  1. Deleted a problematic (causing a crash on an initial application launch)
    and no longer maintained Lithuanian localization of the user interface.
  2. Prevented a still existed possibility to show a context menu and paste text
    (overwriting the entire existing content) in the read-only mode of the Notes window.
  3. Small corrections of German localization texts.
  4. Prevented crashes reported for the version 4.8.8.
MyBible 4.8.8 - December 25, 2018


  1. In a usage tip on reporting a module defect added words “mistake” and “typo”,
    so that this usage tip will more likely be noticed by the user when searching for a way
    to report a module defect (this is done in English, Russian, and Ukrainian usage tips only).
  2. The navigation setting “Toggle night mode by the screen tap with three fingers…” is turned off
    by default to prevent accidental turning on the night mode by beginner users.
  3. When switching from the “Select verses…” action mode to the “Text-to-Speech (TTS)” action mode,
    selected verses are cleared. This way the “Text-to-Speech (TTS)” action mode clearly serves
    for speaking of the Bible text throughout from the current verse. There is still a possibility
    of speaking selected verses only – using the TTS button in the “Select verses…” action mode.
  4. When showing a commentary hyperlink in a balloon, the “Next” button is now available
    under the balloon, to switch to the next commentary hyperlink in the tapped verse (if
    there is more than one commentary hyperlink for that verse).
  5. In a Bible window, a vertical fling (showing configurable buttons which did not fit)
    now also works on the position selection button and on the menu button, so that even if none
    of configurable buttons is shown, it is still possible to access them.
  6. Small correction in the English localization, as the result of a review by native speakers.


  1. When setting a text scale, fixed not scaling of Strong’s numbers and remark markers.
  2. In the “First letter” exercise of the Memorize functionality corrected a situation with
    impossibility to enter a letter if there is more than one punctuation character
    before a word (e.g., two different types of quotes).
  3. The “Memorize” button in a bookmark popup window in the Bible window now closes the
    bookmark popup window before performing its action.
  4. In some places of the user interface (messages in a commentaries window, messages in a dictionary
    window, etc.), fixed usage of texts in the system default language instead of texts in a language
    selected by the user in MyBible settings.
  5. In a dictionary window fixed the button “Next dictionary containing the current topic”
    that did not work in case if the current Bible module has Strong’s numbers with morphology indications.
  6. Fixed not working reminder notifications for the Memorize functionality.
  7. In the Bookmarks window, fixed a not working showing of a bookmark modification date.
  8. Prevented crashes reported for the version 4.8.7.
  9. (Technical) Explicitly prevented leaving of unfinished activities when re-opening MyBible
    via the icon on the device’s home screen.
MyBible 4.8.7 - November 25, 2018


  1. In the “Data directory” settings group:
    • Removed tip texts that are not applicable in the current situation.
    • Disabled the “Select” button when the application itself is moved to SD card
      (a data directory in this case can only be located in the default directory on SD card,
      so there is no point in allowing the selection).
    • Tapping the “Select” button always starts the selection from internal memory,
      even if currently the data directory is located on SD card – it is done this way
      because it is always possible to navigate from internal memory to SD card,
      but not possible on some devices to navigate from SD card to internal memory.
  2. When a native numbering of chapters and verses is selected in settings,
    selection of another Bible module having different numbering now automatically adjusts
    the current position, so that the same original place of Scriptures shown in the selected
    Bible module as was shown in a previously selected Bible module.


  1. Fixed showing of all commentaries for a verse from a commentaries window
    if a commentary article for an entire book or chapter is shown there
    (was always showing commentaries for Genesis 1:1).
  2. Fixed showing of random verse settings when header buttons are configured
    to be shown at the bottom of the window.
  3. Corrected behavior of the “Select” button in the “Data directory” group of settings:
    • The “Select” button is disabled when the app itself is moved to SD card,
      because in this case the app only allows placing of the data directory into
      a default directory on SD card.
    • The “Select” button now always starts the selection from the built-in memory,
      because on some devices, if the selection starts from the SD card, there is no
      possibility to select a directory on the built-in memory.
  4. When starting the Action Mode by a long touch on the Bible text,
    prevented a situation with no selected verses and no selected words in the Active Mode,
    if a long touch was made not on a word of the Bible text while selecting of individual words
    is on.
  5. Corrected a problem of jumping to the beginning of the book in the second Bible window
    when a Bible module in the second window does not contain a book selected in the first window.
  6. Memorize corrections:
    • Fixed non-completion of the last day of a memorization program in case if the total number
      of verses to memorize is not a multiple of the number of verses to memorize per day.
    • Passing of an exercise from the history (pulled from the list at the bottom)
      no longer causes unexpected marking of a current day’s exercise as passed.
  7. Fixed crashes reported for 4.8.6.
MyBible 4.8.6 - November 19, 2018


  1. “Data directory” settings group clarifications:
    • Added a tip on how to move data to SD card in case if the device
      does not support relocation of the application itself to SD card.
    • Taking into account the added tip, corrected the information message on whether
      the current data directory will be automatically deleted if the application itself
      is deleted.


  1. Corrections related to cross references:
    • When cross references are shown in the Bible text, prevented repetition of the same
      cross references (there is no repetition in a cross references popup already).
    • Ensured re-displaying of cross references in the Bible window after the user changes
      the desired order of showing cross references in the “References” window.
    • Eliminated a small mismatch in the order of references when showing in a balloon
      and when showing in the Bible text.
  2. Corrected action of the word hyperlink action round button (called by a vertical swipe on a Bible
    module selection button) – the “No action” setting was not turning off hyperlinks on Bible words
    right way.
  3. Fixed several crashes reported for 4.8.5.
MyBible 4.8.5 - November 14, 2018


  1. Improved functionality of the second dictionary window:
    • A dictionary window mode (Strong’s lexicons or dictionaries) in the second dictionary window
      is now maintained independently, so that you can have the first (main) dictionary
      window showing a Strong’s lexicon, and the second dictionary window showing a dictionary –
      both for the same word tapped in a Bible translation.
    • A preferred dictionary module in the second Bible window is now also maintained
      independently, so that you can simultaneously see articles for a tapped word
      from two of your favorite dictionaries.
  2. Showing of a map full-screen (upon a tap on it) is made truly full-screen (no system status bar)
    – for a more precise scaling of the map.
  3. Updated the Search help in translation into French.


  1. Fixed showing of reading plan items on Psalms when a reading plan is compiled
    in the English numbering but the Russian numbering is selected in MyBible – some additional
    corrections to what was already done in 4.8.4.
  2. Removed an extra period at the end when shortening a text by first several sentences,
    e.g. in the list of all commentaries for a verse.
  3. Corrected the way MyBible detects that the application itself is installed on SD –
    this shall overcome a problem reported by one user that MyBible detects that in a reversed way,
    causing moving its modules to SD card when the app itself is actually installed on internal memory.
  4. Prevented a problem of indexing a Bible module on every search in it (observed on some devices
    with Android 9, starting MyBible 4.8.0).
  5. Fixed a long time existed crash on an attempt to drag selected text in the Notes window.
    Note: if you select the setting “Auto-mark hyperlinks to verses in the Notes window and
    in the Remarks balloon as you type…”, you may still get that crash, as it is apparently
    related to an internal error in Android on allowing hyperlinks in a text while the text
    is editable.
  6. Fixed several other crashes reported for 4.8.4.
  7. (For MyBible team members only, not visible for MyBible users):

    prevented a registry downloading problem after switching between a test modules registry and
    an officially published modules registry, if a registry switched to has an older version
    than a registry switched from.
MyBible 4.8.4 - October 21, 2018


  1. Upon tapping the “Share” button in the Bible window, the header of the text being formed
    now contains a reference to verses being shared, which makes the header more informative.
  2. Improved caching of search results, so that there is no re-search delay upon returning
    to the Search window.
  3. Cross references in a balloon are now sorted in the order selected in the “References” window.
  4. When switching the dictionaries mode, the Bible window content no longer jumps to the beginning
    of the current verse.
  5. If several subheading modules are used in the Bible text, the subheadings for all languages
    (which carry references to parallel places) are now the last, similar to a standard approach
    to this in printed Bibles.
  6. In the widget header removed a selected Bible module abbreviation.


  1. Fixed highlighting of found text fragments when searching for entered text
    in bookmarks, modules, and other places – was showing unexpected characters in some cases,
    e.g. when searching for “all f”.
  2. Fixed showing of reading plan items on Psalms when a reading plan is compiled
    in the English numbering but the Russian numbering is selected in MyBible.
  3. In the Dictionary window, switching from the Strong’s lexicon mode to the dictionary mode
    is fixed to convert a tapped word to its normalized form before looking it up in a dictionary.
  4. Fixed localization of the Search help window title.
  5. Corrected showing of native numbering, so that it is not shown if the numbering matches.
  6. Fixed a problem of displaying long items in the dictionary topics list.
  7. Fixed a problem of the “Next book” function not working on Bible modules containing
    the New Testament only.
  8. Fixed several crashes reported for 4.8.3.
MyBible 4.8.3 - October 5, 2018


  1. Fixed showing of a dictionary article in the Strong Number Usage window
    (broken by a sloppy crash fix for the version 4.8.2).
  2. In the Bookmarks window, fixed an incorrect adjustment of a bookmark list item height
    to fit the description text.
  3. Prevented a problem of unexpected restarting of the app when a custom cross references
    module is updated externally.
  4. Corrections of a few typos in the French localization.
  5. Fixed several crashes reported for 4.8.2.
MyBible 4.8.2 - September 30, 2018


  1. Favorite items review:
    • Internally reworked the screens for showing of favorite items, so that the progress
      of retrieving favorite items is shown instead of a black screen.
    • Accelerated retrieving of texts for favorite dictionary articles.
    • Fixed not working saving of favorite items after their importing from another profile.
  2. Fixed an imprecise positioning when proceeding to the end of a book when Bible font size
    is significantly enlarged.
  3. Crash fixes.
MyBible 4.8.1 - September 26, 2018


  1. When the “windows controls at the bottom” is selected in settings, the “Show, screen, scale…”
    submenu has its title and the next/previous buttons also shown at the bottom, so that
    it is easier to reach and switch the submenus with a finger.
  2. Localization updates: Romanian, Hungarian, Spanish, French.


  1. Fixed widget buttons not working reliably or not working at all on some devices.
  2. When in the words highlighting mode, a long touch was also activating a verses selection mode –
  3. When in the remark insertion mode, prevented losing of the current place
    by an accidental horizontal fling.
  4. Prevented a problem of editing a remark in landscape mode on modern Samsung devices,
    when virtual system buttons appear on the side, cutting out a part of the application’s
    screen area width and thus forcing the app to resize. A problem was that it was impossible
    to close the virtual keyboard in the above situation.
  5. Fixed a problem of incorrect handling of reading plan items that point to Psalms.
  6. Fixed action of the “Share” button on the bookmarks side panel,
    which was unconditionally including verses and comments into the text being shared
    instead of following the user’s selection for the side panel content.
  7. Prevented an inability to open downloaded modules on some devices with Android 8.1.
  8. Fixed recognizing of Bible hyperlinks in a user-entered text (notes, bookmarks, remarks)
    for cases like “1 John 1:3” – this used to be incorrectly recognized as a reference to
    Gospel of John while it actually is a reference to the First Epistle of John.
  9. For TTS of the Bible text, fixed skipping of a short verse that takes only a part of
    a single line.
  10. When opening the Subheadings menu item, fixed the broken automatic opening of
    subheadings for the current place in the Bible.
  11. Fixed behavior of the settings window on the device screen rotation.
  12. Corrected width of a bookmark category color indicator, so that a category
    number consisting of two digits does not wrap.
  13. Memorize corrections:
    • Fixed slowness of the words ordering exercise of the Memorize functionality
      (slowness appeared in the version 4.8.0 due to attaching of fragments to memorize
      to concrete Bible modules, which was done in 4.8.0 in an ineffective way).
    • Fixed font size for Bible text in exercises.
  14. Fixed an incorrect selection of a footnote when a footnote is switched from a balloon
    into the commentaries window when the commentaries window is in the mode other than
    “Commentaries for the current verse” and there are similar footnote markers in different
    shown verses.
  15. Crash fixes.
MyBible 4.8.0 - September 10, 2018


  1. Dynamic permissions (forced to be used by Google Play):
    • On the first startup, MyBible now requests access to the common storage area.
      If the user does not grant the access, MyBible will not be able to work with a
      previously created /MyBible directory. Also, in this case MyBible’s data will
      no longer stay on the device when you uninstall the application itself to update or
      to downgrade it, so please make a backup copy of your data when you uninstall
      MyBible – see the “Data directory” group of settings.
    • Custom screen timeout set in MyBible is turned off; when you try to turn it back on,
      the system will ask you to explicitly allow MyBible write system settings.
    • Access to microphone is requested only when you try to enter the “Voice correction”
      exercise of the Memorize functionality.
  2. Simplified moving of MyBible’s data to SD card and back to internal memory.

    In order to move MyBible data to SD card or back to internal memory, relocate
    the application itself, using Android means, to SD card or to internal memory.
    MyBible during its startup will then detect the application relocation
    and will automatically move the data directory as appropriate.

    See the “Data directory” group of settings for a reminder on this and some more info.
  3. Bible window appearance flexibility:
    • The former “Show” submenu is now called “Show, screen, scale…” and
      is split into several parts: “Show”, “Screen”, “Scale”, “Themes”.
    • The “Show” submenu now allows selecting of shown details individually for every
      Bible window. For example, you could show cross references only in the first
      Bible window, saving space in the second window.
    • The “Scale” submenu allows scaling of font sizes relative to sizes defined in a
      selected theme, for all the windows together or for particular Bible windows
      individually. This submenu is also called upon performing “pinch-to-zoom” gesture
      in a Bible window. (In previous versions the pinch-to-zoom was changing all the sizes in a
      selected theme; now a theme remains unchanged, only the scaling percentage changes).
    • The “Themes” submenu allows selecting a theme individually for every Bible window.
      It also allows to configure automatic selection of a theme for a Bible module,
      based on the abbreviation or language of that module.
  4. Added support of Biblical atlases:
      Created a set of special dictionary modules containing images of scanned Biblical maps,
      with a built-in mapping of geographical names to places on the maps.
      A dictionary/atlas article on a geographical name shows location of a corresponding place
      on map(s) in that article.
      You can pinch-and-stretch to zoom maps, double-tap them to enlarge twice,
      and tap to open full-screen.
      Atlas modules are in a few languages only so far, plan to add in the future –
      invite volunteers to perform actual mapping of names to places on maps.
  5. Improvements related to modules:
    • The term “Bible translation” in application texts is consistently replaced with
      a more correct term “Bible module”.
    • Supported a new type of modules – bundles.
    • A Bible module can now refer to a particular appearance theme. So if you activate
      automatic selection of themes for particular modules (see above), this Bible module
      will be shown using that theme.
    • In the Modules window added usage tips to explain all the module types.
  6. Memorize functionality improvements:
    • In the text ordering and first letter exercises added coloring of words which are not
      entered correctly from the first time.
    • An exercise will not be completed if the user has not passed all the verses
      assigned for the the current iteration.
    • A particular Bible module is now being assigned to a fragment to memorize.
  7. Improvements in actions related to verses selection:
    • Supported selection of individual words in verses – there is a new button
      in the selection mode to switch the two selection submodes: individual words or entire verses.
    • Provided the “Add selected verse(s) to notes” button that adds selected verses
      to the end of the text in the Notes window. A simple tap on the button adds selected text
      after a space at the end of the current notes, a long touch of the button adds
      selected verses after an empty line at the end of the existing notes.
    • A tap on selected verses reference in the header copies that reference to clipboard.
  8. In the “Bookmarks” and “Remarks” windows added a possibility of exporting the selected/filtered
    items into a custom commentaries module.
  9. Improvements related to bookmarks:
    • Bookmarks window:
      • Several menu items in the Bookmarks window are named more clearly.
      • Once a bookmark is selected, a “Select all” button is now available.
      • Editing of several selected bookmarks is not available – moving them to another category.
      • When some bookmarks are selected, selecting of another bookmark category now suggest
        moving of selected bookmarks to that category.
      • When sending bookmarks for printing, a report content is now configurable: you can select
        whether to include bookmarked verses, bookmark comments, bookmark timestamps. The report
        format adjusts in a practical way to a selected content.
    • For bookmark categories added two properties (both are off by default):
      “Highlight background of bookmarked verses with the category color” and
      “When this category is current, a new bookmark is being added without showing the bookmark editing window”.
    • On the bookmarks side panel added the “Share” button, which differs from the already existed
      “Send for printing” button in sending a generated report as text instead a file attachment
      (this way it is possible to share bookmarks info via SMS).
  10. Enhanced fonts support:
    • Added support of fonts with .otf file name extension. If font files with both .ttf and .otf
      extensions are present in the /MyBible/user/fonts directory (i.e. Helvetica.ttf and Helvetical.otf),
      MyBible will use the .ttf font.
    • Supported non-standard fonts in articles of dictionaries and commentaries.
  11. Text to speech (TTS):
    • In the Bible window header added the configurable TTS button – you can now start TTS
      in a bible window with a single tap.
    • Added a possibility to speak only selected verses, with a possibility to auto-repeat them.
    • The TTS rate setting, which was available only in the action mode,
      is made available also in the new “Text to Speech (TTS)” settings group.
    • In the new “Text to Speech” settings group added the setting “Pause between verses, seconds”.
    • Speaking contents of commentary hyperlinks from the Bible window is made
      optional, controlled by a new setting in the TTS settings group, turned off by default.
  12. Strong’s number usage window improvements:
    • Translation of an original word defined by a Strong’s number is no longer considered
      to always be a single word, but all the words placed before a Strong’s number,
      up to the previous Strong’s number or to the nearest punctuation (whichever is closer).
    • Prevented a duplicated showing of the Strong’s number itself in the summary area’s header.
  13. Improvements related to notes:
    • In the Notes window added the button “Referenced Bible verses” (hidden by default).
      Via this button, MyBible can now provide Bible verses for all recognized Bible reference in your notes.
    • In the separate “Notes” screen supported the read-only mode.
  14. The settings group “Notes” is updated to be “Notes and remarks”:
    • added a setting to auto-capitalize sentences
    • added settings allowing to start editing of a remark with a double tap instead of a long tap
  15. Enhanced word lookup in concordance dictionaries.
  16. The Search window, when searching for a single word or for an exact phrase,
    now also shows the number of found matches in found verses
    (which can be bigger than the number of found verses). In portrait screen orientation
    this information is available by tapping the number of found verses.
  17. Supported built-in subheadings that can be inserted in the middle of a verse.
  18. Several settings turned on by default:
    • showing of cross references in a balloon
    • hardware acceleration in Bible windows (and thus no worn edges effect)
    • a word acting like a hyperlink to a dictionary or to a Strong’s number
  19. When selecting a chapter from a book that has not all the chapters present in a particular
    Bible module (e.g. if not all the Psalms are translated), the chapter selection window
    no longer shows numbers for missing chapters.
  20. The “Strong’s numbers” item in the “Show” submenu now supports a long touch,
    opening the settings controlling what content to show for Strong’s numbers.
  21. To the group of settings “Verse copying and sharing” added a setting
    “Reference on a separate line”.
  22. In usage tips, the title of the current tip is now clickable, so that it is possible
    to see/navigate the full list of usage tips that match the selected category and the entered
    text fragment.
  23. Toggling of the “Allow editing” button in the Notes window header now saves the notes content.
  24. Improved performance of scrolling 2 or 3 Bible windows when they are synchronized.
  25. At the top of the “About” text added the “Need help?” hyperlink allowing to email to MyBible support.
  26. The “Profiles” menu item now shows the current profile name directly in the menu item.
  27. Confirming of user actions with vibration is turned off by default.
  28. Per a request from a U.S. user who shares verses via SMS, added a setting allowing to reduce
    a size of messages being sent: “Replace alternative non-ASCII characters (like non-symmetric
    quotation marks) with their ASCII equivalents”.
  29. Provided an explaining text for window sizes in the “Ancillary windows” theme element.
  30. Bookmark indicators are now slightly wider and and shifted left, so that they do not cover
    the current reading plan fragment bar.
  31. Supported calling of MyBible from external Android applications.


  1. Fixed searching of the apostrophes (single quotes) and double quotes in Bible translations
    that use some special form of those characters (e.g. NLT’07).
  2. For Bible text, corrected vertical positioning of text fragments, so that they are
    placed on the same baseline even if different fonts are used for different parts.
  3. Fixed tracking of reading plan items on a day of a daylight savings change.
  4. In the Modules window, the “Clear cache” menu item is renamed to “Update modules list”.
  5. When switching a profile, ensured that the settings of showing info for a String’s number
    are reapplied for the selected profile.
  6. Corrected highlighting of the last word in a line when the Bible text justification option
    is used.
  7. Cross references in a balloon:
    • corrected calculation of a number of available unique cross references
    • corrected handling of cross references to Psalms in regard to different numbering modes
  8. Fixed switching of the interface language from MyBible settings –
    did not work on Android 8.
  9. Fixed showing of footnotes in the Commentaries window.
  10. Corrected the usage tip on the daily devotions – selecting of the series begin date
    can be made by a double-tap on the current day button (not by a long touch on it as the tip
    used to say).
  11. Corrected showing of verse ranges in reading plan items when there is an particular start verse
    but no particular end verse, or vice versa.
  12. For commentaries for a verse, fixed copying to Clipboard of commentaries containing characters
    expressed in HTML using their unicode codepoints in a decimal or hexadecimal form.
  13. Sorting by order in bookmark lists now follows a user-selected setting for the order of books.
  14. Morphology explanations are no longer forced to lowercase.
  15. Widget corrections:
    • Corrected applying of a profile selected in the widget.
    • Corrected showing in the widget of reading plan items consisting of a single verse
      (verses were shown to the end of a chapter in that case).
  16. Fixed a problem of not being able to create a bookmark from selected verses if “All bookmarks”
    was selected in the Bookmarks window.
  17. In the “Reading places” window, fixed editing and deleting of reading places
    when some filtering is applied to the list.
  18. Fixed a broken setting “Suggest verse selection after chapter selection”.
  19. For the “Current heading” button, fixed showing of subheadings with references
    to parallel places (prevented showing of special control characters there).
  20. Fixed a problem of not selecting a bookmark position when the
    “Suggest verse selection after chapter selection” setting is off.
  21. When switching windows places, removed the incorrectly working yellow highlighting
    and added the second button having the same moving action – appears more obvious this way.
  22. On a clean installation, restored creation of three default reading places.
  23. Fixed TTS in ancillary windows – was speaking only one sentence.
  24. When switching a Bible module, the current position in the Bible window is no longer
    reset to the beginning of a current verse: a scrolling within a current verse is kept.
    Switching to another Bible module and then back now restores exactly the same
    screen state as before a Bible module switching.
  25. Fixed remembering of the scroll position in the bookmarks side panel (broken in the version 4.7).
  26. Time countdown in the Notes window no longer disappears on the screen rotation.
  27. Corrected action of the “All commentaries for a verse” button of the action mode in the Bible window.
  28. When starting or switching a profile, prevented a black screen when some one-time long
    operation is needed – it is now performed while a splash screen is shown, and thus the situation
    is more understandable for the user.
  29. Deleted the partial Indonesian localization, as not being maintained.
MyBible 4.7.7 - July 28, 2018


  1. Prevented a crash in the Modules window when the Ukrainian localization
    of the application is selected (the crash is caused by a defect in the Android code
    causing an incorrect sorting of strings starting with a capital Ukrainian I).
MyBible 4.7.6 - June 23, 2018


  1. Corrected the order of showing commentary articles in the commentary window for
    concluding commentaries (which are the majority of commentaries). The MyBible specification
    for commentaries support, which was developed for the version 4.7.0, is correct, but its
    implementation apparently was thoroughly tested only for preceding commentaries,
    and an incomplete implementation for concluding commentaries has slept through the testing
    of the version 4.7.0. Once this problem was reported, it was corrected immediately
    in the release 4.7.6.
  2. Provided a more natural behavior of automatic turning on and off of the windows synchronization
    when working with the commentaries window while only one Bible window is open.
  3. Fixed not working access to a dictionary word hyperlink from a footnote balloon.
MyBible 4.7.5 - May 1, 2018


  1. If no locally stored list of available modules is found when the Modules window is opened,
    the list of available modules is being requested from the repository (the previous version
    could have shown an empty Modules window in some situations).
MyBible 4.7.4 - March 6, 2018


  1. In the “Modules” window, the filtering by the module type is no longer persisted
    when the window is re-opened, but set to “All module types” (because this filtering
    is considered “one time only”, and persisting it has caused several user’s questions
    “where are all the modules?”).
  2. The “Profiles” button added among other configurable buttons in the Bible window.


  1. Corrected restoring of Bible windows synchronization on closing of a Bible window after
    breaking of synchronization by following a cross reference.
  2. Prevented a problem of an impossibility to create a bookmark from the Bible window
    (because the current bookmark category is not defined) in some cases after selecting
    another bookmark set or after switching to another MyBible profile.
  3. Translated several forgotten strings in Polish, Mossi.
  4. Prevented a number of reported crashes.
MyBible 4.7.3 - February 26, 2018


  1. Improvements of auto-hyperlinks (in notes, remarks, bookmark descriptions):
    • added support of book abbreviations separated from a chapter or verse number
      by a comma with no space
    • added more recognizable Ukrainian book abbreviations
  2. Long-touch on the “cross references…” checkbox in the “Show” submenu now opens exactly the
    settings of cross references selection to be shown in the Bible window
    (was opening the cross references window in general).
  3. After opening a cross reference in a dedicated Bible window, which breaks the windows
    synchronization, going back in the second Bible window restores the windows synchronization.


  1. When editing a custom reading plan, prevented specifying the number of days less than the number of verses.
  2. Fixed: updating of cross references selection for the Bible text from the Settings window
    did not cause changes in the cross references showing after closing of the Settings window.
  3. Prevented hanging of the application when trying to search in dictionaries for a word that
    has no normal form (e.g. a “|” separator).
  4. Prevented hanging of the application when generating a custom reading plan for all the Bible
    books (observed on some Bible translations).
  5. Fixed a problem of a configured TTS rate not being applied on opening of the action mode
    until the TTS rate controls are touched again.
  6. Fixed the format of copying verses from the Search window and similar windows (wasn’t
    correctly handling a style of references for copying of verses, selected in settings).
  7. Fixed opening of a commentary hyperlink from the commentaries window when
    showing of commentaries relevant to the shown fragment option is selected in the commentaries
  8. Prevented a number of reported crashes.
MyBible 4.7.2 - February 12, 2018


  1. Improved usability of cross references shown in a balloon: they now show a text of verses
    pointed by cross references.
  2. The “Memorize” functionality is shown on the Start Screen only if there is also something
    else to show there. This prevents an unexpected showing of the Start Screen with Memorize only
    for users who do not use reading places, reading plans, daily devotions.
  3. In the text ordering exercise of the Memorize functionality the text size and font
    on word selection buttons is made the same as on the verse text.
  4. Commentary hyperlinks shown in the Bible text are now shown without a technical suffix
    on a commentary module abbreviation, thus making commentary hyperlinks more brief
    and still informative enough.
  5. Updated Simplified Chinese localization.
  6. Added Polish localization.


  1. On the application widget prevented a mismatch of a shown position and shown verses,
    observed in some cases when a random verse widget mode is selected.
  2. Prevented an showing of the same commentary hyperlink several times (observed in some cases).
  3. Fixed not working dictionary lookup of Russian words with the emphasis character.
  4. Fixed re-drawing of a remark pointer when moving it with a long-touch (was not working
    properly with the hardware acceleration turned off).
  5. Fixed opening of a selected commentary module from the window showing all commentaries for
    a selected verse.
  6. Fixed the problem of losing bookmark creation/modification hours and minutes introduced
    in the version 4.7.0. Note that if you have created or updated any bookmarks since you started
    using MyBible version 4.7.0 or 4.7.1, the hours and minutes of all your bookmarks are lost,
    so if you depend on them and have a backup copy of your bookmarks made before January 22 2018 –
    restore bookmarks from that backup copy.
  7. Small corrections to the bookmark side panel visual behavior.
  8. When working with two or three Bible windows, a color, an underline line style, a TTS rate
    selected in one window is automatically picked up by other windows.
  9. Added missing sorting of languages in the application localization setting.
  10. Fixes of crashes reported for MyBible 4.7.1.
MyBible 4.7.1 - January 30, 2018


  1. Memorize functionality:
    • For the Bible text in Memorize exercises used the font and size
      specified in the “Verse text” element of the theme settings.
    • A font scaling specified in a current Bible translation module is applied to the
      text size in the Memorize exercise windows.
    • Calling of an exercise from the right panel now opens the entire text for memorizing.
      Opening of the exercise from the program panel at the bottom still selects for memorizing
      only verse(s) per the current progress of the memorizing program.
  2. In the app widget, book abbreviations are now used instead of full book names to avoid pushing
    of the chapter and verse reference beyond the right boundary.
  3. Subheading settings can now be called from the “Show” submenu, by a long touch
    of the “subheadings” checkbox (an ellipsis is added to its text to indicate this).
  4. Localization updates: Spanish, Arabic, Mossi


  1. When the hardware acceleration option is on, the worn edges effect of the old paper
    background is no longer used (and is absent in theme settings), because it is incompatible
    with the hardware acceleration and causes a “black window” on some devices.
  2. The application no longer requests the system permission to auto-start after the device
    restart; scheduling of the memorize reminders begins upon the first access to MyBible
    after the device restart.
  3. Fixed opening of a reading place tapped in the Reading Places window (was broken in version 4.7.0).
  4. Memorize functionality:
    • Fixed a problem of exercise windows not visually reacting to user’s actions
      on Android 5.x.
    • Ensured that the same Psalm is shown in the left side panel and in the exercises
      when the numbering mode is switched in the application settings.
  5. App widget:
    • In the “Bookmarks” mode, corrected retrieving of verses by bookmarks to take
      into account the current numbering mode.
  6. Fixed showing of footnotes from a Bible module as commentary hyperlinks in another Bible
    module (hyperlink context was not found upon a hyperlink tap tap in some cases).
  7. Crash fixes.
  8. Removed code of supporting bookmarks in XML format (as the bookmarks have been switched to JSON
    many major versions ago).
MyBible 4.7.0 - January 22, 2018


  1. Scrolling of the Bible text:
    • Engaged the hardware acceleration, so that the Bible text scrolling is more smooth.
    • Unfortunately, with the hardware acceleration turned on, the patterned underlines
      look like solid lines, so a setting is added to turn the hardware acceleration off
      if patterned underlines are highly desirable.
    • Added a setting to adjust the speed of the smooth page scrolling.
  2. Improved access to MyBible settings:
    • You can now search/filter for a setting you need by a fragment of its text.
    • Settings are grouped into more categories, but you can also see all the settings in a single
    • You can select your favorite settings (the ones you change more often) using the star icon next
      to them, and then see only them in the “Favorites” category.
    • Settings on showing commentary hyperlinks in the Bible text are made more explicit.
    • Settings on selecting cross reference modules to be shown in teh Bible text
      added to “Settings” window.
    • In the Settings window added a menu item to reset all the settings (of the current profile)
      to their default state.
    • Added a setting on sorting Bible books in a custom order, if that is defined
      for a particular Bible translation module.
    • Settings from the “Show” submenu added also to the “Settings” window, so that the user
      can look up those settings, too.
    • Removed the obsolete setting “Hide accent characters which are not supported (at least in
      Android 2.2.1)”, because the “MyBible alternative” theme (or the Tahoma font
      assigned to ancillary windows in another theme) works well.
  3. Modules downloading:
    • In the Modules window, the “Downloaded” radio button for language selection,
      a purpose of which was not obvious, is renamed to “My”, meaning “all modules
      in all my downloaded languages”
    • More filtering means added in the Modules window: “Already downloaded”,
      “Updated among already downloaded”, “All new and updated”.
    • Downloading of modules is made more reliable, so that when you start downloading
      from the “Modules” window and exit the window, downloading of modules will still continue until
      done (or until cancelled by you from the “Modules” window).
    • Reduced the Internet traffic consumption on downloading of the MyBible registry,
      in the “Modules” window and when performing an automated check for updated modules:
      the MyBible registry is no longer being downloaded if it was not actually updated
      since it was downloaded for the last time.
  4. New Verses Memorizing feature:
    • MyBible can now help you memorize a verse or a set of adjacent verses –
      any Bible fragment that you can mark with a bookmark in MyBible.
    • MyBible offers three different exercises for memorizing, which are more or less known
      and used in existing specialized applications (like “Remember Me”): word hiding, first letter,
      text ordering.
    • MyBible also offers a rather unique exercise, called voice correction. It will help you speak
      out loud a Bible fragment being memorized, while MyBible listens to you,
      checks what you have said against a corresponding Bible module, and corrects you
      with a voice if it hears a mistake. So this way you could work on memorizing important
      Bible passages while on a walk – with no need to look at the screen of your mobile device often.
    • You can access the Verses Memorizing feature from the Start Screen, from the bookmarks
      side panel, from the action mode for selected verse(s), and from an already existing bookmark,
      after long-touching it in the Bible window.
    • Verses Memorizing lets you select and keep track of the bookmarks which you want to memorize.
      For each bookmark selected for memorizing MyBible lets you create and configure
      a memorizing program: which of the 4 exercise types to engage, how many times a day each,
      and for how many days.
    • Verses Memorizing keeps track of your progress and percentage of mistakes you make.
    • MyBible can notify you when it is time of the day that you have assigned to do
      some Bible verses memorizing.
  5. Commentaries support update:
    • Commentary articles are now distinguished into “preceding” and “concluding”
      (before this all the commentary articles were considered to be “concluding”
      and were shown after the Bible verses commented by them).
    • Changed semantics of the second mode of the commentary window: it is now called
      “Show commentaries relevant to the shown fragment”, where the “shown fragment” are
      verses currently visible in the active Bible window.
    • In the Commentaries window, the “Show commentaries relevant to the current fragment” option,
      the overall commentaries for a book or for a chapter are only shown when the first verse of a chapter
      is current.
  6. Improved the random verse functionality: added an option of opening a random verse from a particular
    single chapter – useful for accessing random verses of long chapters, like Psalm 119.
  7. Created the app widget for the device’s Home screen, which has the following modes:
    • Random verse from specified books or from a selected single chapter
    • Bookmarks from a selected bookmark category, random or in order
    • Portions from a selected reading plan
  8. “Notes” window improvements:
    • Buttons in the Notes window header are made configurable from the Settings. For this
      particular window unchecked buttons are not totally removed but hidden yet available
      from the dropdown list of hidden buttons.
    • Added the minute countdown timer – for those MyBible users who preach using material
      prepared as MyBible notes.
  9. Provided a possibility of hiding navigation items from the Main Menu (a prompt fot the user
    to hide them and a setting on showing them in the Main Menu).
  10. Reading places improvements:
    • On the Start Screen, if there are more than 5 reading places set, a possibility is provided
      to filter/search reading places by their name fragment.
    • In the Reading Places window, a possibility is provided
      to filter/search reading places by their name fragment.
    • In the Reading Places window, a possibility is provided
      to change sorting order of reading places. A selected sorting order of reading places
      affects both the Reading Places window and the Start Screen.
  11. Improved forming of auto-hyperlinks to Bible places in notes, remarks, bookmarks:
    • Developed (and implemented) a formal specification on how to recognize references
      to Bible places in a user-entered text, see “Reference materials” at
    • Supported a possibility of specifying a concrete Bible module for a reference
      (this is also described in the specification).


      “This is reference to Gen 1:3 in the currently open Bible translation”

      “And this opens the last chapter of Revelation in ancient Greek: FS35+ Rev 22:3”
    • Recognizing of hyperlinks to Bible places is tested for typical cases found
      in commentaries and dictionaries.
  12. Along with already existed support of cognate Strong’s numbers, added support of synonymous
    String’s numbers in Strong’s lexicon modules.
  13. Upon a long-touch of the “copy” radio button in the “Search” and “Strong’s number usage” windows,
    MyBible now selects/copies all the items in the list.
  14. In the “Remarks” and “Subheadings” windows, if there are so many items that their loading takes more
    than 5 seconds, an automatic filtering in 1 second after the filtering text change is replaced
    with an explicit button to apply the filtering.
  15. Added a warning to the user in case if the Developer setting “Do not keep activities” is detected,
    which is not compatible with MyBible’s normal navigation.
  16. When editing a bookmark, added a confirmation for closing the window with discarding bookmark changes.
  17. Usage tips on dictionaries are grouped into an additional tips category “Dictionaries”.
  18. In theme settings added spacing between verses (works when paragraphs are not shown).
  19. Discontinued auto-conversion of old, XML-based settings (were replaced with JSON in MyBible 4.4).
  20. Removed a confirmation of a bookmark deletion when deleting a Bookmark from the Bible window:
    a special action, a bookmark long touch, is required in any case to access the “Delete” button,
    so having also a confirmation dialog there was excessive (as was pointed out by one user).
  21. Enhanced the convenience of using the “Commentaries in Bible text” window: for a flexible
    selection, the “Add” button is moved to a more obvious place, and is never adding to the list
    a commentary that is already present there.
  22. Maximum left and right margin in theme settings is increased from 20 to 100.
  23. Closing of the separate Notes window with the back button saves the notes changes.
  24. Corrected semantics of the setting “Footnote marker opens the text in balloon” and
    “Commentary hyperlink opens the text in balloon”: the action here is no longer dependent
    on whether the commentaries window is open – this provides for more possibilities
    of looking at different commentaries at the same time.
    Note that a similar settings for dictionaries and Strong lexicons is kept as it was –
    dependent on whether the dictionary window is open.
  25. When selecting individual books for search, added the “Reset” button that clears selection
    of all the currently selected books.


  1. Several key parts of the codebase cleaned up for better maintenance of the code. This can potentially
    cause breakages – watch for them when testing:

    • incorrect functions called by menu items
    • incorrect manipulation with windows
    • incorrect forming of Bible text lines
  2. In the “Commentaries in Bible text” window, moving of a commentary up and down in the list
    is made visually more obvious.
  3. Dictionary lookup:
    • Corrected lookup in non-Hebrew and non-Greek dictionaries, for languages with accent
      characters (e.g. French).
    • Fixed hyperlinks from a dictionary article to other dictionary topics
      when a Bible translation in another language is open.
    • Significantly accelerated indexing of dictionaries for some languages (especially Eastern).
    • Supported a more compact description of word forms in dictionary modules.
      If MyBible with a version older than 4.7.0 does not search word forms in your language,
      update MyBible to 4.7.0.
    • Optimised data structures for dictionaries lookup, fixed search in some dictionaries
      (like Aramaic-English). Dictionaries will be automatically re-indexed.
  4. Fixed an incorrect action of a Bible hyperlink from the commentaries window (the Bible
    windows synchronization was not broken as expected).
  5. Supported configurable colors in Bible translation introductions (added support of the “html_style”
    module parameter for Bible translations).
  6. Prevented a false detection of spaces in Chinese Bible translations, which was causing Chinese texts to
    wrap to the next line unexpectedly in some cases.
  7. Restored keeping of the window content state on the device rotation (Modules window and some other
    windows), which was accidentally broken by user interface improvements for Arabic support
    in MyBible 4.6.2.
  8. Corrected retrieving of favorite dictionary articles – articles with morphology and several sequential
    Strong’s numbers marked as favorites were missing in the list of favorites.
  9. Prevented cutting at the end of a very long bookmark description upon tapping a bookmark marker.
  10. Fixed displaying of a custom line selection for underlining the Bible text.
  11. Prevented a possible crash on switching of a remark into the editable mode.
  12. Fixed displaying of the Strong’s number usage summary for Chinese Bible translations.
  13. In the full screen mode, prevented an undesirable (confusing) reaction of the header buttons when the user
    pulls down the system notification drawer.
MyBible 4.6.6 - August 30 2017


  1. Reading places are provided with timestamps, so that on the Start Screen the most recently set reading
    places are shown first.
  2. Timestamps (on bookmarks, etc) are now shown in the date/time format selected on the device.
  3. For footnote (commentary) modules, added support of coloring footnote markers
    with the same color as used for footnote markers in the Bible text.
  4. Updated Lithuanian usage tips.
  5. Updated Hungarian usage tips and the “About” text.


  1. A special case of tapping on a footnote marker, introduced in 4.6.5, is now applied to the
    commentaries window as well (in 4.6.5 was applied only to the footnotes balloon).
  2. Fixed functioning of hyperlinks within a dictionary or commentaries article (the text was jumping back
    to a beginning of an article).
  3. The setting affecting the order of the New Testament books is applied to the
    “Subheadings” window, the “Remarks” window, and to a custom reading plan being generated.
  4. When deleting a bookmark category and selecting to delete only the category (not the bookmarks),
    the bookmarks are actually preserved in the default category (were being deleted in this case, too).
  5. Following a Bible hyperlink from the commentaries window no longer turns off the overall
    synchronization of the windows (which was causing an inconvenience of using the commentaries window).
  6. Loading of reading plan items is optimized, so that the Start Screen is shown faster upon its calling.
  7. Prevented a situation with creating of new notes when an already opened virtual keyboard was causing
    the Bible window to become shorter and located above the virtual keyboard.
  8. Prevented a visually too short translation selection list on some devices when control buttons are
    located below the window.
  9. Fixed not showing of multiple selected items in the Bookmarks window and some other windows
    (observed on new devices, like Samsung Galaxy S7 with Android 7).
MyBible 4.6.5 - July 8, 2017


  1. In the commentaries balloon, a commentaries module abbreviation is now shown at the top.
  2. Updated Spanish translation of the Search help.
  3. Tapping of a footnote marker no longer shows an error in case if there are other footnotes
    for this verse. In case if there is no separate footnote with a tapped marker, MyBible will now
    show all the footnotes for the verse. This is needed for modules that contain critical apparatus
    in footnotes (e.g. NA27).


  1. Fixed yet another place of crash on devices with Android 2.1-2.2.
  2. Corrections related to Arabic (right-to-left writing):
    • In usage tips shown in Arabic localization, corrected placement of the hand icon pointing
      to a button being explained.
    • Corrected presenting of Bible references using national digits: removed imperfect internal logic
      attempted to provide a visually correct order of characters; instead, added extra spaces around
      separator characters.
  3. Fixed broken TTS in the dictionary window.
  4. When deleting a bookmark in the Bible window, added a deletion confirmation,
    and prevented appearance of an empty list of bookmarks after the deletion.
  5. Corrected action of the function “References to selected verse from active dictionaries” – it was
    showing references from all the dictionaries, not just active ones.
  6. Corrected a suspicious place that could have caused occasional distortion of font sizes in the Bible
  7. Fixed several crashes reported for MyBible 4.6.4.
MyBible 4.6.4 - 28 июня 2017


  1. Updated Hungarian localization.


  1. Fixed another place of crash on devices with API level less than 17 (4.2).
MyBible 4.6.3 - June 27, 2017


  1. Fixed a crash on devices with API level less than 17 (4.2).
MyBible 4.6.2 - 26 июня 2017


  1. Provided special treatment of modules removed for copyright reasons:
    • Such modules are still shown in the “Modules” window, but in strike-through font,
      and the users cannot download or update such modules.
    • Upon a tap on such module, a popup message is shown with reference and
      contact information of a copyright holder who has requested the module to be deleted
      from the list of freely available MyBible modules.
  2. Improved placement of windows:
    • When more than one window is shown, you now have an ability to individually resize and rearrange
      these windows. Enter the window placement mode by a long touch of the widest button
      (position/topic selection button) in any of the shown windows.
    • The window placement mode allows to reset window position to the initial state,
      that is to the order suggested by MyBible, with all window sizes set according to the
      “Ancillary windows” element of the current theme.
    • When you close a window and open it again, it now opens at the same place where it was before
      closing, with the same module selected in it. Example: you have two Bible windows and close the
      upper one, then open the second Bible window again – in this situation the new window will be
      opened at the top and with the same Bible translation that it had before closing.
    • See the new “Window placement” usage tip for more details.
    • Calling of the Themes window no longer closes all the windows but one, as it used to do before.
  3. Added search in notes.
  4. Modules window improvements:
    • Added filter by module type.
    • Changed displaying of module items, so that an abbreviation is not wrapped and a module language
      is shown, if different from shown for the group.
    • Selection of a language for modules filtering is now more convenient – by first letters.
  5. Supported generation of HTML or plain text reports on user’s remarks.
  6. The email address to report module defects is now
  7. On the third tab of settings, the “Action of Bible words as hyperlinks” tab, added setting “Repeated
    activation of the same word shows the list of applicable topics from all dictionaries and lexicons”.
    This setting is on by default, repeating the behavior of MyBible 4.6.0-4.6.1.
  8. Updated displaying of overlapping bookmarks:
    • bookmarks no longer occupy an additional width if they overlap
    • a text can no longer approach and “touch” a bookmark but stays on a small distance from it
    • a tap on a bookmark shows the list of bookmarks that cover a tapped verse
    • a long-touch on a bookmark in the list allows to edit or delete it
  9. “Verse in different translations” and “All commentaries for a verse” screens
    no longer re-query data upon the device screen rotation.
  10. Improvements in “copy/go” options:
    • The second (not selected) option of these two is performed on a long-touch.
      That is, when “go” is selected, a long touch on an item highlights it and copies
      all the highlighted items to Clipboard. And when “copy” is selected, a long touch proceeds
      to the touched item.
    • The “Share” button appears when some items have been highlighted.
  11. TTS voice pitch can now be controlled on the third tab of settings, separately for the Bible text
    and for ancillary texts.
  12. If more than one Strong’s number is specified for a word, a word hyperlink activation now shows
    articles for all those Strong’s numbers.
  13. When a non-Strong lexicon dictionary is downloaded and a setting of activating a dictionary on tapping
    a word is off, that setting is turned on automatically, so that the user is able to see an action of a
    downloaded dictionary right away.
  14. The display setting to arrange windows horizontally is improved to allow this in both orientation
    or in landscape only.
  15. Convenience improvements for the “Reading plans” window:
    • Can go to the “Modules” window and back directly from here.
    • Prevented creation of a custom reading plan when no books for readings are selected.
  16. In the Bible position entry window, a chapter number entry field and a verse number entry field is
    considered complete when an additional entered digit cannot produce a valid number for a selected book.
    This speeds up entering of a required Bible position.
  17. Search help is extended to cover features added in previous releases.
  18. On the third tab of settings, “Data directory” section, added the “Synchronization” button
    to access data directory synchronization information (in addition to a link to this information from
    the “About” text).
  19. Arabic user interface:
    • re-translated to reach a better consistency and correctness
    • rearranged to go right-to-left on all the screens


  1. Prevented a problem of disappearing keyboard when starting to enter remarks (the problem was manifesting
    itself on some devices).
  2. “OK”/”Cancel” buttons moved back to the bottom of the bookmark entry, bookmark category entry,
    reading place entry, custom reading plan entry windows – these buttons position at the top made entering
    of the description text in these places more difficult (less room).
  3. For hyperlinks to commentaries shown on a book title or on an chapter number
    prevented mistaken including of commentaries that are more detailed.
  4. In the Strong’s number usage window fixed not working hyperlinks to other Strong’s number topics.
  5. Fixed handling of “(” and “)” in extended search criteria.
  6. Fixed the “Show native numbering” setting that could not be cleared once it is set.
  7. The “Mark hyperlinks to verses in Notes window as you type” setting for notes no longer
    conflicts with custom keyboards, so it is safe tu turn it on now.
  8. Corrected the Simplified Chinese localization.
  9. Prevented a number of crash reported for MyBible 4.6.1.
  10. Fixed a problem of emailing a crash report with cut out details.
MyBible 4.6.1 - February 26, 2017


  1. Added support of bundling an initial set of modules and settings into the application. Builds with
    bundled modules are available at
  2. “OK”/”Cancel” buttons moved to the top right corner of the bookmark entry, bookmark category entry,
    reading place entry, custom reading plan entry windows – for easier access to them when the virtual
    keyboard is open.
  3. On closing of the Bookmark entry window with the “Back” hardware button, bookmark changes are saved
    (were discarded).
  4. In the cross references balloon, the same cross references from different modules are now grouped.
  5. Added Simplified Chinese localization.
  6. Themes:
    • in the predefined themes, font sizes are increased a little and the style of words of Jesus is
    • added the “MyBible compact” theme
  7. Maximum underline thickness increased from 5 to 10 pixels.


  1. Reverted the “faster indexing for search” change made for MyBible 4.6.0 – that was causing an incorrect
    behavior of a case sensitive search.
  2. Prevented appearance of unexpected characters when highlighting search results in some cases.
  3. On the book selection screen, prevented activation of the landscape mode layout (11 columns)
    in the portrait mode on small-screen phones.
  4. Fixed not finding of results when searching in Hungarian Bible translations with ignoring of accents
    (all the translations will be re-indexed).
  5. Reading plan handling corrections:
    • Self-restarting of a reading plan upon achieving of its end date is no longer performed.
    • Any start date can be assigned now, including further in the past than a plan duration.
    • Upon a reading plan completion, it is still shown on the Start Screen, with a status indicating
      its completion – so that the user can appreciate the achievement and reset the plan beginning
      when desired.
  6. Correction to the Dictionary Lookup Algorithm to fix missing Strong numbers in the full list of
    dictionary topics for a tapped word.
  7. Corrected the Dictionary Lookup Algorithm: in case if more than one topic is found for a word
    in the current dictionary, shown the list of applicable topics only from the current dictionary.
    Otherwise, shows the list of applicable topics from all the dictionaries.
  8. Empty table of subheadings (the “stories” table) in a Bible translation module is no longer treated as
    presence of built-in subheadings.
  9. Fixed a problem of not cancelling windows synchronization in case if a cross reference is activated
    in a Bible window that is currently assigned as a Bible hyperlink target.
  10. Prevented a number of crashes reported for MyBible 4.6.0.
MyBible 4.6.0 - February 11, 2017


  1. Appearance of the start screen, Bible position selection screens, main window headers, and buttons in
    ancillary windows is touched to look somewhat cleaner.
  2. Added support of multi-window mode:
    • Samsung and LG implementation of multi-window support
      (restart your device after installing of this version to see MyBible in the multi-window
    • Native support of multi-window in Android 7.0 and above.
  3. Pinch-to-zoom in the Bible window:
    • To scale all font sizes at once, start a pinch gesture
      and hold it for about a second to enter the zooming mode.
    • You can turn this feature off in the Navigation settings.
  4. Dictionaries support improvements:
    • Search in dictionaries is now much faster, due to a new indexing approach.
    • The process of dictionaries re-indexing is now performed in the to background; MyBible can be
      normally used while dictionaries are getting re-indexed.
    • Search in dictionaries is now more precise – takes into account the upper/lower case and accents
      in the shown list of topics.
    • Introduced a classification of dictionaries which provides for a more intuitive and helpful
      selection/displaying of dictionary topics depending on the current dictionary (that is,
      a dictionary explicitly selected by the user in the dictionary window).
    • When showing a list of dictionary topics for a clicked word, MyBible now also shows dictionary
      abbreviations and allows handy selection of a dictionary to show an article from.
    • Settings related to Bible words acting as hyperlinks have been simplified and clarified.
    • Added a setting “Copy tapped word to Clipboard”.
    • Added a setting “Show topics from lexicon modules in the list when performing dictionary
    • A word being looked up is getting automatically copied to Clipboard.
    • The current dictionary (explicitly selected by the user) is marked by a bullet at the end of its
      abbreviation in the dictionary window and in the dictionary balloon, and can be selected also
      from the dictionary balloon, via the dictionary abbreviation hyperlink.
    • The setting “Show Strong’s numbers” in the “Show” submenu became much more helpful now,
      because on the second tab of settings, in the “Dictionaries” group, added a possibility
      of replacing the shown Strong’s numbers with pieces of brief information about them from
      the current Strong’s lexicon.
  5. Strong’s number usage and cognate Strong’s numbers:
    • Cognate Strong’s numbers are shown at the end of a Strong’s lexicon article.
      Added a setting to turn this off if not desired.
    • Strong’s number usage window is improved:
      • You can now call the Strong’s number usage window from a Strong’s lexicon
        article balloon – by tapping the Strong’s number in the header there.
      • Added summary information on translation words used for the specified Strong’s
        number(s). Using that summary, you can refine your search by tapping
        a particular word used the Bible translation for a Strong’s number.
      • Added a possibility to change the Bible translation to search in,
        directly in this window.
      • You can enter several Strong’s numbers to search for their usage at once
        (space-separated). You have a choice: to search for verses containing all the entered
        Strong\’s numbers or to search for any of the entered Strong\’s numbers in a verse.
      • When entering several Strong’s numbers to search for their usage,
        there is a possibility to automatically enter all the cognate Strong’s numbers for the
        first entered Strong’s number.
    • Added the “Strong’s number usage” tip.
  6. Search screen:
    • Added a button to search in several Bible translations. Long touch on this button
      allows to select whether to search in Bible translations in the same language
      as the current Bible translation, or to search in all the downloaded Bible translations.
    • Triple dot is added to the “Search” button on the “Search” screen,
      to indicate that a search history is available on a long touch.
    • When a search in the Bible text returns nothing, a hint is shown to change search settings.
  7. Commentary hyperlinks in the Bible text made flexibly configurable – see the new usage tip.
  8. MyBible now supports a system of notes instead of a single note per profile – see the “Notes Window”
    usage tips.
  9. Balloon improvements:
    • When a balloon is shown, the buttons “Back” and “Forward” in the Bible window header
      are disabled, to avoid confusion of the “Back” button in the header with the similarly-looking
      “Back” button under the balloon.
    • Balloon is no longer closed on the device rotation.
    • Cross references balloon is no longer closed when a cross reference opens the second window
      to follow a hyperlink while the device is in landscape orientation.
    • After following a hyperlink in a balloon from a commentary to a dictionary article,
      you can now come back to a commentary using the “Back” button under the balloon
      (such a coming back was only working between dictionary articles).
  10. Bible references (hyperlinks) improvements:
    • On the third tab of settings, the “Navigation” section, there is an altered setting
      “Open references to the Bible in a dedicated Bible window…”. Also, there now is a possibility
      to assign any Bible window for opening references to the Bible (previously this was fixed
      to the second Bible window). See the updated usage tip on the window control button.
    • On the third tab of settings, the “Navigation” section, added a setting to open references
      to the Bible from the Notes window always in the first Bible window.
    • A hyperlink to a cross references balloon now shows how many of the hyperlinks in the balloon
      are user-defined (if there are any, the number of them is shown in subscript digits after the
      total number of hyperlinks in the balloon).
  11. On the second tab of settings, “Verse copying and sharing” group, added an option
    “Shortened reference by itself”.
  12. A confirmation message is added when un-selecting a reading plan while the reading plans
    progress tracking is turned on – to prevent an accidental clearing of a reading plan progress.
  13. In the Bible window header added a “Next translation” button that switches between Bible translations
    selected for quick access.
  14. TTS:
    • Per request from a user, the maximum TTS speed is increased form 2.0 to 4.0.
    • Long touch on the TTS speed control buttons changes the speed by 0.5, while regular touch still
      changes the speed by 0.05.
  15. The “Themes” menu item is renamed to “Themes: styles & sizes”, to clarify what it is for.
  16. When sending a module defect notification to the MyBible team, the subheadings are always
    included now, along with their module abbreviations.
  17. Application’s icon:
    • Prevented an unexpected appearance of the MyBible icon without a cross on Android 7 devices.
    • From the “About” text removed mentioning of the MoreLocale 2 application as means
      to affect MyBible’s icon (because the recommendation was not easily doable on new Android
    • Updated a description regarding the application’s icon in the “About” text: the icon without
      cross is now applicable to Kyrgyz/Kyrgyzstan, Tajik/Tajikistan, and Arabic.
  18. In the “Remarks” window remarks are now shown in a context of a verse where they are placed.
  19. In the Bible window action mode, the leftmost button (that allows to select a concrete mode)
    is updated to demonstrate the vertical triple dot, thus inviting to press it for a menu of modes.
  20. In the Bible window header added the “Night mode” configurable button.
  21. In the Book & position selection window, in the chapter and verse entry fields the
    maximum chapter and verse number is shown to assist the positioning.
  22. Updated the “MyBible original” theme to have a bit bigger default text sizes.
  23. Supported messages from the MyBible team to the users.
  24. An application crash report to the developer is made more informative.


  1. In the “Modules” window added a check for availability of the MyBible modules repository;
    an advice to wait or to download modules manually is given if there is a problem.
  2. Removed the “Experimental settings” tab, as not needed (a confusing setting “Creative reading”
    is eliminated).
  3. Prevented highlighting/underlining of commentaries hyperlinks and cross reference balloon hyperlinks.
  4. Prevented simultaneous showing of the remark balloon and some other balloon.
  5. Fixed a problem with incorrect placing of a commentary hyperlink in case if a linked commentary
    is related to a range of verses that crosses a chapter boundary.
  6. Fixed a problem with the Search not finding words containing a single quote in them (reported for
    searching of a Ukrainian word “iм’я”).
  7. Fixed a problem with unexpected replacing of a user-selected translation in a Bible window,
    when more than one Bible window is open and the user employs navigation history controls.
  8. Fixed a problem with possible showing of additional (unsupported) tags for a selected verse
    in the “References” window (could have happened for custom-made modules containing additional tags
    which are not directly supported by MyBible).
  9. Fixed a problem with unexpected resetting of a reading plan beginning and progress when
    scrolling across a reading plan fragment end.
  10. When switching the data directory to another one from the third tab of settings,
    the switching is made complete.
  11. Fixes of the “Modules” window:
    • Fixed a problem with indefinite “Loading…” message when the “Modules” window was opened
      right away after the MyBible startup.
    • When the user stops downloading of a module, the module status is updated correctly (was
      remaining in the intermediate state).
  12. Line breaks specified in a Bible module are now processed even if the “paragraphs and indents”
    setting in the “Show” submenu is unchecked.
  13. Fixed a problem with possible losing of MyBible bookmarks when they are transferred onto another
    device with a different time displaying format specified on it.
  14. Fixed action of Bible hyperlinks to Psalms activated in the balloon
    (did not handle the Russian/English numbering differences correctly).
  15. Fixed retrieving of cross references in the “References” window for Psalms – was showing an empty
    list in some cases.
  16. Fixed a problem when MyBible, if searching for highlighted words only, was considering all the words
    highlighted in a Bible translation where no highlighting was ever applied.
  17. Fixed a problem with counting the number of verses in a user-defined reading plan
    (verses in the last chapter of a book were not counted).
  18. When auto-creating Bible hyperlinks in notes, bookmarks, remarks, full book names are more reliably
    recognized now, including the ones with a space-separated digit at front (e.g. 1 Corinthians).
  19. Fixed a problem of a missing space where an indent is specified within a verse while showing of
    paragraphs and indents is turned off. Example: RST+, Am 7:8.
  20. Clarified the message shown in red when the Bible text cannot be shown.
  21. When auto-updating modules, removed calculating an auto-updating probability of 25%
    introduced in MyBible 4.5.4 to stretch a peak loading to the modules repository.
  22. Corrected displaying of reading plan items referring to books having different Russian and English
    numbering, like PS-p referring to all the Psalms in English numbering.
  23. “Reading plans” menu item is now enabled even if there are no downloaded reading plans,
    so that the user can create his custom reading plans, or be reminded when trying to select a reading
    plan that plans should be downloaded.
  24. Fixed a problem of showing on the bookmarks side panel an incorrect text of bookmarked verses for
    bookmarks placed on books having different Russian and English numbering, e.g. Psalms.
  25. Corrected merging of two bookmark sets, so that bookmarks are considered identical (and thus not merged)
    not only by description (as it was), but also by the category and Bible position assigned.
  26. When the theme item “Control buttons -> Highlight book selection with colors” is not checked,
    Old Testament books are shown in the color specified by the theme element “Lists -> Color of ancillary
    text in lists”, thus making the Old Testament books easily distinguishable from the New Testament books.
  27. In the list of bookmarks and in other lists where filtering by a text fragment is possible, a new line
    entered in the text is shown as a new line in the list.
  28. Synchronization of windows is automatically turned on when closing a Bible window only if it was
    automatically turned off on opening an additional (dedicated) window to show a particular Bible
  29. Updating of a Bible translation module no longer affects searching in the currently present version of
    that Bible translation (switching to the updated module is performed seamlessly).
  30. Corrected a number of crash problems reported for MyBible 4.5.1-4.5.4.
MyBible 4.5.4 - Dec 8, 2016


  1. Fixed a problem with not displaying downloadable modules not connected to a
    particular language: reading
    plans, cross references.
  2. When auto-updating modules, an updated module is taken with a probability of 25%
    (to stretch a peak loading to the modules repository).
  3. Fixed several reported crashes.
MyBible 4.5.3 - Dec 7, 2016


  1. Fixed an crash upon entry into the Modules window after a fresh installation
    (the crash is accidentally brought into MyBible 4.5.2).
MyBible 4.5.2 - Dec 7, 2016


  1. Reworked from using a single repository of modules to supporting
    several instances of the repository of modules. As the result,
    blocking of a repository by its hosting company (e.g. due to exceeding a traffic
    quota) no longer blocks downloading of modules in MyBible.
MyBible 4.5.1 - May 3, 2016


  1. Added support of hyperlinks to dictionary articles from commentaries.
  2. For devices connected to a mobile network in Tajikistan, an icon without a cross is provided.
  3. Added Portuguese MyBible localization.
  4. MyBible version number information is added to the Splash Screen.


  1. Fixed retrieving of cross references for Psalms existed in the version 4.5.0:
    when the Russian numbering of Psalms was used, cross references from the OBX module in the version 4.5.0
    were retrieved incorrectly (for another verse).
  2. Fixed a number of places in the code and in the Arabic localization that could have caused
    crashes when running on a device with Arabic localization.
  3. Fixed an unexpected closing of a cross references balloon after clicking a hyperlink in it in some
  4. Corrected action of a commentary hyperlink in a commentary balloon: a hyperlinked commentary
    is no longer open in the commentary window but in the commentary balloon, with a possibility to
    go back to an initial commentary opened in the balloon by activating a commentary hyperlink in the
    Bible text.
  5. Fixed a problem with a balloon’s pointer that was not drawn smoothly in some cases.
  6. “Modules” window:
    • Eliminated a couple of crash causes.
    • Selected modules and a current position in the list are no longer lost on the device’s screen
  7. Balloons and touch action:
    • Prevented unexpected closing of balloons when they are opened in several windows
      and the user scrolls a text in a Bible window.
    • A touch on a balloon makes active a Bible window where the balloon is located.
  8. Prevented freezing of the user interface on rotation of the screen and rotation back
    immediately after the screen orientation change.
  9. Prevented appearance of the unused stripe of the screen area at the bottom after closing of a window
    or a balloon in which a text was selected, and thus the edit toolbar was shown.
  10. Corrected positioning of a bookmark popup in case if the Notes window is shown.
  11. Fixed omissions in files synchronization between devices: added missing checking for external updates
    for the Bible text markup and for custom cross references.
  12. Supported usage of an apostrophe in a module abbreviation.
  13. Fixed several places causing crashes, as it was reported for MyBible 4.5.0.
  14. For editing of reading places, corrected operation of the “Current book” option.
  15. When another Bible translation is selected in a Bible window, the balloon in the window gets closed
    (as it can be inapplicable or misplaced in a selected Bible translation).
  16. Prevented a small Bible text scrolling delay on reaching the end of a marked reading plan portion.
MyBible 4.5.0 - April 9, 2016


  1. Added splash screen at startup.
  2. Cross references improvements:
    • Previously built-in cross references have been extracted into a downloadable cross references
      module “RST-x”.
    • Cross references to be displayed in the “References for a verse” window and in the Bible
      text are independently configurable now from the action bar in the “References for a verse”
    • In the “References for a verse” window a source cross references module is indicated for every
      shown cross reference.
    • Added a possibility to create user-defined additional cross references:
      • When some Bible verse(s) selected, there is a new button “Add cross reference” in the
        Bible window header, which brings up the “Custom x-refs” popup.
      • You can define a cross reference of your own by long-touching verses that are to become
        sides of a cross reference. The bright underline in the “Custom x-refs” popup indicates
        which side of a cross reference will be defined when you long-touch a verse.
      • Appearance of user-defined cross references and of downloaded cross references
        can be configured in the “Theme” window independently.
    • In Bible translations with not all Bible books present, cross references to not present books
      are no longer hidden. If such a cross reference is activated, MyBible switches to a Bible
      translation that was last used to see the text of a book a cross reference points to.
    • Added a setting in the “Show” submenu to show cross references in a popup. This way only
      a cross references presence indicator is shown in the Bible text instead of cross references
      themselves. A cross references popup is then shown on a double-touch of a cross references
      presence indicator.
  3. Reading plans improvement:
    • The “Track reading plans” option in the “Reading Plans” window
      helps you not to rush in case if you did not do the reading during some day(s),
      and allows you to read ahead of a plan if desired.
      MyBible will remind you what exactly this option does when you check/uncheck it.
    • A reading plan item is getting marked as completed after you scroll it so that its end is
      fully visible on the screen.
    • Added support of custom reading plans. If you want MyBible to help you read certain Bible books
      in a certain number of days, add a custom reading plan by touching the “+”
      in the “Reading Plans” window header.
    • On the Start Screen, a long touch on a reading plan item re-highlights the reading plan item
      by the vertical bar on the right, but does NOT jump to the reading plan item beginning if a
      current position is already within the reading plan item.
    • In the “Reading plans” window added a possibility to “Move this to today” for an item
      of a shown reading plan, achieved by moving a start date of this reading plan.
  4. Subheadings improvements:
    • Added support of subheadings with hyperlinks in them:
      • Added the “Links-s” subheadings module with links to parallel passages in the New
        Testament (this subheadings module is suitable for any language).
      • Added two new theme elements: “Subheading – hyperlink” and “Subheading with
    • Subheading settings are moved from the “Settings” window to the “Subheadings” window,
      for a better convenience of these settings manipulation. You can still get to subheading
      from the “Settings” window.
    • Added a subheading setting “Subheadings built-in to a Bible translation
      replace all the other subheadings”.
    • Added a possibility to flexibly configure a set of subheadings to be shown for each language
      of Bible translations.
  5. Search functionality improvements:
    • By default, the search functionality now looks for entered words or fragments of words
      in an arbitrary order.
    • Added the search setting “Search entered words in an arbitrary order, if special characters like & | ~ are not entered” (controlling the behavior change specified above).
    • In the “Search” window on the virtual keyboard added the “Search” button. This prevented
      the search text entry field to from wrapping the text, so the buttons on the search screen are
      rearranged to give more horizontal room to the search text entry field.
  6. Commentaries functionality improvements:
    • Added a possibility to have links to commentaries directly in the Bible text:
      • Added a new setting in the “Show” submenu, “commentary links”.
      • Links in the Bible text are for the last commentaries module selected in the
        first commentaries window. Note that you can also select the commentaries module
        to use for hyperlinks by long touching the “Commentaries window” button in the
        Bible window header.
    • To the two existed commentaries displaying modes added the third one, so now there are three
      commentaries displaying modes selectable using buttons in the commentaries window header:

      • Show commentaries relevant to the current verse. Note that the semantics is corrected
        in this display mode: a commentary for a range of verses is now shown
        not for the first verse in a range as it was before but for the last verse in a range.
        The rationale for this is to maintain the MyBible’s principle “The Scripture comes
        first, an ancillary material comes second”. I.e. a commentary is not “forced” onto a
        reader until they have actually read all the Bible verses in a commented range.
      • Show commentaries relevant to the current fragment. These are all the commentaries
        that overlap the current verse by their applicability range.
      • Show commentaries relevant to the current verse.
    • Theme element “Footnote marker” is renamed to “Footnote and commentary hyperlink”.
    • In the theme element “Ancillary windows” added a setting for size of the
      commentaries/footnotes balloon.
  7. Favorites:
    • Favorites allow you to easily mark a dictionary article, a commentary article,
      or a daily reading article as your favorite, for a quick access to them later.
    • Favorites previously existed for Daily Devotions, now extended to dictionaries and
      commentaries, and improved.
    • See the (new) usage tip on favorites.
  8. Balloon usage improvements:
    • Not only footnotes, but also commentaries, dictionary articles, Strong’s lexicon articles
      can now be shown in a balloon.
    • A text shown in a balloon can be sent to the corresponding special window with a button click.
    • There are new settings for this on the third tab of settings, in the “Balloon usage” group.
  9. Text To Speech (TTS) improvements:
    • TTS support is added to the Commentaries, Daily Devotions, Dictionaries windows.
    • When commentary links are shown directly in the Bible text, and opening of commentaries
      in a balloon is specified in the settings, the TTS of the Bible text automatically
      opens and speaks commentaries as it reaches links to them. The commentaries are
      being spoken with a voice of a higher pitch, so that it is possible to tell apart by
      the voice whether you are listening to the Bible text or to commentaries.
    • In the Bible text, the TTS now also speaks chapter numbers, if they are shown.
  10. Scroll on touch improvements:
    • The settings on scrolling by a single verse, that used to exist for volume buttons only,
      are now also applied to scrolling by touch.
    • The scroll on touch settings are re-arranged for clarity.
    • The scroll on touch settings for screen quarters are updated to have only “Scroll Up”, “Scroll
      Down”, and “None” (selection of scrolling by page or by verse is now done by other settings).
    • Added a group of settings “Ancillary window touch action”.
    • Added a setting “Scroll by touch” for ancillary windows, turned off by default.
  11. Modules window improvements:
    • Once information on the available modules is requested from the MyBible repository,
      it is cached locally, so that opening of the Modules window is quick. This information
      is still being requested from the MyBible repository on the background, so that the list
      of modules is up-to-date.
    • Added a possibility of modules filtering by their language.
    • Added a possibility of modules filtering by user-entered fragment of an abbreviation, or
      description, or detailed information.
  12. The action of an automatic link to a Bible place from a remark takes into account the setting
    “Open cross references in the second window”.
  13. In the Main Menu and in the headers of windows, the items which react to a long touch
    now have icons with an ellipsis (or a star) in the lower-right corner.
    This will remind you that some additional functionality can be called there by a long touch,
    which could save you a few seconds occasionally.
  14. In the numeric buttons for selection of chapter and verse, the “0” button is moved
    from the very left position to the very right, to better resemble the standard keyboard.
  15. Color selection for bookmark categories:
    • a color order number is now shown on top of a color itself
    • for available colors, the number of their usages in bookmark categories is shown
  16. The “Verse in different translations” functionality can now be used not just for one but for several
    selected verses.
  17. Commentaries, dictionaries, daily devotionals are no linger hidden in the “Modules” window in the
    Simplified mode. On an attempt to download them, a confirmation to switch to the Full Mode is shown.
  18. Applicable book selection for reading places is made flexible.
  19. Filtering of items in the list by a user-entered text
    (for remarks, bookmarks, subheadings, favorite items) is made more useful: if the user has entered
    there several space-separated words, filtering looks for corresponding text fragments in any order.
  20. Application icon without the cross is provided for Kyrgyz localization of the device.


  1. Showing of the Bible text on the application start and on opening of another Bible place
    is made visually quicker (similar to what is was in MyBible 4.3.2).
  2. Inconsistently missing “Back” button is added to the headers of the Bookmarks window and the Settings
  3. When the user deletes an additional local module (marked with “+”), the module is now being removed from
    the list of modules (before it was staying in the list with a zero size).
  4. When there is some selected text in an ancillary window (Commentaries, Dictionary, Daily Devotion), a
    touch on the text lo longer causes a content scroll (because a scroll in this situation was rather
  5. Prevented a repeated checking of modules updates on the same day.
  6. In the Search window, corrected appearance of the button and indication to search for
    highlighted/underlined words.
  7. Prevented appearance of the <br> tag in a text copied from an ancillary window (this was happening
    on some devices).
  8. Removed no longer needed re-loading of Bible windows on switching a dictionary window between the
    Strong’s Lexicon Mode and Dictionary Mode – this has improved the switching time.
  9. Fixed sometimes appearing incorrect commentary scroll position on auto-synchronization of the Bible text
    position and a corresponding commentary article.
  10. When entering a chapter or a verse number to proceed to, a quick tap on a numeric button twice
    is now recognized as the same digit two times (a quick second tap was ignored before).
  11. Line feeds entered into remarks are kept after remarks re-opening (in the previous version line feeds
    were replaced with spaces).
  12. Fixed a problem with long starting of MyBible in case if the current place was the pre-last Psalm.
  13. Fixed a problem with handling of the screen timeout, when the screen timeout set in MyBible settings
    was propagated to the system level.
  14. In the “Subheadings” and “Remarks” screen, entered text to filter by now works ignoring accents,
    i.e. you can enter there a text without accents and its forms with accents will also be
  15. Support of hyperlinks to the Internet has been added for the Bible text introductions.
  16. Fixed action of a chapter/verse hyperlink at the beginning of commentaries text (was not working
    on some devices).
  17. When paragraphs and indents are shown, several consecutive verses in the same paragraph,
    having an indent, are no longer shown each on a new line, but compose a continuous paragraph
    (e.g. RST+, 2Тим 2:11-13, Иоиль 1:1-2).
  18. Prevented a crash on quick clicking several times of the words highlighting option button in the
    “Search” window.
  19. Opening of Internet links from the “About” page is now being redirected to an external browser.
  20. Fixed TTS for Chinese modules.
  21. Prevented stopping of TTS when it meets a double quote followed by a period.
  22. Fixed a problem with entering the action mode with two and three fingers long touch
    which did not work in the second and third Bible window.
  23. When both settings “A word acts like a hyperlink to a dictionary” and
    “When Strong’s numbers are NOT shown, a word acts like a hyperlink to a Strong’s number” are set,
    touching of a word in a Bible translation without Strong’s numbers now opens the dictionary
    article (was doing nothing for Bible translation without Strong’s numbers).
  24. Auto-hyperlinks in the Notes window, in a bookmark description, in a remark now interpret
    a comma and a semicolon differently: the following text: “Mat 5:7,9;12” now means
    the following 3 hyperlinks: Mat 5:7, Mat 5:9, Mat 12:1.
  25. Fixed automatic updating of Bible modules that come with footnotes, e.g. NRT.
MyBible 4.4.3 - January 15, 2016


  1. Added Romanian localization.
MyBible 4.4.2 - October 6, 2015


  1. Fixed a crash (happening in C code below Android API) when trying to open a hyperlink in the
    Commentaries window.
  2. Fixed a crash in case if bookmarks file was deleted or damaged from outside of MyBible.
  3. Fixed a crash on opening a dictionary article from the dictionary articles lookup tool (from the list of
    articles found in dictionaries).
  4. Fixed a detected crash when showing all topics from a dictionary. When reviewing all topics in a
    particular dictionary, a dictionary is now taken from a corresponding dictionary window (before was
    always taken from the first dictionary window).
  5. A single dictionary window automatically switches between the Strong’s lexicon mode and the dictionary
    mode as the user clicks words with and without Strong’s numbers behind them (was sticking to the
    dictionary mode once a word without a Strong’s number behind it was clicked).
  6. Fixed a reported crash on trying to select a range of verses with a long touch, on Android 2.x.
  7. Prevented crash in the Modules window in case if modules update acknowledge dates configuration file
    (/MyBible/user/settings/-modules_update_acknowledge_dates.json) was damaged (by means external to
  8. In the cross references for a verse window, expanding of a several-verse cross reference is fixed when
    in some cases it was not actually showing additional verses.
  9. Fixed a problem with a touch on hyperlink in the Dictionary window causing scrolling by a page rather
    than a hyperlink activation (this problem existed only on some devices, e.g. HTC Desire 310).
MyBible 4.4.1 - October 4, 2015


  1. Prevented a crash on clicking a Strong’s number when a dictionary topic (not a Strong’s lexicon item) is
    shown in the Dictionary window.
  2. Prevented a couple of crashes reported while running on different devices.
MyBible 4.4.0 - October 3, 2015


  1. Bible translations in languages, for which there is no 2-letter language code in Android, are now
    grouped in the “Modules” window by the territory where they are mostly used, e.g. “Brazil”, “India”,
    “Egypt” – instead of a single previously existed group “Small languages”.
  2. Provided support for separation of Traditional and Simplified Chinese modules.
  3. Added support of footnotes in a Bible translation.
    • Footnote markers can now be present in a Bible translation, which act as hyperlinks, opening a
      corresponding footnote in a special balloon.
    • Footnotes are being stored in a special commentaries module, which has the same abbreviation as
      a translation module, and is being downloaded automatically together with a translation.
    • There is a setting to open all footnotes for the visible text in the commentaries window instead
      of showing a balloon with a clicked footnote.
    • Russian Bible translation modules with footnotes:
      • NRT
      • BTI
      • Сонч
    • English Bible translation module with footnotes:
      • NET
    • Armenian Bible translation module with footnotes:
      • Ararat
    • Greek Bible translation modules with footnotes:
      • F35+
      • SBLGNT+
    • Czech Bible translation modules with footnotes:
      • CSP
      • PMP-CZ
    • Chinese Bible translations with footnotes:
      • traditional – CNET
      • simplified – CNETS
  4. Provided an alternative way of selecting a chapter and verse number when navigating – by convenient
    entering of their numbers instead of picking them from a table of pre-populated numbers. Switching
    between the new and old way of selecting a chapter and verse is available in the header of the book
    selection screen.
  5. Introduced the Simplified Mode:
    • when you start MyBible for the first time, it opens in the
      Simplified Mode, so that you
      can get used to the application without being overwhelmed with all the Bible study possibilities
    • only basic Bible reading, navigation, and bookmarking
    • special gestures support turned off
    • Strong numbers, commentaries, dictionaries, daily devotions, Text-to-Speech support hidden
    • You can activate Full Mode from the Main Menu; Settings allow switching between Full Mode and
      Simplified mode.
  6. Added support of introduction texts for Bible modules:
    • Overall introduction is added to several Bible modules: SBLGNT+, …
    • Overall introduction is accessible in two ways:
      • touching the new configurable button “i” in the Bible window header
      • double-touching the “Introduction” word at the beginning of any book
    • Introductions for particular books can also be provided in a Bible module; name of a book having
      an introduction is shown in underlined font.
    • Introduction for a book is accessible in two ways:
      • long-touching the button “i” in the Bible window header
      • double-touching the book name
    • The introduction popup has two states: half-window and full-window; the first case lets you
      browse an introduction while continuing reading the Bible text.
    • Greek translations with introductions:
      • SBLGNT+
      • F35+
      • ABPGR+
      • ABPEN+
  7. Added Bible text view mode with no numbering, for better submerging into the text. For that, in the
    “Show” submenu added the following items:

    • chapters numbering
    • verses numbering
  8. Added support of Bible translations with verses grouped into paragraphs.
    • There are new settings in the “Margins and spaces” theme element.
    • Several Bible translation modules group verses into paragraphs. Greek: SBLGNT+
    • There is a new setting in the “Show” submenu to turn off verses grouping into paragraphs.
  9. The Action Mode button, the leftmost one in the Bible window header, which is shown after the Bible text
    long touch, is made mode user-friendly:

    • the Action Mode button is made wider
    • the Action Mode button, after it is shown, blinks twice to draw the user’s attention to itself
    • the dropdown list of possible actions, opened by the Action Mode button, is provided with
      textual descriptions for all the actions
  10. A long touch with one finger, a long touch with two fingers, and a long touch with three fingers on the
    Bible text activate different initial action modes. This way you can have a quicker access to three
    different action modes, say, a single-finger long touch for verses selection, a two-finger long touch
    for words highlighting, and a three-finger long touch for a remark insertion.
  11. Verses selection improvement:
    • long-touch on the Bible text starts verses selection, as it was before (selects the long-touched
    • in the verses selection mode, a simple touch selects/unselects a touched verse
    • in the verses selection mode, a long touch on a NOT SELECTED verse selects a range of verses
      from the previously selected verse to the long-touched verse (this helps to select an entire
      chapter, if desired)
    • in the verses selection mode, a long touch on a SELECTED verse unselect a touched verse and all
      selected verses adjacent to it
  12. When downloading a module, the indexing stage that is automatically performed after the module
    downloading is completed is now explicitly indicated for a module, so that the user does not think that
    the downloading process has stuck and/or keeps eating traffic for no use.
  13. Provided popup tips for all buttons in the main window:
    • Popup tips can be shown by pointing (not touching) S-Pen to a button on Samsung devices equipped
      with S-Pen.
    • Tips can also be shown on mouse hovering over a button – if a mouse is connected to the device,
      or when MyBible is used on a PC or Mac (see on how to run MyBible on a PC or Mac).
  14. Maintaining of the navigation history is improved, to ensure that exact jump locations are preserved:
    • the exact position after a jump stays in the navigation history
    • scrolling after a jump results in an additional entry in the navigation history
  15. “Search” functionality improvements:
    • Added a possibility to search for verses containing words highlighting/underlining.
    • In the search results, words are shown underlined that are highlighted/underlined in a Bible
  16. To the header of activities added the standard “Back” button.
  17. Automatically created hyperlinks to Bible places are now shown in the remark popup and the bookmark
  18. In the Strong’s number usage search window:
    • provided an option to copy selected verses
    • scroll position is remembered for last 50 Strong’s numbers for which this window was called
  19. In the dictionary lookup window added a possibility to see all the topics available in the current
  20. Refined action of words as hyperlinks:
    • If a word has two Strong’s numbers following it, a word hyperlink activation shows the first
      Strong’s number in the Dictionary window (was showing the second one).
    • If a word has no Strong’s number, prevented showing of the previous word’s Strong’s number on a
      word hyperlink activation.
    • Added a setting “If there is no Strong’s number on a word, a word acts like a hyperlink to a
      dictionary (works with downloaded dictionaries)”. This setting is set by default, keeping the
      behavior of MyBible 4.3.0-4.3.2. Unchecking this setting prevents showing dictionary topics if
      only Strong’s lexicon topics are desired in the Dictionary window.
  21. In the navigation history dropdown list added the “Last references” item that reopens the cross
    references window in its last used state (for the same verse, with the same scrolling position of the
  22. Verses copying and sharing:
    • Added a setting “Enclose cited text into quotes” (turned on by default).
    • Added a setting “Copy ancillary information (subheadings, cross references)” (turned off by
  23. When morphology information is shown in the Strong’s lexicon window, provided a hyperlink to dedicated
    Strong’s lexicon topic describing that morphological form, if applicable. Note: the Russian Strong
    Lexicon module “Стронг” has been updated with data needed for this.
  24. On the second tab of settings, removed settings that are more conveniently available via the “Show”
  25. Provided settings to control the volume buttons action (page scroll or single verse scroll) in different
  26. When subheadings are opened from the Menu, a subheading closest to the current Bible position is
    automatically opened.
  27. Text justification is improved.
  28. Added confirmation for remark deletion.
  29. Opening a word in the Dictionary window is accelerated, especially for the first access to the
  30. Navigation history is now being stored between sessions for the Strong’s lexicon window and for the
    dictionary window.
  31. In the half-screen Notes window a button is added to expand the window full screen.
  32. Popup colors are updated and are configurable in the “Ancillary windows” theme element.
  33. Search history size is limited by 30 entries.
  34. Improved the “Reading places” window behavior: go there on an item click, long-touch to edit reading
    place settings.
  35. When sharing text from a dictionary article, commentary, devotions, a module abbreviation is provided,
    for better indication of the text origin.
  36. Switching of MyBible data directory to SD card on Android 4.4.2 or a newer version is provided with a
    warning that the functionality will be limited then (as SD card is read-only for 3rd party applications
    on Android 4.4.2+).
  37. On the 3rd tab of settings, at the end, provided a hint on moving MyBible data to the SD card on Android
    4.4.2+ devices.
  38. Scroll position of several last viewed articles is now preserved stored for dictionaries, commentaries,
    devotions, even if a corresponding window was closed and re-opened.
  39. Creation timestamp and and updating timestamp in bookmarks now have a one-second precision, which
    provides for sorting of bookmarks in the exact order of their creation during the same day.
  40. Format of all the MyBible configuration files is changed from XML to JSON, in order to speed up loading
    and saving of configuration data. Conversion of each configuration file is performed automatically, on
    the first access to it.
  41. Added MyBible localizations:
    • Mossi
    • Czech


  1. Eliminated a previously observed delay with adjustment of header buttons upon appearance of windows.
  2. In order to address the complaint on impossibility to normally enter a notes text using SwiftKey, added
    the following setting, on the second tab of settings, “Notes” group:

    “Mark hyperlinks to verses in
    Notes window as you type (uncheck this if you use SwiftKey or a similar keyboard improvement software)”.
  3. Remarks being entered no longer disappear on the device rotation.
  4. A remark attached to a verse number is now visible and clickable/editable (was hidden and only
    accessible via the “Remarks” menu item).
  5. Fixed manual searching in dictionaries ignoring accents.
  6. Strong numbers navigation history in the Dictionary window no longer changes the currently selected
  7. Verses copying settings are now applied to the Search window and to the Cross References window.
  8. Fixed a problem with occasional incomplete page scrolling on screen touch after highlighting or
    underlining of some text.
  9. In the “References” window, a subject verse can no longer take more than 1/5 of the screen area (it is
    scrollable if it does not fit).
  10. Fixed a bug with incorrect elimination of redundant cross references for the “References” window (not
    all defined cross references were shown).
  11. When usage tips are accessed for the first time on a device, their showing starts in the “All tips”
    category. The “New tips” category is automatically selected after the application update only if the
    user has manually selected the “New tips” category at least once before.
  12. Fixed a problem with not carrying on a new line very long words, e.g. TNH5, Isa 9:4, the name
  13. Fixed handling of hyperlinks from English commentaries to a Russian Bible translation, where numbering
    does not match (Psalms).
  14. Landscape and portrait orientation locking flags are made a part of a profile.
MyBible 4.3.2 - May 21, 2015


  1. French localization is updated, with “bookmark” and “highlight” terms translations corrected to conform
    the current trend.


  1. Fixed a crash when entering notes on Android 4.2.2.
  2. Restored compatibility of MyBible with Android 2.1-2.2 (was crashing on an attempt to download a Bible
    translation module or to search in the Bible text, and in some other places).
MyBible 4.3.1 - May 18, 2015


  1. Prevented a crash on startup in some cases when a reading places file from the previous MyBible version
    was present on the device.
  2. Small corrections to Arabic localization.
MyBible 4.3.0 - May 16, 2015


  1. Added “Text to Speech” functionality – an additional action mode when a verse is long-touched.
  2. Added support of dictionaries.
    • Provided for downloading Biblical dictionaries in several languages.
    • Added a set of settings on the third tab, captioned “Action of Bible words as hyperlinks”.
    • Dictionary window can now be switched between the “Strong’s lexicon mode” and “dictionary mode”.
    • In “word dictionary mode”, the topic selection button in the dictionary window header calls a
      dictionary lookup tool.
    • For a single selected verse added the button to show dictionary topics explicitly referencing
      that verse.
  3. Added “Commentaries for a verse” functionality, available when a single verse is selected, and also
    available from the Commentaries window header.
  4. Search improvements:
    • Supported search in Bible translation having accents and similar characters, when a sought text
      is entered without accents (important for searching in Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, even Spanish,
      etc.) – turned on by default, can be turned off from the search settings.
    • Eliminated a confusing case sensitivity-related search setting. As the result, case-insensitive
      search and combining of sought fragments by & and | is now available on any device.
  5. Notes window improvements, to make it more helpful for preparing and following lesson or sermon notes:
    • References to Bible positions are automatically becoming hyperlinks to corresponding Bible

      Note: book abbreviations from references are being searched in the currently open
      Bible translation(s), so, for example, English book abbreviations will not become hyperlinks if
      a Russian Bible translation is open.
    • Notes window can be made read-only using a button in the header, so that prepared notes cannot
      be accidentally deleted, and clicking on a hyperlink in notes does not cause the virtual
      keyboard to appear (and obscure Bible windows).
  6. Usage Tips improvements:
    • Provided several thematic, selectable subsets of usage tips, including new usage tips (which is
      a default subset).
    • Supported searching in usage tips by a user-entered fragment (word).
  7. Improvements of configurable buttons in headers:
    • The order and presence of action buttons for selected verses in the Bible window is now
      configurable, as well as buttons in all the ancillary windows.
    • Configuring of buttons in all headers is placed onto a separate new tab of Settings.
    • Vertical fling on a shown configurable button opens a dropdown list of the remaining
      configurable buttons that did not fit the header.
    • Provided a way to reset configurable buttons to their initial state.
  8. In Commentaries, Dictionaries, Daily Devotions added the “Share selected fragment / report a module
    defect” button (long touch to report a module defect).
  9. Startup time is reduced by 0.5-1 second.
  10. Added an option to show/hide explanations built-in to the Bible text.
  11. Navigation history:
    • Provided a configurable header button “Navigation history”.
    • Long touch on the “Navigate back” and “Navigate forward” menu items shows navigation history (as
      well as long touch on the “Back” and “Forward” Bible window header buttons, which was already
      working in previous versions).
  12. Reading places:
    • Each profile now has its own set of reading places.
    • Reading places created with a previous version of MyBible are taken to the currently active
      profile during the first start of the new MyBible version.
  13. In settings, at the end of the second tab, provided the option “Automatically copy selected verses to
    clipboard when creating bookmarks and sharing verses”.
  14. Improved commentaries handling when windows synchronization is turned off:
    • Opening a commentaries window in this case positions the commentaries to the current place in
      the Bible window.
    • The button to do one-time synchronization with the current position in the active Bible window
      is shown in the commentaries window header in this case.
  15. Added support of quotation indents (to mark Old Testament quotations in the New Testament, as it is done
    in some printed Bible versions).
  16. Modules update acknowledge dates are moved from the settings (profiles) to a separate single file:
    yellow highlighting is now the same for all the profiles, and a profile loading/saving time is improved
    a bit.
  17. When a filter is entered for bookmarks, it is no longer cleared on closing of the Bookmarks window.
  18. In themes, the “Lists” theme element, provided a setting to control font size of dropdown lists.
  19. When more than one Bible window is open and no other windows, the “Back” button press closes the last
    Bible window.
  20. In the window showing cross references for a verse added a possibility to copy verses to Clipboard.
  21. Windows synchronization is automatically turned back on when closing the second Bible window after it
    was automatically opened to show a cross reference.
  22. Added Latvian localization.


  1. Fixed unexpected clearing of previous search results, accidentally made in MyBible 4.2.1. When returning
    to the Search window, the already found results of the previous search are now shown again, scrolled to
    to last scroll position.
  2. Fixed a problem with overlapping Hebrew/Arabic (any right-to-left) words in the Bible text in case if
    the line justification setting is on.
  3. When another profile is selected that has another theme specified, switching of the theme is made
    complete (subheadings appearance was not switched in the previous version).
  4. Fixed a problem with navigation history showing empty items after closing the upper window among the two
    shown Bible windows.
  5. Corrected horizontal placement of Strong’s numbers in right-to-left Bible modules (Hebrew).
  6. When closing certain windows by a button click on them, the virtual keyboard is now forcibly hidden (was
    staying visible on some devices): done for bookmarks editing, bookmark category editing, theme renaming.
  7. Fixed search of Hebrew Strong’s number usage in Septuagint where all Strong’s numbers point to Greek
    lexicon, not Hebrew (search of Hebrew Strong’s number in Septuagint returns nothing now, used to return
    false occurrences).
  8. Search of Strong’s number usage works much faster now (all the modules with Strong’s numbers were
    updated to support this).
  9. Fixed a problem with impossibility to select last couple of lines of text in the Commentaries,
    Devotions, Dictionary windows on devices where the text selection toolbar appears at the top ow the
    window, shifting the entire layout down.
  10. Fixed handling of hyperlinks from Strong’s lexicon to Bible verses.
  11. Eliminated possible several spaces in between words when copying verses from Bible translations having
    Strong’s numbers.
  12. Fixed a defect with the single touch not working on some devices.
  13. Fixed a problem with reading plan item highlighting not appearing when a reading plan item is opened
    while the required place is already on the screen.
MyBible 4.2.1 - February 21, 2015


  1. Words highlighting/underlining:
    • Highlighting/underlining control panel is eliminated as unreasonably consuming screen space.
      Instead, corresponding controls are provided in the Bible window header.
    • Words highlighting, underlining, and erasing of highlighting is made more natural and
      convenient: once the highlighting finger movement is started, all the words in the range between
      the starting touch point and the current touch point are affected.
    • Highlighting erasing functionality is made easily accessible in the words highlighting and words
      underlining mode. Note: highlighting erasing is still available as a separate mode, too.
  2. Introduced MyBible profiles:
    • MyBible now allows having several named sets of settings, essentially forming “profiles” that
      allow switching between different configurations/saved states of MyBible.
    • You can have different sets of windows, theme selection, navigation history and virtually all
      the other MyBible settings configured/prepared independently in each profile.
    • You can create, select, rename, delete, share MyBible profiles via the “Profiles” menu item.
    • The same single set of themes, bookmark sets, reading places, words highlighting/ underlining
      and remarks is used by all the profiles.
    • Notes are no longer stored in a file in the /MyBible/user/notes directory but are incorporated
      into a settings (profile) file, so that each profile has its own notes.
  3. Configurable control buttons that do not fit the Bible window header width are now available via a
    dropdown list that can be open by a fling up or down on a shown configurable control button.
  4. Identical menu and buttons icons for Bible window, commentaries window, dictionary window are replaced
    with more appropriate ones.
  5. Added two more settings for touching screen quarters: verse up and verse down.
  6. Added orientation setting “Landscape only”.


  1. Prevented a cyclic restart problem observed on Android 5.0.
  2. Prevented a problem with modules auto-updating causing damage of a module if the user has turned off the
    device’s screen in the process of modules auto-updating (the modules auto-updating process was and still
    is invisible for the user).
  3. Suppressed a possible crash on showing a bookmarks usage tip.
  4. Prevented possible crash on attempt to close the auto-opened main menu during startup.
  5. Prevented possible crash on highlighting with a finger.
  6. Fixed windows synchronization after jumping to a random verse and after using a hyperlink in a
  7. When “Verses copying and sharing” indicates a reference at the end, missing quotes are provided for the
    Bible text.
  8. Fixed a defect of the “Open cross references in the second window” setting handling, when the selected
    Bible translation in the second window was unexpectedly changed to a translation from the first window.
  9. Fixed a problem with switching to another Bible translation when going back and forward by navigation
  10. When exporting bookmarks, a default file name for export is modified from the current bookmarks file
    name, to avoid rewriting own bookmarks with the export operation.
  11. In the color picker dialog, when a color component value is being changed by holding the “+” or “-”
    button, prevented accidental “crossing the value boundary”.
MyBible 4.2.0 - January 17, 2015


  1. Added words highlighting and underlining support.
    • Separate words of the Bible text can now be highlighted or underlined.

      Note: words
      highlighting/underlining is separate for every Bible translation.
    • After a long-touch on the Bible text, you now have a choice:
      • select verses by touching them,
      • highlight/underline words by moving your finger over them in the horizontal direction,
        or by touching individual words
      • erase highlighting
      • insert remarks (see below)
    • Highlighting of words can be turned on and off via the “Show” menu item.
    • Theme item “Bookmark categories colors” is renamed to “Highlight colors” – these colors can now
      be used for bookmark categories and for words highlighting.
    • Theme item “Underline colors” is added.
  2. Added support of remarks for the Bible text.
    • A remark can be inserted after any word of a Bible translation.

      Note: remarks are separate
      for every Bible translation.
    • Adding of remarks is available after a long touch on the Bible text.
    • A remark indicator is shown after a word after each a remark is inserted.
    • Double-touch of a remark indicator opens the remark popup.
    • Long touch on a remark popup switches it to the edit/delete mode.
    • Added the “Remarks” window (available from the menu).
    • Remarks indicators can be turned on and off via the “Show” menu item.
  3. “Commentaries” window improvements for more convenient studying.
    • Commentary articles that exceed the commentaries screen height now remember their scroll
      position. There is no longer an inconvenience of losing the place in a long commentary article
      after an accidental switch to another article.
    • Click on the commentaries header button with a book abbreviation scrolls to the beginning of the
      current commentary article (that button was doing nothing in previous MyBible versions).
    • Once a hyperlink in an article is activated, synchronization of the commentaries window with the
      current position in the Bible text is temporary turned off. This allows reading/scrolling the
      Bible text at a referenced parallel place without an inconvenience of abandoning a place in a
      commentary article being studied.
    • The “Synchronize” button (with a pointer down) now appears in the commentaries window header
      once the synchronization was turned off (after following a hyperlink). Click this button to turn
      on synchronization of the current commentary article with the current position in the Bible
    • Commentaries applicability marker, chapter and verse(s) number, at the beginning of commentaries
      articles has become a hyperlink, returning a Bible position corresponding to the open
      commentaries article and automatically turning on commentaries synchronization.
  4. “Verse in different translations” window:
    • Provided descriptions of shown Bible translations (can be turned on and off with the “i” button
      in the header).
    • More convenient sorting of translations: the current Bible translation is always first, then all
      the other translations in the current translation’s language, then the remaining translations
      grouped by language.
    • The current Bible translation is shown in the list, even if it is not selected for comparison.
  5. Favorite Daily Devotions:
    • In the daily devotions window added a button to mark / unmark a particular devotion as favorite
      (the star button).
    • Favorite devotions are accessible by the long touch of the favorite button in the devotions
    • Favorite devotions are also accessible from the Start Screen – the star button on the right
  6. Downloadable modules updates: there are settings now to control checking for updates and to
    automatically download modules updates.
  7. “Random verse” menu item and header button are now configurable on a long touch on them:
    • you can now select book(s) to open a random verses from
    • you can request the “First verse of a random chapter”
    • usage tip on the random verse is added
  8. When Strong’s numbers are hidden by a double-tap on the translation selection button, dictionary windows
    are hidden, too.
  9. When an empty Dictionary window is opened from the menu, a tip is shown in it, explaining how to use it.
  10. Ancillary text windows (commentaries, devotions, dictionaries) in themes:
    • Theme element “Dictionary, Notes, Comments” is renamed to “Ancillary windows”.
    • Reworked sizing of these windows: their sizes are now expressed in percent of a Bible window.
    • Font selection provided in the “Ancillary windows” theme element.
  11. Lists in themes:
    • Added the font selection to the “Lists” theme element.
  12. Search window layout is reworked for landscape orientation.
  13. Usage tips updates:
    • Updated usage tips on reading places.
    • Added usage tips on bookmark sets.
  14. Upon insistent requests from one user, added the “Experimental settings” group, with the “Creative
    reading (right to left)” setting there.
  15. Reading plans improvements:

    • Reading plan start date is now attached to a particular date (was: to particular day of a year).
      This helps to have natural repetitions of reading plans shorter than a year.
    • Reading plan duration is now shown in the “Reading plans” window.
    • Dropdown list of reading plans is now sorted by their descriptions.
    • You can now select more than one reading plan to be shown in the Start Screen.
  16. Added a control setting “Scroll on touch, activate hyperlink on touch” (third tab of settings, “Screen
    touch action” group).
  17. Screen areas touch action:
    • Added “No action” option
  18. Provided a navigation option “Show chapter selection for single chapter books” (off by default).
  19. Provided an option to show Notes window next to the Bible window (selected by default).
  20. Provided an option “Open cross references in the second window (turning off windows synchronization)”.
  21. Provided an option to confirm exiting the application on Back button (set by default).
  22. Provided the “Copy” item in the Bible window navigation history, that copies the navigation history list
    to clipboard.


  1. Restored loading of fonts located in the /fonts directory of the flash storage where /MyBible directory
    is located (this was accidentally broken in MyBible 4.1.0).
  2. Prevented MyBible hang-up (black screen, making a device almost not responsive) in case if MyBible
    detects that one of the settings files was externally modified and there is an error in that file.
  3. Fixed selection of chapter/verse when creating/editing a bookmark – did not work in case if the “Suggest
    verse selection after chapter selection” setting is off.
  4. Fixed a problem when settings, bookmarks, reading places, themes were not stored in case if a
    corresponding subdirectory was manually deleted from the /MyBible/user directory.
  5. Corrected displaying of bookmarks as popups – scrolling is used when a bookmark description does not fit
    the screen.
  6. Fixed an intermittent defect with incorrect yellow highlighting in the Modules window.
  7. Fixed the out-of-memory problem appearing while rendering Bible chapters containing the “………”
    characters sequence, e.g. IBS Neh 7. This defect is spotted and fixed thank to a non-indifferent user
    who cooperated with the MyBible developer by email to have the issue resolved rather than complain in
    the feedback at Google Play and do nothing else.
  8. Prevented occasional not precise positioning when jumping to another place in the Bible.
  9. Reading plan items that point to books not existing in the current Bible translation are now disabled
    and labeled “Not in module” (was showing “null”).
  10. Fixed plain text format of sending bookmarks for printing.
  11. Corrected morphology indication description.
MyBible 4.1.0 - October 24, 2014


  1. Added daily devotions support:
    • Devotions is a new kind of downloadable modules, providing a series of devotional meditations on
      a Bible subject or theme, with a reference to Bible verse(s), one devotion a day. Downloadable
      devotions are authored by known Biblical scholars and evangelists.
    • Once a devotions module is downloaded, the “Devotions” menu item can be used to open the
      Devotions window.
    • Touching Bible verse hyperlink in the devotions window opens a corresponding Bible place in the
      active Bible window.
    • You can assign a start date to every devotions series separately (a default start day is January
    • You can navigate to the previous and next devotions, and open devotions for a particular date.
    • Devotions are accessible from the Start Screen.
  2. Added support of MyBible synchronization between different devices of the same user.
    • MyBible data files organization is adjusted to clearly separate data entered/collected by the
      user from data downloaded from the MyBible modules repository and used “as is.”
    • Actual synchronization of MyBible data between devices of the same user is to be performed by
      external software, like “Drive Autosync” or “Dropsync”.
    • Upon bringing up the Bible window, MyBible now checks for external updates of the user data
      (MyBible settings, bookmarks, reading places, current theme). If an external change is detected,
      MyBible loads and applies externally modified user data.
    • See the “Synchronization” section in “About” for details.
  3. Added support of morphology in Bible translations with embedded Strong’s numbers:
    • Morphology forms indication is provided in several Bible translation modules (only Greek NT so
      far: TR+, UBS4+).
    • Morphology indication interpretation information is added to the Russian Strong’s dictionary
      (please make sure you have updated the Russian dictionary module Стронг).
    • If a Strong number is activated that has a morphology indication following it, the word’s
      morphology form information is shown at the beginning of the Strong’s dictionary article.
  4. MyBible icon can now be selected by the user, for preaching to people for whom the cross is a stumbling
    block. Three options of an icon are available: the original MyBible icon with the cross, the icon with
    the David’s star instead of the cross, and the icon with no sign on the book’s cover (for muslims).
    Explanation is available via the “About” menu item.
  5. Added a possibility to open a second commentaries window.
  6. Volume buttons now scroll by a single verse (instead of a whole page) when the Commentaries window is
    shown, thus helping to study all the commentaries, verse-by-verse.
  7. The “Verse in different translations” functionality now reacts faster and provides visual progress while
  8. A two-finger swipe left/right in the Bible window now navigates to the next/previous book.
    • Added corresponding menu items.
    • Added corresponding configurable header buttons.
    • Added a complimentary setting “Recognize two-finger swipe left/right, as a jump to the
      next/previous book. If not checked, two-finger touch calls the book selection window”.
  9. In full screen mode, the menu button of the topmost Bible window shows the current time.
  10. Bookmarks report for printing can now be sent in either HTML or plain text format.
  11. Module quick selection now provides a module description in addition to abbreviation.
  12. Added a setting to specify a verse number in every verse when copying/sending verses.
  13. Added a setting to justify verses text.
  14. Spanish localization is completed.


  • Corrected appearance and scrolling behavior of the Reading Plans window.
  • Font size in the Commentaries window is now controlled by the “Dictionary, Notes, Comments text size”
    setting of the “Dictionary, Notes, Comments” theme element (before it was mistakenly controlled by the
    text size in the “Verse text” theme element).
  • Navigation history size is limited by 30 entries, to prevent its unlimited growing with time, causing
    bloating of the MyBible configuration file and thus increasing of the MyBible startup time.
  • Fixed a problem with incorrect page up/page down functionality (scrolling a few lines too far) in case
    if MyBible is switched from the full screen mode to the normal mode.
  • Fixed a feature allowing some modules to have Bible window text sizes increased by a certain ratio (used
    in Orig+ to increase text sizes by the factor of 1.2).
  • When scrolling the Bible text one-hand (with a thumb), reduced a probability of a false horizontal fling
    detection, causing an unexpected jump to the next or previous chapter.
  • Somewhat reduced an amount of memory taken by MyBible when loading Bible chapters. This might help avoid
    an “out of memory” problem reported by several users (via MyBible crash reports).
  • Fixed a defect with moving to from the first chapter to the last chapter of the previous book: last
    chapter number of the previous book was defined incorrectly.
  • Fixed a weird MyBible behavior after a gentle short scrolling touch, when the current place was lost due
    to a falsely detected page up or page down command.
  • When the Commentaries window is opened for the first time, MyBible now auto-selects some commentary
    module among downloaded. This addresses a question that was frequently asked by users about MyBible
    4.0.x: “I’ve opened the Commentaries window and it says that it couldn’t open commentaries module…
    What do I do?”, with the standard answer to that being “open some commentary module using the leftmost
    button in the commentaries window header”.
  • Fixed handling of hyperlinks in Strong’s dictionary (hyperlinks did not work on some devices).
  • Corrected displaying of Greek texts in commentaries:
    • The option of hiding Greek accents unsupported by the system font is now in the new “Greek
      texts” settings group (was in the “Dictionaries” settings group).
  • Fixed initial selection of Bible books to search, from several individual books to the entire Bible.
  • Fixed a problem with the current Bible translation in a window getting lost (changed to another Bible
MyBible 4.0.5 - September 2, 2014


  1. Fixed a problem with MyBible 4.0.3/4.0.4 crash at startup on a device where it was not installed yet.


  • Added Spanish localization for MyBible user interface (first cut – to be finished in future versions).
MyBible 4.0.4 - August 31, 2014


  1. Improvement for quick selection of Bible translation:
    • Bible translation selection dropdown list (used when “Quick selection of modules” setting is on)
      can now be limited to show not all of the downloaded Bible translations.
    • Long touch on the Bible translation selection button now serves for selection of Bible
      translations (among downloaded ones) to show in the translation selection dropdown list.
  2. Improvement for quick selection of commentaries: similar to how it is done for Bible translations (see
  3. Improvement for comparison of verses in different Bible translations: translations for comparison can
    now be selected/limited, so that the comparison can be more focused on the translations of the most
    user’s interest.
  4. In the “Show” submenu of the Bible window, added the “Portrait only” checkbox (for a convenient access
    to this feature).


  1. Detection of a long touch on a verse is made more reliable. (Increased a maximum distance from an
    initial touch point withing which a finger can wiggle and still produce a long touch).
MyBible 4.0.3 - August 29, 2014


  1. In the Modules window, modules are now grouped by types after grouping by languages – for a better
    convenience of managing them.
  2. In the Modules window, the count of Bible translation languages is corrected to count each of of the
    “small languages” as a separate language.
  3. Reading plans improvements:
    • Reading plans are downloadable modules now, with their format described along with the format of
      other MyBible modules (see MyBible description at Google Play).
    • Each reading plan now has a separate start date.
    • Built-in reading plans are removed from MyBible – please download the plans you need using
      “Modules” menu item – reading plans are at the top, as they are language-neutral.
  4. In the “Verse in different translations” window a click on a translation opens a verse in that
    translation in the lowest Bible window.
  5. Only those modules are now yellow-highlighted in the Modules window which were added/updated after
    MyBible was installed on the user’s device. It essentially means that when the user installs MyBible,
    he/she has a chance to browse through all the modules – all of them would be “new”, so no reason to
    highlight them then.
  6. Hyperlinks in the commentaries window and in the dictionary window now use cross references color from
    the theme.
  7. If selected an option of placing window control buttons at the bottom, it now applies also to the
    Commentaries window and to the Dictionary window.


  1. Prevented several possible MyBible crashes per crash reports received from the users. In particular,
    MyBible should no longer crash if the last used Bible translation cannot be opened anymore.
MyBible 4.0.2 - August 1, 2014


  1. Improved horizontal gesture handling in the Bible window: gesture left (next chapter) and gesture right
    (previous chapter), as well as pulling out the bookmarks panel, can now be made “one-hand”.
  2. New buttons added to the commentaries window header, allowing to switch between the two commentaries
    displaying modes:

    • all commentaries covering the current verse
    • only comments starting with the current verse
  3. Added the “Verse in different translations” functionality – accessible via the new button in the Bible
    reading window header when a single verse is selected.
  4. Cross references for a verse:
    • Duplicate cross references are no longer shown for a verse.
    • For extensive cross references, only the first referenced verse in shown initially, and you can
      expand/collapse such a cross reference as needed.
  5. Added settings on the format of reference in verses being copied or shared (see the second tab of
    settings, at the end).
  6. MyBible now looks for additional fonts in the /fonts directory on the SD card. Note: MyBible still also
    looks for additional fonts in the /MyBible/fonts directory on the SD card.
  7. Storage of MyBible settings is reworked to go to the mybible_settings.xml file instead of the standard
    Android storage of application preferences. (This is a preparation to synchronizing MyBible between
    different devices of the same user).
  8. The commentaries window now indicates why it is empty.
  9. When selecting a new position in the Bible, MyBible suggests (highlights) the last visited verse only in
    the last visited chapter. So when you see a highlighted verse number on the verse selection screen, you
    can be sure this is the last visited place in the book being selected. (Note: MyBible used to remember
    and highlight last visited verse in every visited chapter of every book, but this behavior was confusing
    rather than helpful).
  10. The number of adjustable bookmark category colors (configured in the Themes window) is no longer a fixed
    10 but can be increased or decreased for a theme.
  11. Upon clearing of the search text, the soft keyboard is now shown automatically.
  12. Added a setting to provide a Bible translation abbreviation when copying/sharing verses.
  13. Long touch on the “Share verses” button (when some verses are selected) prepares a Bible module defect
    report email.

    Note: this feature is described in the automatically shown new usage tip.
  14. MyBible will now suggest to show new usage tips, if they have appeared in the new version. Usage tips
    that are new (i.e. added since the previous release of Mybible) have a red marker on them.


  1. An attempt is made to correct a reported problem with an unexpected changing of a selected user
    interface language to the system language.
  2. Search results are no longer cleared after bookmarks manipulation.
  3. Next chapter/previous chapter functionality now takes into account the setting of Russian New Testament
    books order.
  4. On the bookmark editing screen the OK/Cancel buttons are now normally accessible on smartphones in the
    landscape mode.
  5. Fixed a defect with not taking into account the Russian numbering of Psalms when displaying comments for
    them (comments for a wrong Psalm were displayed).
  6. Corrected reading plans “Psalms + OT + NT” and “Chronological order” (defects have been observed and
    fixed by an active user).
MyBible 4.0.1 - June 10, 2014


  • Fixed a scrolling problem reported for MyBible 4.0.0 by several users.
  • Fixed several possible MyBible crash reasons, according to crash reports sent by users since MyBible
    4.0.0 was released.
  • Fixed a problem with missing MyBible icon on devices with low screen resolutions (the default Android
    icon was shown instead) .
  • Fixed a defect in the Themes window, the “Background” theme element, when the “Color highlighting
    opacity” selection was not shown when the “Old paper” background was not checked.
  • Fixed a problematic appearance of usage tips. Usage tips prompt is now automatically shown only once for
    every screen having usage tips.


  • Added a possibility to turn off displaying of the Bible subheadings.
  • Turning windows synchronization on and off is now also available from the “Show” submenu.
  • Added the “never” option for the “Automatic screen off” setting.
  • Page scrolling by volume buttons can now be turned off by a new setting.
  • Sending of bookmarks for printing (in HTML) is improved:
    • bookmarks sorting information is shown
    • a comment for a bookmark is moved below the bookmarked verses text
    • bookmark creation and modification dates are now shown in HTML
    • when sending all the bookmarks for printing, added a possibility of grouping bookmarks by
      categories, keeping the current sorting within categories
  • Added vibration confirmation to the horizontal fling (which moves to the next/previous chapters and
    pulls out the side bookmarks panel).
MyBible 4.0.0 - June 4, 2014
  1. User interface is reworked for more modern and consistent look and feel and for easier access to the entire
    MyBible functionality.

    • The old-fashion Options menu is replaced with a neat menu panel that provides obvious access to all the
      MyBible possibilities.
    • Context menus are no longer used in MyBible. Instead, a modern approach with the Action Bar is applied:
      • Long touch selects items.
      • When one or more items are selected, available actions for selected items appear in the header.
      • Frequently needed actions are shown in the header with icons.
      • Additional actions are accessible by clicking the Overflow (tipple vertical dot) button.
    • Major improvements made in bookmarks.
      • Bookmarks no longer color the verse background but are shown as vertical bars on the right.
        Note: this way a bookmarked span of verses is more obvious. Besides, with this approach a verse
        background coloring can be used for individual words (that is planned for future versions).

        • A touch on a bookmark bar shows the bookmark info.
        • A long touch on a bookmark bar allows to edit or delete the bookmark.
      • Added a possibility to send information on bookmarks of the selected category for printing (as
        an HTML attachment).
      • Added an alternative convenience way to access the bookmarks and the bookmarked text: the
        bookmarks panel which can be pulled with a swipe from the left edge of the Bible window.
    • Introduced the concept of reading places.
      • You can now mark several places in the Bible as your reading places (places you have stopped
        reading at).
      • Reading place markers are color-coded per your preference.
      • You can have as many different reading place markers as you want.
      • A reading place marker is very easy to set after selecting a verse.
    • Introduced the Start Screen:
      • Appears when you open MyBible after closing it with the “Back” hardware button (can also be
        called from the Options menu).
      • Provides all your reading places for easy choosing.
      • Also provides today’s items of your currently selected Bible reading plan.
    • Added more shortcut buttons into the Bible window header:
      • buttons to be shown in the header can be selected via Options
      • as many of selected buttons are shown as the header room permits
    • The interface colors are changed to be closer to the modern Android bluish color scheme.
    • Android-style icons are used throughout the application.
  2. Added support of Bible commentaries.
    • Bible commentaries modules in the Downloadable Modules window are available among the Common Modules for
      a particular language.
    • There is a menu item to open the commentaries window.
    • The commentaries window shows commentaries applicable to the current position in the active Bible
    • A touch on a hyperlink in the commentaries window opens a corresponding Bible location in the active
      Bible window.
    • Synchronization of Bible windows (controlled by a long touch on the second button of a Bible window
      header) also affects commentaries window.
  3. Smaller improvements:
    • Usage tips are reworked to point to elements in animated form instead of providing static screen shots.
    • In the “MyBible original” and “MyBible alternative” themes corrected the colors for words of Jesus (day
      and night mode) and for the verse text in the night mode, so that it is softer for the eyes (if you use
      these themes, reset them to the predefined state to apply the updates).
    • By default, there is no active reading plan. This is done to make sure that the Start Screen does not
      show reading plan items if the user has not explicitly selected a reading plan to follow.
    • Alternative MyBible icon, with the David’s star instead of the cross, is now used not only if a device’s
      system language is Hebrew, but also if Android is able to detect that the device is functioning on the
      territory of Israel.
    • Added an option to show Bible window controls at the bottom.
  4. Fixes:
    • Corrected windows synchronization and current position displaying in a situation when the current book
      does not exist in a Bible translation selected in a Bible window (black window).
    • Prevented a problem with modules not being actually open (empty Bible window after downloading a Bible
      translation), which was reported by a user for the V9+ tablet (Android 2.3.5).
    • Fixed a problem with some reading plan items not being indicated with the red bar.
MyBible 3.4.3 - April 21, 2014
  1. Themes improvements:
    • Added a possibility to limit the font size increasing on the book/chapter/verse selection buttons – see
      the “Control buttons” theme element.
    • The predefined theme “MyBible alternative” is updated to limit the font size on the book/chapter/verse
      selection buttons (if you use this theme, reset it to the predefined state to apply the updates).
    • Fixed a not working “Left and right margin” setting in themes (under the “Margins and spaces” theme
  2. Fixed a problem with opening during MyBible start/restart of not exactly the same Bible position where the
    reader was the last time (but a position few pages above).
  3. Fixed a problem when the second Bible window was sometimes by itself switching to the same Bible translation as
    used in the first Bible window.
  4. Fixed a problem with showing descriptions in the bookmarks list: a correct amount of vertical space is now
    reserved for bookmark descriptions.
  5. In the Septuagint (LXX+) Bible translation (Old Testament), Strong’s numbers now point to Greek Strong’s
    lexicon, as appropriate.
  6. MyBible startup time is shortened slightly more.
MyBible 3.4.2 - March 25, 2014
  1. Performance improvements:
    • Application startup time is noticeably shortened.
    • Book selection and chapter/verse selection windows appear somewhat faster.
  2. Added more reading plans:
    • Canonical order
    • Chronological order
    • Old Testament
    • New Testament
    • Psalms + OT + NT
    • Thematic
    • 10 chapters a day
    • 71 days in Isaiah
    • Christmas
    • NT in 3 months, chronologically
    • Gospel daily
    • Psalms daily
    • Wisdom daily
    • Words of Jesus
    • Epistles, Law, History, Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy, Gospels a week
  3. Appearance themes improvements:
    • The “Ancillary windows” theme item is reworked for clarity into “Lists” and “Dictionaries, Notes,
      Commentaries” items.
    • For Dictionaries, Notes, Commentaries windows there are now separate appearance theme settings for the
      text color and background color.
    • Built-in appearance themes are updated to have the dictionary/notes/commentaries background color and
      text color matching the corresponding Bible windows colors. If you have not made your personal changes
      in an appearance theme you use, it is recommended that you reset your theme appearance to the default
    • When increasing/decreasing font size for all text theme element at once, the lists font size and the
      dictionaries/notes/commentaries font size are also affected correspondingly.
  4. Navigation improvements:
    • Quick selection of Bible translations and commentaries – using dropdown list of abbreviations only. More
      informative selection that shows modules with descriptions, grouped by languages, can be activated by
      unchecking the quick modules selection setting.
    • When selecting a new Bible location, it is now possible (via Settings) to turn off selection of a verse
      after selection of a book and chapter. This way the first verse of a selected chapter is opened, making
      the navigation process faster (although less precise).
  5. In the Downloadable Modules window added the “Remove all highlighting” service menu item.
  6. Fixed a problem of a punctuation sign carrying onto a new line by itself after an inserted word, a word of
    Jesus, or a note.
  7. Fixed a problem of not retrieving enough chapters to cover the screen when scrolling short chapters (Psalm 120
    and the following ones) on a big-screen device (a tablet).
MyBible 3.4.1 - February 10, 2014
  1. Appearance themes improvements:
    • Provided access to appearance theme selection/editing from Options.

      This is done mostly to address
      user’s confusion “Why did the font size adjustment disappeared?” – there were many questions like this
      to the developer after the MyBible 3.4.0 release. Access to appearance themes from the menu is still
      kept as a shortcut.
    • All font sizes within a theme can now be changed at once by either big or small increment. (This feature
      is still available via the “…” button in the theme editing window).
    • “Lines spacing” theme item is changed into “Margins and spaces”.

      “Left and right margin” setting
      added there.
    • Added a setting to control a dictionary window height – in the “Ancillary windows” theme element, scroll
      down if not visible.
    • Provided more predefined appearance themes.
  2. Search functionality improvements:
    • Provided predefined sets of books for searching, matching the color categories in the book selection
    • Books for searching can now be also flexibly and conveniently selected – any arbitrary selection of
      books can be searched.
    • The case insensitive search workaround option is now turned on by default if MyBible detects that SQLite
      engine on the user’s device cannot find a record with mixed-case Russian text.
  3. Side-by-side Bible windows arrangement in landscape mode:
    • When two or three Bible windows are shown, in the landscape screen orientation mode Bible windows are
      located side-by-side now instead of being on top of each other.
    • If not desired, this behavior can be turned off using via the Settings.
  4. Added a new menu item “To random verse”.
  5. Order of books/chapters/verses on the navigation screens for the Orig+ Bible module is changed to be more
    natural: right-to-left for Hebrew books, left-to-right for Greek books.
  6. Data directory relocation/control functionality is reworked to be more clear and safe, and to support several
    switchable MyBible data directories on a device, if needed.
  7. Vibration action confirmation is made shorter.
  8. Fixed a problem with context menu calling on Android 4.4, when lifting a finger up after a long touch was
    causing firing of simple touch event behind the appeared context menu.
  9. Checking of built-in cross references is completed.
MyBible 3.4.0 - January 11, 2014
  1. Added support of MyBible appearance themes:
    • Selection and editing of themes is available from the menu, “Appearance themes” item.
    • Provided several predefined appearance themes.
    • The user can select/copy/modify/delete themes.
    • Several of the MyBible settings have been moved to themes.
  2. Bookmark category color highlighting approach is changed to work with appearance themes:
    • Bookmark category color is now selected from a set of 10 bookmark category colors defined within an
      appearance theme.
    • Color selection now assumes a pair of colors: one for the day mode and one for the night mode.
    • Bookmark category colors configured in an earlier MyBible version are automatically replaced with a
      reference to some color pair number within an appearance theme. So re-adjustment of your bookmark
      category colors will likely be needed after switching to MyBible 3.4.0.
  3. Bible window touch action has two options now:
    • Single touch scrolls by a page, double touch activates a hyperlink (default).
    • Single touch activates a hyperlink, double touch does nothing.
  4. On the bookmark editing window provided a text of verses being bookmarked – for the bookmark location editing
  5. Sorting of bookmarks by date is corrected to have most recently created bookmarks at the top of the list.
  6. Improved windows synchronization on parallel scrolling when there is a difference in subheadings location or
    height in the windows.
  7. Added support of bi-lingual Bible modules – for correct displaying of the newly added module Orig+ (Old
    Testament in Hebrew, New Testament in Greek).
  8. Added an option to explicitly set on the book selection screen the Russian order of the New Testament books
    (Paul’s epistles at the end, before Revelation).
  9. Corrected noticed entry mistakes in several tens of cross references pointing to Exodus, which are actually
    references to Isaiah.
  10. Corrected the control buttons appearance for large screen resolutions.
  11. Fixed a problem with bookmarks not being isHighlighted in some cases.
  12. Added a new Settings tab to switch the MyBible interface language independently of the system locale.
  13. Added Ukrainian user interface localization.
  14. Added Indonesian user interface localization.
  15. Deleted imperfect Italian and Spanish user interface localizations (there are no native speakers willing to help
    the developer with this, decided not to keep these localizations which were not updated for several MyBible
MyBible 3.3.1 - November 18, 2013
  1. Added MyBible usage tips:
    • Automatically brought up by default on opening of every screen for which usage tips are defined.
    • Can be called using the “Show usage tips” menu item.
  2. Added bookmarks creation and modification timestamps, and corresponding sorting in the Bookmarks window.
  3. Presentation of a chapter and verse number for Bible translations in right-to-left languages is changed to be
    natural for a right-to-left reading user. In particular, for an Arabic user:

    • English Bible translation: John 3:16
    • Arabic Bible translation: 16:3 يو
    • Arabic Bible translation, when national digits are used: يو ١٦:٣
  4. In the Downloadable Modules window, all the available languages are again shown by default. The menu item “Show
    all languages” is changed into “Limit shown languages”. This change was prompted by complaints from several
    Russian users after the MyBible 3.3.0 release, like “Where did the English Bible translations go??” 🙂
  5. Several noticed mistakes are corrected in built-in cross references.
  6. Built-in daily reading plans corrected for the book of Jeremiah – all the chapters of Jeremiah are now in the
    plans in their natural order.
  7. Several corrections to prevent MyBible crashes (a follow-up to received automatic crash report emails).
  8. Corrected handling of two-finger touch and three-finder touch in the Bible reading window (no more accidentally
    called several book selection windows on top of each other).
  9. Fixed a problem with MyBible usage after an external SD card has been removed.
MyBible 3.3.0 - November 3, 2013
  1. Bible text scrolling is made more smooth when old paper background is turned on.
  2. Bible navigation improvements:
    • Increased font size in the book selection window.
    • On long touch in the book selection window the beginning of the first book’s chapter is opened.
    • On long touch in the chapter selection window the beginning of the chapter is opened.
  3. Search functionality improvements:
    • Added search options:
      • case sensitive search
      • whole words search
    • Added search possibilities help text.
    • Added a button to clear search text entry.
    • When a search book range is changed, search re-query is auto-performed for the new book range.
    • Added an option to selectively copy found verses to Clipboard.
    • Search history:
      • now called by a long touch on the Search button
      • order of history items is corrected to have the most recent at the top
    • Long search operation can now be canceled.
  4. Added text size adjustment possibilities:
    • added an option to change text size of Bible hyperlinks (cross references, Strong’s numbers)
    • added an option to change text size of search results (and other similar lists – bookmarks, cross
    • added an option to change text size of a dictionary window
  5. Downloadable Modules window is improved:
    • When called, it only shows modules in languages of the user interest, that is:
      • languages of already downloaded modules
      • device’s system language
      • language-neutral modules (cross references)
    • All available languages can be shown/hidden using the “Show all languages” menu item.
  6. The Navigate Back button is never disabled when the Navigation Forward button is not shown. This allows to
    always perform a long touch on the Navigate Back button to call the Navigation History list.
  7. Occasional unneeded spaces around punctuation and quotes (prevented by the previous release in the reading
    window) are now also prevented when copying and sharing verses.
  8. Notes window:
    • now stores in the file “notes.txt” so that your notes will not disappear if you will uninstall the
      application and install it again.
    • you can transfer notes to PC by copying the file “notes.txt”.
  9. Embedded additional fonts are removed from the program installation, as they could potentially be copyrighted.
    Additional .ttf fonts are still taken from /MyBible/fonts SD card directory – place your additional Android TTF
    fonts there if desired.
  10. Removed the option “Retrieve all chapters”:
    • This option was not useful: even on the fastest phones, the many-chapter books like Isaiah or Psalms
      would take too many seconds to load completely, making this function rather annoying.
    • Also, there were cases of a negative feedback on MyBible performance when the users have set this option
      (just to try things out).
  11. Measures are taken to prevent an occasional MyBible crash on startup after a period of inactivity.
MyBible 3.2.0 - August 31, 2013
  1. Added Strong’s number usage search functionality:
    • Allows to study where and how words of the original denoted by particular Strong’s numbers are used in a
      Bible translation.
    • Accessible by the Search button in a dictionary window header.
  2. Added informing the user on added and/or updated downloadable modules which became available:
    • At startup, MyBible will show a popup notification that there are new modules of potential interest.
    • In the Downloadable Modules window, the added and updated modules are isHighlighted in yellow.
    • Downloading the module will clear its highlighting.
    • The user can also prevent a module highlighting using the context menu.
  3. Prevented (mostly) occasional unneeded spaces around punctuation and quotes.
  4. Improved support of Chinese Bible translations displaying.
  5. Added support of emphasized words (used in some Bible translations).
  6. Found verses font is made bigger, found places are isHighlighted in color.
  7. New user interface localizations:
    • Italian
    • Chinese
    • Lithuanian
  8. Fixed the data directory relocation function (became broken in MyBible 3.0.4).
  9. Fixed bookmarks behavior when they are filtered in the list by a description fragment.
MyBible 3.1.0 - August 2, 2013
  1. MyBible now supports Bible text subheadings, downloadable as separate modules.
    • Subheadings help better follow intense Bible chapters when reading.
    • Subheadings also provide an alternative way to navigate in the Bible.
    • One common set of downloaded subheadings can be applied to multiple Bible translations (in the same
      language as the subheadings language or in any language – the user’s choice).
    • Provided two Russian subheadings modules, sourced from a printed pastor Getse’s Bible:
      • Bible chapters chronology
      • Bible text subheadings
    • No longer needed built-in subheadings are removed from the downloadable Russian Bible translation

      • RSTG became RST
      • MDRG became MDR
    • Provided English subheadings from a printed King James Bible translation.
    • Added the context menu item “Navigate by subheadings” (for the current book).
    • Added the Options menu item “Navigate by subheadings” (for the entire Bible).
  2. MyBible now supports searching in bookmarks by a bookmark description: added a “Filter by” input in the
    Bookmarks window.
  3. Added options:
    • Force a case insensitive search workaround (this is apparently needed for some devices with a
      custom-built Android version).
    • When Strong’s numbers are shown, do NOT scroll a page per a single tap (turned on by default).
  4. Fixes:
    • Fixed a problem of extra lines scrolled on page up / page down, after the screen is switched to full
      screen and back.
    • Fixed a problem of slow user interface reaction when a custom font is selected for the reading window.
    • Fixed a problem with not restoring the system screen switch off time on activating another application.
MyBible 3.0.4 - July 8, 2013
  1. Added “Share selected verses” option in the context menu.
  2. Added a full screen mode, turned on by default for screens no more than 6 inches.

    Can be turned on and off:

    • by a double-tap on the Sel button
    • from the menu
    • from Options
  3. Added an alternative way to start selection of another position in the Bible: touching the Bible reading window
    with two fingers simultaneously.
  4. Added a night reading mode, which can be turned on and off:
    • via the menu
    • by touching the Bible reading window with three fingers simultaneously
  5. Provided several additional selectable fonts for the Bible reading window.
    • You can have additional fonts available for selection by placing .ttf font files into the /MyBible/fonts
      directory on the SD card.
  6. Added an option to lock portrait screen orientation (turned on by default for screens no more than 6 inches).
  7. Added an option turn off Jesus’ words highlighting in red.
  8. Added an option turn off showing of subtitles.
  9. Action of a fling left/right on the Bible reading window is reversed for a more natural flipping of chapter:
    • fling left now moves to the next chapter
    • fling right now moves to the previous chapter
  10. Bible reading plan can now be started at any day.
  11. Access to bookmark category adding/editing possibilities is made more obvious by adding a “…” button on the
    right of the bookmark category selection control.
  12. Added support of the right-to-left-writing languages (Hebrew Bible modules will be available for downloading
MyBible 3.0.3 - June 24, 2013
  1. Better support of bigger screen sizes (tablets) by the Bible reading window:
    • Header is scaled separately for large and extra large screens (7″ and 10″, respectively).
    • Font size of the book/chapter/verse selection buttons is increased automatically, depending on the
      available screen space and the number of the buttons shown.
  2. Provided a shortcut to navigate within the currently selected book – double-tap on the current Bible position
    button in the header:

    • Single tap still allows to navigate starting from the book selection.
    • Double-tap simply skips the book selection, jumping to the chapter selection.
  3. Bible text font can now be chosen from the three Android built-in fonts: Droid Sans, Droid Serif, Droid Sans
MyBible 3.0.2 - June 13, 2013
  1. Improvements and fixes related to the first start, when there is no Bible translations downloaded yet.
    • Menu items and buttons are disabled which were causing exceptions without a Bible translation open.
    • Downloadable Modules window is made full-screen.
    • A reminder is shown to download and open a Bible translation if the user closes the automatically open
      Downloadable Modules window without downloading a Bible translation.
  2. Navigation history access changes.
    • Clearing of navigation history is removed from Options menu, to free up a slot for a more frequently
      needed menu item.
    • Clearing of navigation history is now available as the first item in the navigation history list (menu),
      callable by a long touch on the Back or Forward button.
  3. Unnecessary menu items are removed, Options menu item is now more easily accessible.
  4. Unnecessary confirmation popup message is removed on copying selected verses to Clipboard.
MyBible 3.0.1 - June 8, 2013
  1. Improved appearance of the context menus.
  2. Fixed the problem with searching of several words (a phrase) not finding anything in translations with embedded
    Strong numbers.

    • Search in translations with embedded Strong numbers is now as fast and capable as in translations
      containing plain Bible text only.
    • A price of this, however, is creation of a translation copy with Strong’s numbers removed on the SD

      • When you perform a search for the first time in a Bible translation containing Strong’s numbers,
        MyBible will delay your search up to about a minute to create a modified copy of the
      • A created translation copy is a bit smaller than the original translation, but still takes
        several megabytes on your SD card.
  3. Fixed a crash situation on return from Options when there is no Bible translation open.
  4. Fixed a problem with sometimes disappearing translation abbreviation indication.
MyBible 3.0.0 - May 29, 2013
  1. MyBible distribution moved to Google Play! This became possible because:
    • Volker Burggräf suggested to use
      free resources

      as the source of Bible translation modules.
    • Volker Burggräf has also invested his personal time into creation of the Zefania -> MyBible converter –
      coming online soon!
  2. Bible text search functionality improvements:
    • The ‘*’ character can now be used instead of the ‘%’ character to specify any number of any characters.
    • Search is accelerated on Android 4 and newer devices (non-working SQLite case conversion workaround is
      no longer needed starting Android 4).
    • Added a possibility to combine several search criteria using ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘not’. To simplify this
      feature usage, brief reference info is provided in the Search window.
    • Added storing of search history.
  3. Downloadable modules changes:
    • Downloadable modules are now split into groups by the Bible translation language.
    • Provided many more Bible translations for several European languages (if not yet available for you –
      please keep checking, coming soon).
  4. Select Bible translation functionality improvement: available Bible translation are now grouped by translation
  5. New features regarding the reading window header buttons:
    • Search button is now shown in the header if there is room for it (e.g. in landscape screen orientation).
      If there is no room, Search button can be shown instead of Forward button – if the corresponding option
      is set.
    • In case of a long current translation abbreviation, both Search button and Forward buttons hide to give
      more room for the current position selection button.
  6. New features in the reading window (used in some Bible translations):
    • Notes text highlighting.
    • Explicit line breaks.
  7. Appearance of all the windows other than the reading window is reworked to use the Dialog style.
  8. When the old paper background is used, added the optional “work edges” effect – many thanks to Evgeniy Zolotko
    for his efforts to develop this feature.
  9. Options are split into several tabs.
  10. For Android 4.0 and above, switched the order of buttons on the dialogs, to match the system defaults: OK/Cancel
    -> Cancel/OK
  11. Corrections and fixes:
    • Added words (the words not present in the original) among Jesus’ words are now shown in light red (was
      in light grey).
    • Switched places “+” and “-” buttons in the Options.
    • Fixed a defect with not allowing to scroll up in some cases after the “Previous chapter” feature usage.
    • “Chapter Description” context menu item is renamed to “Info”.
    • Back button action is restored to the standard Android behavior.
  12. Added a possibility to move the MyBible data directory from the standard place /mnt/sdcard/MyBible to any other
    location per the user’s preference.
MyBible 2.2.7 - February 24, 2013
  1. Appearance of buttons is improved:
    • Top edge is made sparkling.
    • Corners rounded.
  2. Windows header height is increased for buttons access convenience.
  3. Further corrections for better screen rotation support:
    • Verses selection is now kept on the screen rotation.
  4. Fixes:
    • Fixed a defect with blocking scrolling up after a jump several chapters up in the same book.
    • Jump using extended cross references no longer clears the current Bible reading plan item.
    • Fling right (calling the next chapter) and fling left (calling the previous chapter) shall now be at
      least 1 centimeter long (protection from accidental jump on very sensitive screens).
MyBible 2.2.6 - February 9, 2013
  1. Adjustment for Android 4.x devices:
    • “Search in Books” menu item is moved to the first part of the options menu (it is more
      convenient this way with devices having no “Search” hardware button).
  2. Corrections for better screen rotation support:
    • Fixed crash of the bookmark category editing window on the screen rotation.
    • Fixed behavior of the bookmark and bookmark category editing windows on the screen rotation (preserve
      edited data state).
    • Fixed behavior of the ‘Search in Books’ window on the screen rotation (preserve a selected book to
      search from and a selected book to search to).
  3. Miscellaneous fixes:
    • Restored the functionality of emailing crash notifications to the author (was accidentally broken many
      releases ago without noticing by the author).
    • Fixed the first double-touch in inactive window (was working as a single touch).
    • ‘Search in Books’ for KJV+ no longer shows Strong’s numbers in the search results.
    • Corrected a priority of initial translation selection: first look for RST, if not available – look for
      KJV+, if not available – select an alphabetically first available translation.
    • Removed the not working and not needed ‘Exit’ menu item.
MyBible 2.2.5 - January 23, 2013
  1. “Translations and Dictionaries” MyBible menu item is renamed to “Downloadable Modules”
  2. Provided detailed cross references for the entire Bible.
    • Adopted cross references from the OpenBible project – more than 340 thousand Bible cross references,
      which makes an average of more than 10 cross references per a Bible verse.
    • These additional cross references can be downloaded from the MyBible web site – use the “Downloadable
      Modules” MyBible menu item (look for OBX).
    • In the Bible reading window MyBible still shows the built-in set of cross references taken from the
      Russian Synodal Bible translation – about 10.7 thousand cross references, which makes an average of 1
      cross reference per 3 Bible verses.
    • All available cross references are shown in the new window “Cross References”.
      • Can be open via the context menu invoked for a verse.
      • Can also be called by a double-tap on a verse number.
MyBible 2.2.4 - January 12, 2013
  1. Windows synchronization state is now persistent.
    • Windows synchronization is still on by default.
    • If windows synchronization was turned off it will be off after MyBile restart.
    • If windows synchronization is turned off, the navigation history is stored separately for each window.
  2. Added bookmarks sorting options:
    • sequentially by Bible books (default)
    • by description
  3. Changed windows synchronization indication: “=” means synchronized windows, “≈” means not synchronized windows.
  4. Russian numbering of verses is now automatically selected after installation only for the Russian system locale.
  5. Removed incorrect cross reference from Revelation 14:15 to non-existent Joel 7.
MyBible 2.2.3 - December 22, 2012
  1. Localization is improved:
    • Created separate versions of the initial (sample) bookmarks for English, Russian, and German locales.
    • Built-in Bible reading plan names are translated into English and German.
    • “About” information is translated into German (by Volker Burggräf).
  2. Color picker on the bookmark category editor is slightly improved for more convenient selection of the leftmost
    and rightmost available colors.
MyBible 2.2.2 - December 19, 2012
  1. Fixed a bug with growing left and right text indent on devices with large screen densities.
  2. Added German localization of the user interface (translated by Volker Burggräf).
  3. Added German Bible translation LUT – download from MyBible site if you want it.
  4. Added support for story titles.
  5. Translation abbreviation is now defined only by the translation file name (“info.short_name” field within a
    translation database is no longer used).
  6. Scrolling of notes is improved.
MyBible 2.2.1 - December 13, 2012
  1. Fixed the defect with disappearing of the translation name (hopefully fixed – could not reproduce reliably)
  2. Activated hyperlink highlighting is made more visible – yellow background.
  3. Vibration confirmation is added to the Bible reading plan item selection.
  4. Corrected transition to the next chapter and to the previous chapter(on fling right and fling left) to proceed
    to the very beginning of the first verse.
MyBible 2.2.0 - November 17, 2012
  1. Cross references entered for the entire Bible – thank you my beloved wife for helping with this!
  2. Touch and hold the translation abbreviation area in the header to turn cross references on/off (underlined Bible
    translation name means that cross references are on).
  3. Double-tap the KJV+ translation abbreviation in the header to turn Strong’s Numbers on/off.
  4. RST translation is corrected for Daniel 3:31 incompleteness (re-download RST to have this change).
  5. Downloading progress indication is corrected to show round progress numbers.
  6. ‘Notes’ window appearance is improved.
  7. Reaction on some user actions is accelerated (preferences are saved only when necessary).
  8. Default settings are adjusted for the developer’s preference.
  9. New dictionary window menu item is disabled if there are no downloaded dictionaries.
  10. Alphabetically first Bible translation is automatically selected after initial downloading of Bible translations
    (after-installation behavior improvement).
  11. Bookmark info no longer shows tags when called for KJV+.
  12. Space after a verse number is changed from 5 scalable pixels to 1 whitespace.
MyBible 2.1.0 - August 14, 2012
  1. Added cross-references for the books of Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Daniel,
  2. Ukrainian Bible translation is made available (UBIO).
  3. Location of the epistles of James, Peter, John, Jude in the list of Bible books is now controlled by the
    selected chapters and verses numbering: for Russian numbering these books are located right after the book of
  4. Correction of words spacing.
  5. Minor correction of Strong Numbers spacing.
  6. Prevented a crash (reported by the user).
MyBible 2.0.0 - July 8, 2012
  1. Added support of dictionary windows next to Bible reading windows.
  2. Added (available for downloading) Strong’s Dictionary of the Bible Hebrew and Greek words.
  3. Added (available for downloading) KJV+ Bible translation, with Strong’s numbers and Jesus’ words in red.
  4. Downloading from MyBible site is significantly accelerated.
  5. Added lines spacing option.
  6. Current daily reading plan item is saved when the program is closed.
  7. Provided English-Russian verses numbering correspondence for the book of Daniel (chapters 3 and 4). RST
    translation is updated on the MyBible site to remove non-canon verses from Daniel 4.
  8. Navigation history positioning is made more precise (scrolling within a verse is also stored now).
  9. Touch and hold of a daily reading plan item activates it without a jump to its beginning.
MyBible 1.4.11 - May 2, 2012
  1. Provided an option to show the Bible text on an old paper-like background (more pleasant for the eyes and
    apparently more aesthetic).
  2. Added cross references for the books of Job and Psalms.
  3. Selected Bible reading plan item is now shown by a red stripe on the right edge of the text.
  4. Added an option to override a system setting of the screen auto-off timeout while a Bible text is shown.
  5. Bookmark color picker is improved.
MyBible 1.4.10 - March 24, 2012
  1. Provided an option of smooth page up and page down scrolling on the volume buttons, trackball, up and down keys.
  2. Visual and vibration feedback on buttons and on double-clicking of cross-references is improved.
  3. Provided an option to turn on and off a vibration feedback.
  4. Touching and holding the “Sel” header turns on and off showing of the bookmarks. When the bookmarks
    are shown, the “Sel” header area has bold font.
MyBible 1.4.9 - March 17, 2012
  1. Added cross references for the books of 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther.
  2. Added adjustment of actions on touching of screen quarters (which way to scroll, smooth scroll or not).
MyBible 1.4.8 - March 4, 2012
  1. Fixed scrolling defect on scrolling up to the previous chapter (unexpected jump over a chapter) when the user
    keeps manually dragging down (does not use a fling down).
  2. Added cross references for the book of Acts.
  3. Long texts of menu items shortened.
MyBible 1.4.7 - March 3, 2012
  1. Added cross references for the books 1 Kings, 2 Kings.
MyBible 1.4.6 - February 28, 2012
  1. Added cross references for the books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel.
MyBible 1.4.5 - February 25, 2012
  1. Program startup time is reduced (loading of cross references is optimized).
  2. Added Russian localization of the program (automatically turned on when the Russian locale is activated on the
MyBible 1.4.4 - February 18, 2012
  1. Added cross references for Numbers, Deuteronomy, Luke.
  2. More room is provided to enter a bookmark note. An entire bookmark note is visible in the list of bookmarks.
  3. Bookmark Info feature is made more convenient.
MyBible 1.4.3 - February 10, 2012
  1. Scrolling and font size are improved in the Notes window.
  2. “Features and Their Usage” is added to the “About” text – this is essentially a brief user manual.
MyBible 1.4.2 - January 28, 2012
  1. Added cross references for Leviticus, Matthew, Mark, John.
MyBible 1.4.1 - January 14, 2012
  1. Scrolling is fixed/improved again.
  2. Fixed a defect with unexpected jumps several chapters up on “fling down and wait”.
  3. Button sizes improvements for high resolution screens (navigation, Bible reading plan).
  4. Added cross references for Exodus and Proverbs.
MyBible 1.4.0 - January 7, 2012
  1. Chapter description context menu item is provided. It shows a nearest preceding chapter description above a
    touched place. For the RST and MDRG translations this allows to see an approximate date to which a touched Bible
    place is related. (This is possible because the supplied RST and MDRG Bible translations carry dates from the
    Pastor Getse’s Russian Bible as chapters descriptions).
  2. Added support of cross references. Started population of cross references information from the Russian Synodal
    translation (created cross references for the book of Genesis).
  3. Improved navigation history functioning.
  4. Fixed an initial scrolling defect on the MyBible Reading Plan activity.
  5. Provided English-Russian numbering correspondence for the Song of Solomon.
  6. MyBible versions numbering is changed – a third digit is now used instead of an alpha to indicate a subversion
MyBible 1.3b - December 24, 2011
  1. A visual defect on navigation is fixed (no more jump to the beginning of a chapter before jumping to a required
    place in a chapter).
  2. Provided storing of navigation history between MyBible sessions.
  3. Added Exit menu item.
MyBible 1.3a - December 17, 2011
  1. Bookmarks manipulation possibilities are improved to support bookmark exchange between MyBible users.
    • MyBible now allows having several bookmark sets. One bookmark set at a time can be selected as active.
    • Each bookmark set is stored in a separate file.
    • You can export your bookmark category (or all categories) into a separate bookmark set file and then
      email it to someone.
    • If you receive a bookmark set file via email, you can store it to the MyBible directory on SD card and
    • You can also merge into your active bookmark set some other bookmark set.

    When switching from MyBible 1.2g to MyBible 1.3, please export your bookmarks first. Default
    bookmark set name ‘bookmarks’ would be fine when exporting. This is needed because MyBible stores bookmarks
    differently. (Never mind if you did not use the bookmarks feature before).

MyBible 1.2g - December 10, 2011
  1. MyBible Bookmarks activity got a menu item to export selected category of bookmarks into an XML file. This is an
    intermediate MyBible version which allows the users having some bookmarks collected prepare to switching to
    MyBible 1.3. The 1.3 version will store bookmarks differently and allow bookmarks exchange between MyBible
MyBible 1.2f - December 1, 2011
  1. Corrected handling of Psalms numbering correspondence between Russian and English Bible translations.
  2. Provided numbering correspondence between Russian and English Bible translations for the book of Job.
MyBible 1.2e - November 7, 2011
  1. Can download application updates for itself from the MyBible web site.
MyBible 1.2d - November 5, 2011
  1. Can download user-selected Bible translations from the MyBible web site.
MyBible 1.2c - October 27, 2011
  1. Installation is corrected to carry data on Psalms numbering correspondence between Russian and English Bible
MyBible 1.2a - October 4, 2011
  1. In the reading window the volume control appearance is suppressed on Volume Up/Volume Down. Only Page Up/Page
    Down action is kept.
  2. Reading windows control button width is increased for convenience.
  3. Trackball and joystick support on navigation screens is improved.
  4. On the About screen provided a hyperlink to the latest MyBible download.
MyBible 1.2 - September 24, 2011
  1. Added control, indicator, and options of chapters background retrieving.
  2. Added support of 2 and 3 subwindows with different translations.
  3. Provided 3 different ways of Psalms numbering in a Bible translation: Native, Russian, English. This includes
    numbering in bookmarks, reading plan, search.
  4. Provided trackball and joystick support on navigation screens.
  5. Added an option to hide bookmarks.
MyBible 1.1 - July 29, 2011
  1. Added a crash email notification to the author. If MyBible will happen to crash, during its next launch it will
    suggest the user to send a crash email notification to the MyBible author.
MyBible 1.0 - July 24, 2011

This is the first build made for sharing with others.
