My name is Artur. I’m 22 years old and I’m an iOS developer.

I was born into a Christian family. My parents tought me the Bible. I repented in a summer camp when I was a teenager. I was baptized when I was 16. Thank God I’m still a Christian and keep growing in Christ.
Earlier I was an ordinary active user of MyBible on iOS. One day I was surprised to find out that the father of my friend and classmate is the MyBible project creator and the developer of MyBible for Android. I remember myself braging a few times after that that I know the MyBible creator. By the way, if I’d write “The Creator”, with a capital “C” in the previous sentence, it would also be true and even more interesting, because I know Him, too.
I am a member of a charismatic protestant church “New life” in Kharkiv. Before the war in Ukraine I served in worship, summer camps, youth ministries, home churches, etc. Since I had to temporarily move to another city I cannot participate in those ministries anymore.
I was so glad when Denys asked me to re-publish MyBible for iOS for technical/maintenance considerations, and the suggested to work on this project further. I never thoght that software development can be a ministry, but this has happened to me now. I’m very happy that I can be a member of the MyBible team.
I appreciate the labour invested into MyBible for iOS by its original developer, Serhii Maksymenko. Serhii can no longer work on this project, but he actiely supports me and readily helps to grasp what was already done by him in MyBible for iOS.
I’m inspired when users send appreciating emails for this useful instrument of Bible studying.
I’d like to conclude with a quote I have on my bookmark:
Different books allow you to develop but only the Bible points you to salvation.
Artur Ponomarentko,
July 2, 2022